wierd thought...


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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here are som weird thoughts:

i was just sitting and thinking and then i was like "woah" i realized that....well u no how women carry eggs and one comes out and is fertized and ...yeah u get the idea, i was just so amazed that I was the one born out of the 1000s of little eggs...ME. I was the one O.O i feel specail ^.^ have u ever thought about that? that there was only a 1% chance u would be born and u WERE!

somtimes i think that...mabey...just MABEY that im in MY OWN little world and that no one else is real and that its all just like in my head

i no its weird but i asked my friends and they said that they think about that somtimes too

do U have any wierd thoughts?

I think long and hard about such matters. Such as if we're a tiny universe inside just, one atom, if we're all a dream, etc.

Meh, I don't think about that kind of stuff.


I think different thoughts.

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Haha, I was thinking about that yesterday!

I know its really weird. It was really a miracle that we were born.

No, I don't really ever think about that. What I thnk about is "I am me." which gets really confusing. How am I myself? It's kind of hard to explain the question, but if you know what the question is, it is impossible to stop thinking about and then things get weird.

[SIZE=7pt]I have thoughts like that, but mostly about space and dieing. Someday your life will end and nothing will happen for infinity years. You will just be dead, forever. And about space, we live on a giant round ball of water and land in the middle of a growing universe, and someday our sun will explode and everyone alive will die. :gozarutchi: Life is crazy, right?[/SIZE]
Well, considering you probably haven't been through a Sex. Ed. Class, Yeah, I can see how you would think that. I usually don't have those kinds of thoughts.

My last deep thought like that was probably "What the hell am I doing here. Ruin your life, oh go ahead, smart idea." (about my, uh, 'habit').


somtimes i think that...mabey...just MABEY that im in MY OWN little world and that no one else is real and that its all just like in my head
I have that thought so often it's like not even funny o.o;

I've never had the egg thought though.

I figured it was just because I'm a dreamer. I day dream all the time. I think of things on a daily basis that most people if I talked about them would be, 'wtf is wrong with you?' My head is always in the clouds xP

It's good to know I'm not the only person to think about that type of thing.

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What I mostly think about, though, is things like "Am I dead or am I not?" "Is it truly rain?" "Who invented the toothbrush?" "Why do we feel a need for privacy?" etc. I have many philosophical thoughts as well as strange ones such as who invented the toothbrush.

some times I think that my eyes are lying to me and there is nobody there and its just me all alone......

now thats wierd.

Wow... good thing for this topic.... i though i was just a weirdo ;O

i often wonder how amazing Life itself is... we can speak, communicate, have emotions....

i also often get the little world thing;)

somtimes i think that...mabey...just MABEY that im in MY OWN little world and that no one else is real and that its all just like in my head
OMG I think the exact same thing!

Sometimes. I ALWAYS wonder what I was doing before I was here, like was it just black or was it me in a different life.
yeah i wonder that too! like before i was born was i someone else? my name means "born again" wich is also bretty cool

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