Winter Discussion!


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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2005
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Well, there have been a few topics about Summer and how hot it is,

And its Winter for me now! Lol.

Its so cold! >.<

I right now have 2 blankets wrapped around me, Lol.

I love when its winter and it rains,

But I don't really like it when its not raining.. x__x

Lol, werid I know. I'm just werid like that. xD

(Btw, I live in Australia just to let you know.)


i know what you mean i love it when it rains but i hate it when its cold its frezing in cambra when you dont have a heter my vent was closed and it got to -3! :) :angry:

Whoa! Thats cold! x__x

I have 2 heating systems in my house, one of them is an Air Conditonar that you can change to produce warm air, but it only warms up our living room because its very old. xD

We also have one of those little heaters that is outside mine and my sisters room, I usually just sit in front of it. xD


I have been to the snow before, but that was when I was in New Zealand. :D

It doesn't snow in Australia.. atleast I think it doesn't, xD

I hate it at night how its so cold, I have literally 7 blankets and I'm still cold, but I get cold/hot real easy, i'm werid lol.


Thats pretty cool! Where I am its so hot, I could melt!

I hate being warm better then being cold because being cold is more comfortable to me...XP

Wow! Who knew?

Here in Canada, we are literally boiling to death.

Besides that, we've been having Tornado Warnings in northern Ontario lately.

I actually want it to be winter now. :wacko:

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