Worst Anime?


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I dont like any anime. Most of it doesnt really have a storyline/plot. Just a bunch of people talking and maybe a ninja fight or something.

I dont know. I hate all anime. I just dont find myself interested in anime. My friend loves it though and she's trying to get me to watch naruto, because I convinced her to watch Hannah Montana and she liked it. So, she's trying to get me to watch naruto, but I'm just not interested!

I dont know. I hate all anime. I just dont find myself interested in anime. My friend loves it though and she's trying to get me to watch naruto, because I convinced her to watch Hannah Montana and she liked it. So, she's trying to get me to watch naruto, but I'm just not interested!
Well find another anime that you might like, there's alot of anime out there! maybe even some that are simliar to Hannha Montana? you cant just dislike anime because that one anime you dont like.

Well find another anime that you might like, there's alot of anime out there! maybe even some that are simliar to Hannha Montana? you cant just dislike anime because that one anime you dont like.
I dont just dislike all anime because of that one anime. I do dislike all anime, like Inuyasha, Avatar, Full Metal Alchemist, or whatever those other ones are. Animes are all about ppl killing ppl and fighting, and anime just isn't for me.

I dont just dislike all anime because of that one anime. I do dislike all anime, like Inuyasha, Avatar, Full Metal Alchemist, or whatever those other ones are. Animes are all about ppl killing ppl and fighting, and anime just isn't for me.
First off, anime is not about killing people, just the ones on TV.

Second off,I've seen tons of anime that are not about killing, there about romance, highschool, ect.

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Ouran high school is an example of that :chohimetchi:

Its about a girl who works for a school club for boys and has to hid her identy.

No guns, killing or murder in there :ichigotchi:

Update: And I have reasons.

Naruto because it just drags on and on. The manga is seldom okay, and the openings aren't bad. It's near plotless and the characters aren't well developed. It's just not my thing. I honestly think the characters are totally unrealistic. I couldn't find a real person saving someone they've only known for a month.

Inuyasha is so confusing that it just isn't funny. The thing has TOO many twists and turns, and it's become plotless, along with the manga, now. The fights are very cheesy, too.

Partially the old pokemon episodes. Nowadays they are alot better and aren't just Team Rocket blasting off again anymore; but it's still pretty lame anyways.

Gundam Seed scares me. Period.

Well you could have just said that from the begining it would have saved us this small amount but could have been used for something better time.
Don't see how.

Anyway, I don't like...what was it? Something that sounds like Raxephon or something.

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FMA, InuYasha are pretty bad. And Bleach is even worse. Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne was ruined when it was made into anime.

I like the violent and random anime like Lucky Star,AzuManga Daioh and Naruto.

I dont just dislike all anime because of that one anime. I do dislike all anime, like Inuyasha, Avatar, Full Metal Alchemist, or whatever those other ones are. Animes are all about ppl killing ppl and fighting, and anime just isn't for me.
HEY!!!! INUYASHA AND FMA R KEWL!!!! and really anime isnt about killing. if u ask me, i never cared if it was anime, or like cartoon as long as i enjoyed it.

Probably Inuyasha, it's quite confusing @.@ Also, Naruto is starting to get to me. So many people have gotten over obsessed with it and it has way too many episodes. My avvie is Sakura because she's my favorite anime character of all time, although I'm disliking Naruto. ._.

Wind, (Your names to long, sorry x.x) You need to respect others opinions, If I said I think Inuyasha should crwal into a corner and die (Which, I must say, I will), Thats my opinion.

Ohjeez. You haven't seen the Demon City Shinjuki dub. e.e It shames the name of anime.

I really dislike that, Wolf's Rain, Yug-i=oh, and Spriggan.

Yugioh is only good in the Abriged series. The anime is bleh. It was good before GX came e.e

Wind, (Your names to long, sorry x.x) You need to respect others opinions, If I said I think Inuyasha should crwal into a corner and die (Which, I must say, I will), Thats my opinion.
Geez...you didn't have to be that extreme...i get opinions, i mean i think naruto shood crawl into a corner and die, but don't complain it;s MY opinion!

I hate Naruto, Yu-gi-oh or whatever it's called, Inuyasha and the new Pokemon.


Well the first few episodes were alright but then they just got stupid. I just hate Sasuke for some reason, he looks alright but his attitude is just all...ugh. Besides there's WAY too much episodes and they've lost the plot.


It's all mysteries that you solve after two minutes and it's just so like "Friendship saves the day" and it's so unrealistic, I know it's not meant to be realistic but like, a boy who randomly turns into a guy. Besides I hate Yu-Gi-Oh's voice >.>


It's just confusing with cheesy battles and even more "friendship saves the day!" because like the guys dying then the girl hugs him and tells him to stop then suddenly he does o_O"

New Pokemon:

I loved the old one, it was really cute with dancing Jiggly-Puffs and everything. Now it's just all these giant tough Pokemon battling and pratically the only cute one left is Pikacho. Besides I like Misty waaay better than May and Max, they're just all wierd and May looks anorexic.
