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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2010
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Do You Guys Like Wii? It seem Pointless to me I dont Like it At all. :furawatchi:

I'm not sure how it's pointless... :furawatchi:

It's a game console like the Xbox or the Playstation only it's by Nintendo, not Microsoft or Sony...

I suppose if you have one of the other consoles - or both, then the Wii might seem pointless - but if you don't have either then you'd probably have a lot of fun playing some of the wii games (Mario Kart's good) :furawatchi:

I think the Nintendo Wii is a great step ahead in video gaming. It enables so many more game possibilites with the motion sensing, and the new Wii Motion Plus. It's my favorite large console system, currently. I'd never say it was pointless, and I'm sorry you feel that way. D:

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The Wii is a family system unlike PS3 and Xbox360 but its not pointless. But I can't argue. It's an opinion.

I personaly think the wii is fairly pointless. most of its games are just boring minigames and sony are making ther own motion corntroller so soon it wont have anything very interesting. (Although there are some good games for it and they thout the concept for motion controllers first) I guess im kindda neutral

My Wii is my most prized possesion, other than my music collection. :)

I've always been a "gamer" though, so I guess it comes down to personal preference.

I love the Wii. I agree with Krystal and Turtwig, it's a great family console and with the motion sensor it brings in another element of gameplay. My prized possession for sure.

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