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i would wish for infinate wishes

then i would wish for World hunger to end, then for money XD

3 more wishes, then I'd wish for no more poverity, world peace, end world hunger, 3 more wishes (lol), I had infinite money, everyone was rich, 3 more wishes, no-one was mean, a sandwich, 3 more wishes, global warming ended, a sandwich and then unlimited wishes. but then I'd have no more things to wish for. xD


thats so kl!

I thought of some other wishes too

* End Global Warming

* Have more money

* When you see like a advert for a nintendo ds you could put your

hand through the t.v and take it out

* Me to be a Bollywood and Hollywood star

* Meet most famous people

* World peace

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Wish for alot of more wishers XD


1) True love (A nice looking boy too)

2) Better Grades

3) Become a Cartoonist for Cartoon Network

4) End World Hunger

5) End Global Warming

6) Everyone on Tamatalk to meet in life sometime (THATS AWSOME!)

7) Learn Japanese, Spanish, and French

8) Vacation in Japan (Well aint that obvious XP)

9) Infinate Knowledge

10) Have a Labtop with the Clearwire service

11) Get alot of money

12) Be able to fly!

I'd wish health to all my family, friends, and myself.
Or.....(if I had two wishes!)

Be a famous actress. ;) Thats what I want to be. It's a personal goal for me.

Good one. Why didn't I think of that? Everyone in my family will be sick. :angry:

I would wish for 3 more wishes:

1. My family and friends to be happy and have enough of what they need until they pass away.

2. To have my family and friends to always live within a 200 mile radius of me.

3. To have some boy that isn't already part of my family (eww) or friends like me in that special way for who I am and not how I look!

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these are so kl

this is another wish

* Keep my family safe and well

* Being able to fly, go through walls doors stuff like that and the power of persuasion

I would wish for unlimited wishes! and for my crush to notice me. UG i really want him to notice me!!! yesterday at drama club he came up to me and my friend and said "have you seen my belt?" for his costume (he is conrad birdie in the play) and i was looking for it and FOUND IT!!!! :D :D :D but then a 6th grader came up and said "oh i neeeedddddd that!!!" and i thought it was hers so she ripped it from my hand and said "hey insert name here i found your belt!!!!!!" and he noticed her!!!!! :angry: :angry: i HATE her!!!

sorry i had to rant about this!!!


Not to be rude but hunting is not bad. My dad hunts deer because were I live there are MANY, MANY deer and theres not enough food for them and if he doesn't kill some most of the deer would die. I am an animal lover so don't say I'm evil people (what I said is my opinion).
I would ask for:

-3 more wishes

-world peace


OMG!YOU READ MY MIND!That was almost exactly what I was going to say.Only I would have wished for a badger.

P.S.I hunt squirrels.

if i had one wish id wish for unlimited wishes then is wish to have my own private island,with a little house made out of bamboo,my own big giant boat,and most of all...a pet ring tailed leimer!!

Okay. FIRST I'd wish for never-ending wishes. Then I'd wish to have 20/20 vision, non-oily skin, and straight teeth. And for all of the scars on my arms/legs/face to go away... -___- And for my best friend's parents to get back together...

And with our unlitimted wishes that we posted before this is what we would wish for:

*Crush to notice us

*Cousin to come back to life

*Little sister to not be autistic anymore

*World peace

*pretty skin

*greener eyes

*end world hunger

*black hair (we hate our brown hair!!)

*Peace in our family

*and more!

We can wish forever! LOL!

~Reanna & Melody

I would wish for unlimited wishes, then wish 4 my brother to be 3 years older than me (I'm the big sis) then ask 4 100,000 tamas! :D

Heres another bunch of wishes i would want

*To have the cutest boyfriend

*Highlights in my hair

*My brother to be 8 years younger

*Better school dinners

*New better mobile phone

I would wish for my guinea pig back... She died recently... I miss her so much... :angry:
I feel very sorry for you, Skippy Tama.

I would wish for unlimited wishes, then wish

*my three favourite guinea pigs back; Skittles, Lucky, and Snowy

*my crush would like me

*A version 4 tamagotchi

*A later bedtime (bedtime's 8:30 at the moment)

*make the U/15 Capricornia girls cricket team, along with Jessica Jorgenson.

*PUNTER to win alan border medal tonight

*and some stuff for charity, peace and no poverty

Ok that's all.

Unlimited wishes and the first thing I would do is stop all wars, then end animal cruelty, then give shelter to all homeless people, then to be a famous singer, then to have all of the Tamagatchis known to man, then get a bunch of cats and raise them. :furawatchi:

If a fairy or something came to you and said you have 1 wish what would you choose?
I would wish for 1000 wishes so I can have anything I want

what would you?

Just wondering
Well first I would wish for 10 more wishes, then




^ I might think more!

I'd wish for infianite wishes, as most people have an these would be my wishes -

1. Stop Animal Cruelty

2. Find cures to all types of Cancer

3. Find a solution to Animal Testing

4. I'd wish my Cat Brixton Back to life

5. I'd wish my Rabbit J.J Back to Life

6. World Peace

7. For people who are rich to give more to charities and the poor

8. Stop Poverty all around the world

9. I'd wish for me to be a good actress.

10. For my family to get 1 million pounds, no more, no less.

11. Whenever I had a crush on somebody they would fancy me back

12. Give shelter to the poor and homeless

13. I'd run a pet shop

14. Own and raise lots of Cats (I love cats too much!)

15. Have Clearer Skin

I have more but can't think of them at the moment, even though that was a lot to tell you guys!


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