Woohoo I'm gonna have a baby!


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Anime girl

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2005
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In Canada~ Ruling the world. >:O


I'm only fooling. :p ...! But I am going to have a baby...An electronic one! :D

From my Parenting class.

We have to take these babies home with us over the weekend. D: And like...Obey there every order. When there crying we gotta pat there back, feed them, change them...It's so weird. xD♥ But so cool. O.O

Of course...If we don't take care of them when they cry, or if were to rough with them. It's recorded into the babies memories, and the teacher will give us a bad mark for it. D:!!


Oh noes ! D:


But I'm just wondering if anyone else has ever done this before? :3

And if they'd like to share there stories? XD Or give advice perhaps?

[SIZE=9pt]D: I also heard they cry in the night...Thats gonna be a pain in the--♥[/SIZE]

Who's the lucky father? 8D


HOMG. Awesome avatar.<33

Have fun. C:

I never did it, but on shows such as Degrassi, It showed an electronic baby.

I heard their annoying, and they never stop crying..

I wonder if I'll have to do that in HS.

I knew someone I used to be friends with who did that. In my parenting class just took care of a boiled egg I painted a face on. It was awesome XD!

But yeah anyone ever see the show Kenny vs Spenny? Their most recent episode I saw n TV was them taking care of those babies and Kenny took his baby and killed it using the emergency button then traded it with Spenny's baby so it looked like Spenny killed it lmao.

There's something you should try doing to someone you don't like in the class so they get the crappiest mark > :huh:


I'm only fooling. :eek: ...! But I am going to have a baby...An electronic one! :huh:

From my Parenting class.

We have to take these babies home with us over the weekend. D: And like...Obey there every order. When there crying we gotta pat there back, feed them, change them...It's so weird. xD♥ But so cool. O.O

Of course...If we don't take care of them when they cry, or if were to rough with them. It's recorded into the babies memories, and the teacher will give us a bad mark for it. D:!!


Oh noes ! D:


But I'm just wondering if anyone else has ever done this before? :3

And if they'd like to share there stories? XD Or give advice perhaps?

[SIZE=9pt]D: I also heard they cry in the night...Thats gonna be a pain in the--♥[/SIZE]
I had one of those in 8th grade! I LOVE THOSE!!!!

Lol. No I haven't had one...

My friend has.. x3

She gave it to her little sister.. she sure got a kick out it. :huh:

I'm happy I have a little sister that could take care of the baby while I read and be boring. ;D

Oh my! You scared me. I really thought you were going to have a real baby. xDDD


Anyway, congrats! I'd love to have one of those. But I'm homeschooled so I don't think their required. D': Oh well! Baby Born © is the closest thing I have to a real baby.

If you have a sensor bracelet and don't want to deal with those things, put a blob of copper wire over it.

My friend had to do that - and wear the preggo belly all day at school! She looked so hilarious! :mellow:

Her's went off during a major test though. Suckage.

I've seen/heard about them on TV! Plus, I knew a girl in an older grade who had one as well! It must be so cute! But a big responsibility too! :mellow:

You had me fooled there for a sec. I'm like ANIMEGIRL?!

But then I read what you said and I'm all like "oh...lawl".

No, I never had one of those electronic babies. Well, I'm not in highscool yet so that could be why, but one day?

I knew someone I used to be friends with who did that. In my parenting class just took care of a boiled egg I painted a face on. It was awesome XD!
But yeah anyone ever see the show Kenny vs Spenny? Their most recent episode I saw n TV was them taking care of those babies and Kenny took his baby and killed it using the emergency button then traded it with Spenny's baby so it looked like Spenny killed it lmao.

There's something you should try doing to someone you don't like in the class so they get the crappiest mark > :D
[SIZE=13pt] :D ...!! What a wonderful plan. xD[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13pt] :D !! My boyfriend? lolol.[/SIZE] 

It was funny. :3 He helped me pick out a name for the baby...

He didn't seem very interested though. XD


It's gonna be named Soffian. B)
Oh, sorry I thought you were assigned partners by a teacher. My misunderstanding

Haha, what a cute name. How long do you have the baby for?

And do you guys rotate taking turns with the baby? Like going to your house, his house, your house, you have with the baby weekends ect.

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haha, i remember when my brother had one of these xD

it was so funny.

here is this tall guy, muscular, walking around..

with a baby doll.

these girls walked by him and giggled,

and winked at him.

we heard one say 'i like a sensitive man' as a joke

it was funny xD

anyway, good luck with the baby doll thing..

My ex boyfriend's step brother's ex girlfriend had do go through that. That's actually the reason they broke up. o.o

I think they sound interesting. I'd actually like to try it some time. :3

When I saw the topic name, I was surprised. Then I looked at your username and was even more appalled. Then I clicked the topic and then big relief. xD Anyway, I haven't tried it before but I think it'd be really interesting...though, I'd like to do it over the summer or some break so that it wouldn't interfere with school.

TigerLily013 - Kenny and Spenny caring for babies?! I need to watch that. Honestly, they'd make the worst parents ever. (I hate how Kenny always cheats, though.) Maybe I could do it with a boiled egg with a painted face...that'd be fun. =D

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