Wilsy's TamaTerrific Log!


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Mar 1, 2008
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County Down, Ireland
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[SIZE=21pt]Wilsy's TamaTerrific Log![/SIZE]

For my opening statement, I'd like to say, I am sorry if I have been unfaithful with my logs, I promise this one I will stick to until forever!!!

I will update this log throughout bits of the day. Ready and..........

3 eggs appear! Let's see who is the first one to hatch!

The middle one hatched first, and it was a black blob with four sticks on his/her head. I going to make it's colour red. The next to hatch was white, with two little legs. I going to make it green. The final baby was a black blob with a little twirly hat or hair (it'll be purple.) Then I am asked to name them. I think I'll call them the 'Rolo' family in honour of only the most amazing chocolate experience in the WORLD!!! :D

The rolo family appear to be a girl, a boy and then a girl. OK, here's a little info on them, and their individual names.

Girl (Oldest)- Mia - So incredibly smart (A bit too smart her brother thinks)

Boy (2nd Oldest)- Milo - A little athlete and addicted to tennis!

Girl (Youngest)- Maria - The prettiest tama in the world! (Don't know where she gets that from! :D )

Updates later dudes!


Hi again!

The three Ms are doing fine except for the fact that they got sick, but I quickly cured them! The next update will be when they evolve.

*Just to let you know, tama talk has a rule against comments in logs, so just to keep everything in perfect order, let's avoid posting replies in the thread. But we still all love giving a comment, so send me a PM instead. I'll actually read the comment quicker if I see I've got a PM when I log on! :D *

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The rolos have laid their heads and decided to have a nap. As far as I know the actual bed time is 9pm. That means I'll have some time alone afterwards. Not that I don't like the little kids, but every parent needs some time away, you know what I'm sayin'? :)

[SIZE=14pt]They've evolved!!![/SIZE]

The Rolos have evolved and are now having a bath! Here are the new stats:

Girl (Oldest)- Mia - Sakuramotchi

Boy (2nd Oldest)- Milo - Ahirukutchi

Girl (Youngest)- Maria - Tororotchi

Eye on the rolos:

Did you know the scientific name for water is h20?

It doesn't matter to me, as long as it makes me look pretty!

Rub-a-dub dub! In the tub!

They're so funny. Well, goodnight folks. Updates tomorrow....

Wilsy :rolleyes:

The rolos woke up today as happy as can be!

Eye on the rolos:

I'm loving this tororotchi feelin'!

Yes, I am quite satisfied being a sakuramotchi!

Ahirukutchis rule!

They really have taken ashine to their new characters!

Wilsy :p

Hi all!

This morning the rolos awakened at 7am. I woke at exactly 10:27am. It was a bit late but they were ok. At the moment they're going to have lunch.

And now to look in on our favourite little family, with............

Eye on the rolos!

Aw, can we have fried rice for lunch?

No, I think we should have bread, so we can have a balanced diet!

I have to agree with Maria. Bread is an ideal lunch meal, and it is reasonably healthy. Fried rice is more suitable for dinner.

2 against 1, Milo! Bread it is!

:D And so, the rolos had bread for lunch, and a donut afterwards. :furawatchi:

BTW, The rolos are due to change into teens today! I'll update when they do! ^_^

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[SIZE=14pt]They've evolved!!![/SIZE]

The rolo family have evolved into teens! Here is an update on their characters:

Girl (Oldest)- Mia - Shelltchi

Boy (2nd Oldest)- Milo - Korokotchi

Girl (Youngest)- Maria - Ichigotchi

I think I'll enter a few of those codes now!

But before that....

Eye on the rolos:

What time is it?

Almost bedtime anyway!

Really? Boy, time flies!

We've just had our bath. I'm off to watch some tennis before bedtime.

Yeah. I'm going to read my beauty magazine while I can.

I will revise on my science and math during the period remaining.

They are really growing up! Well, the next update will be tomorrow, so goodnight tamatalkers! The rolos are saying goodnight too!

Wilsy :(

Hi tamatalkers! ;)

It's been a pretty inactive tama day today, so I'm only going to do one update. It's ideal for me too, because I'm quite busy. They woke promptly at 7am, and I woke at 9am. A bit earlier this morning. I've also kind of decided who I'm going to marry up. I haven't told the rolos yet, but I think I might marry Maria. I'm not making any promises, though. :)

I entered a few codes yesterday evening after the update. I got some of everything, but didn't manage to get rares because they fell asleep then. Last night Milo's fave tennis player won, Maria learned some new beauty tips from the mag and Mia is getting better still at science and math.

Eye on the rolos:

I can't wait 'til tomorrow!

How come?

We're evolving into adults!

Oh, yay!!!!

Calm down, you two. It won't be long now!

See you tomorrow!

Wilsy :D
