woooooooooow that weird


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Oct 16, 2007
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:) ok well i had a perfectly fine tamagotchi and one day i put it on pause and it kep goig and moving wen it said pause then i took it off pause and it froze so i tryed restarting it it kep going so i took the batteryz out and IT WAZ STILL WORKING HELP IT KEEPS BEEPING IN THE NITE I NEED A SOLUTION
I don't know about your pause problem, but if your Tamagotchi is beeping at night, check to make sure the time is set correctly; you may have AM & PM mixed up. AM is from midnight to noon. PM is from noon to midnight.

This could be a technical problem with your tama, you could take it back to the store and exchange it, or you could get another battery from a good store :) sometimes tama's come with faulty batteries!

Hope i helped and have a great tama day! :p

thanks for ur help but i tok the batteryz out of the bak and then it waz still workin but i think i no wot happened wen i debuged my tama i pussed have done sumthin rong and bumber na extra water and soz but i cant take my tama bak now cozzi itz bout a yera or 2 old and i dont have the recipt

thanks for solving my prob guys :)

it was probably a glitch take good care of it and make sure its happy ;) hope i helped :(

If you debugged it that is definitly the problem. I know alot of people think it is a good thing to de bug it but really it is really bad and can mess you tama up so badly you can have all the glitches there are! DONT DE BUG YOUR TAMA!

Well it is probally a glitch because it has happened to my sister before and then I fixxed it! So just watch out for it because it might start working again!

If you debug your tama there is around 60% that your tama will break or something will go wrong! I debugged my V1, it worked! I tried V2 is broke!!

There is a chance!!! Take your tama apart, as if debuging and erase the pencil markings! Hope it works!!!

Hope i helped and have a great tama-talking day!!!


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