wierd thought...


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here are som weird thoughts:
i was just sitting and thinking and then i was like "woah" i realized that....well u no how women carry eggs and one comes out and is fertized and ...yeah u get the idea, i was just so amazed that I was the one born out of the 1000s of little eggs...ME. I was the one O.O i feel specail ^.^ have u ever thought about that? that there was only a 1% chance u would be born and u WERE!

somtimes i think that...mabey...just MABEY that im in MY OWN little world and that no one else is real and that its all just like in my head

i no its weird but i asked my friends and they said that they think about that somtimes too

do U have any wierd thoughts?
Thank GOD I found people who had the same thoughts! :blink:

It's scary to think about whether (SP?) there really is Heaven and all of those things... And you go there FOREVER with no end at all... :eek: I also sometimes think it's all in my head, I'm just dreaming, etc. I sometimes start crying thinking about it. It's scary to think about!

My biggest head-ache question: What's beyond the universe? What's the end of the universe?

Oh crud, now I have a headache. :(

i have strange thoughts all the time. sometimes i'll look in the mirror for a long time, and be klike....woah, that's me. and i talk to myself a lot. i have strange, philosophical and thoughtful questions and thoughts. that's how i occupy myself xD

I saw a tree and it was in wood chips. Think about it. It's like putting a human in mutilated body parts for over 50 years.

EDIT: I also had the thought about over million sperm cells I was the one that made it.

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I think about that all the time. I can spend ages thinking about those things...

I'll stare up into the sky for a long time...

"Why am I here? Whats my purpose in life?" etc.


I just think about how amazing it all is... LIFE itself.

I also think about how big the universe is, Pufflegotchi.

The dream theory is pretty confusing...

-nodnod-I just think about how amazing it all is... LIFE itself.

I also think about how big the universe is, Pufflegotchi.

The dream theory is pretty confusing...
The dream theory makes me cry, and I don't know why. I guess it's just me going through puberty... :(

The heaven thing is wierd, too... And the number infinite, how the universe is infinite. I don't get how. God sure made the universe a very confusing place... :D THE HEADACHE IS BACK. Rawr...

I always think about when the universe was created.

Was there a beginning and if there was, what was before the beginning?

I always think about when the universe was created.Was there a beginning and if there was, what was before the beginning?
Another thing I can add onto my thoughts. What was the beginning of the universe? What was before the beginning?


D: You guys are acting like its all weird to wonder these thoughts, but its not. Its inquisitive and actually, more a less, a skill.

I have this horrible thought, that I actually forget who I am.

I was thinking that when we die, it's over, like you never existed, and then your stranded in Heaven, for the rest of your time, eternity stuck in one place.

It's scary actually. ._.;

I have this horrible thought, that I actually forget who I am.
I was thinking that when we die, it's over, like you never existed, and then your stranded in Heaven, for the rest of your time, eternity stuck in one place.

It's scary actually. ._.;
I know. In Heaven, you are supposed to be happy forever. FOREVER. NO END. Kind of scary to think about, no end at ALL, stuck in one place... Who knows, it may be different from what we think of it, it may be a wonderful place. I still hate thinking about it. :eek:

not really those but like... I don't know I have issues with denial. like if something happens i pretend that when i wake up in the morning I'll like wake up the day it happens and i have like a plan to stop it from happening and i like.... I am really close to actually believing it sometimes. Like the last time someone died I didn't even realize that they were really gone until a really long time later because I kept telling myself if I got through this day then i would see them again tomorrow.

I always feel like I'm actually an all grown up adult that is in a comma dreaming about her younger years. Only because I'll hear random whisperings of people saying my name and remember things that feel so real that never really happened.

And sometimes I'll sit there and think about how people go "NO! I made up that word, you can't use it! It's my word!" And then I think, well if the people that made up the words that we use on a daily basis said that when someone tried to say that word, we'd have no words to say.

squeakythepenguin92 - Learn to spell correctly before telling us we need a physchiatrist.

OMG all the time. O_O It hurts my head to think about those things and I sometimes cry.

Here are some of my thoughts/questions:

"What is beyond the universe?"

"What happens after we die?"

"What happened BEFORE we were born?"

"Is everything around me just a dream...like I'm in my own little world, and that everything that happens revolves around me?"

i think about what color it was was before god made everything .

and sometimes i do what feels like taking back my body ,realizing that i have control and have nothing holding me back.I lose the emotions and focus.

More infomormation on "my own little world" and "Dream" thought:

Lately I've been wondering if this is all just part of MY world...that the people in it aren't actually real. They may seem real to ME, but they don't actually see through a first-person view. They actually don't see/think at all. They are programmed to fit my life. And all the bad stuff that happens just plays a role to make this all feel even more real. It's REALLY hard to explain, but the thought makes my head go crazy and sometimes I start to cry. I mean, it's a scary thought...for all YOU know, I could not techincally be real but playing a part in your life. Or, the other way around. Grr...now I have a headache!

And, for the "dream" theory, it's really scary too. What if this is all just a big dream and one day I wake up from it and I'm a completely different person from who I was in my dream.

OH, and I cannot not ever THINK about what happened before I was born. I mean, it could have been blackness, but I don't remember seeing blackness. I can't remember seeing anything, whether that be another life, black color, or something completely different. It makes my mind go crazy to think 'What if I hadn't been born? What would have happened then? Would it all be darkness forever and ever, or would I have been born as a completely different person, through a different egg, but I'd still have the same soul?"

Gosh, I hate these thoughts.

OMG all the time. O_O It hurts my head to think about those things and I sometimes cry.Here are some of my thoughts/questions:

"What is beyond the universe?"

"What happens after we die?"

"What happened BEFORE we were born?"

"Is everything around me just a dream...like I'm in my own little world, and that everything that happens revolves around me?"
You are exactly like me. Sometimes I think about it in class and start getting worked up, and that's kind of awkward. I always wanna talk to someone about it, but I don't because I'm scared of being made fun of. :angry: I also hate the "dream theory" and the "my own little world" thing.

All I have to say is that I'm happy that I'm not alone with these thoughts and I'm not going crazy.

Oh, and Tamagirl_Desy, you aren't alone, you aren't that way. I have the same thoughts, so you should feel slightly better about that... And so do I.

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