Worst Anime?


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I like the new Pokemon when it comes to the enimes, but the plot is bleh. Well, its not all "Team Rockets Blasting off agian" thing anymore, but its bleh now

pokemon annoys me because if team rocket is like in an obvious disguise thell be like "OMG I CAN SO TRUST THEM" then they take off the disgudes and ther like "OMG IT WAS TEAM ROKET ALL ALONG!!!!!!!!! I NEVER WOOD HAVE GESSED!!!!

Another anime I hate (it's probably one I hate the most) is Negima!? I have my reasons..

The art annoys me. It looks like someone poured oil and Mahou Sensei Negima and cut out all the good parts. They didn't included one of the best characters. Mahou Sensei Negima was good, or amazing, but Negima!? I'm not that big a fan of.

I used to hate all anime when I was younger because I could only watch them on Cartoon Network and the ones they show on there aren't that great.

But now I watch more anime than other things because of the anime I watched in the Philippines ^.^ and the songs I find on Youtube that are openngs to good anime series ^^~ Then I watch them on Crunchyroll >:]

**Sorry if I mispelled anything I'm using a bad keyboard.

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POKEMON! It used to be so good.....ToT,

I got Season one on DVD. I want to get Seasons 2-4 because those are the ONLY Seasons that were good BEFORE it started to be the same plot OVER AND OVER!

And Digimon. It sucked. Enough said. T.T Though the movie wasn't that bad.

The anime I wanna buy now in a box set is Digi Charat Season one and Galaxy Angel Z. ^-^


Pokemon. I loved it till Misty left the show and all that crap.

Fruits Basket. The best manga ever but the show is 26 episodes of bad voices, ugly characters and just a buncha other crap. I love reading the manga. The thing that confuses me most about the anime is how Kisa's hair magically grows in like three seconds. You see her one second with like hair down to her shoulders then you see her again with much shorter hair. Plus I detest the voicess, mostly in the english.

Pokemon. I loved it till Misty left the show and all that crap.
Fruits Basket. The best manga ever but the show is 26 episodes of bad voices, ugly characters and just a buncha other crap. I love reading the manga. The thing that confuses me most about the anime is how Kisa's hair magically grows in like three seconds. You see her one second with like hair down to her shoulders then you see her again with much shorter hair. Plus I detest the voicess, mostly in the english.
i agree about the misty thing. i was also confused cause i missed one episode then i watch and brok is gone and some guy named Tracy is there and im like 0.o o................k........

I hate complaining about ethnicies (sp?) but have you ever seen an asian/dark-skinned person in anime that is NOT the bad guy? Other than Brock? o.o

I like Pokemon. New and Old. x3

Nadia: Secret Of The Blue Water is a pretty annoying-as-heck anime. I like the name Nadia, because it's my real name. xD

Something creepy about my favourite anime. They're mouths are open all the time (GDW/GNG) and it's kinda creepy. It's like: "OMG THERE IS A LOLLIPOP IN FRONT OF ME MUST SUCK ITTTTT."

The following is a rant. If you don't like it, I have three words: Don't. Read. It.

Naruto. Gosh. Geez. Annoying. <-- My opinion.

I can support it. I like supporting my opinions.

Let me start with it being extensive.

About 230 episodes, both series put together. It dosen't need that much. Probably about 60 episodes tops. Maybe 70. It's patched with horrible jokes and spoilers. It NEEDS to stop. I can't wait for Shippuden to end so I can stop watching this retarded show.

What the heck is so cool about Naruto? WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE FROM EVERY OTHER SHONEN SHOW? o.o I'll tell you what: Nadda. Zip. Nothing. It's about some boy struggling to fit into society, against an evil guy as powerful as him, and a bunch of fighting. Some romance thrown into there.

Maybe they could make it a bit unique? Like something liek GDW. It's nothing like shonen shows. It's more like: A kid that is the son of the leader/whatever. Special powers. Has to gather people to fight a villian 10 times stronger than him. Big fight at end. Kid prevails... I've NEVER seen a Shonen as different as that. Thats owning. Even Pokemon has a unique plot, alot better than Naruto's. And Bleach. And all those other mainstream anime.

What the heck is up with the characters?

"Sakura has a wide forehead.". Her forehead looks completely normal to me. The characters are so poorly developed. Most of them are: Ansgty past. Try to fit in/Wants to kill something/everything/someone.

Sakura and Ino became rivals over a Mary-Sue with duck-butt shaped hair? I have one thing to say: What. The. Squirrelnoodles.

Ninjas. Those are not freaking ninjas. o.o

Ninjas don't wear orange. Or red. That is so retarded that I can't believe it. Ninjas wear DARK colors. They need to hide. They are silent and stealthy. They do not do magic tricks.

At least try to keep the stereotype strait? There are alot of Ninja animes and all of them I've seen are silent, stealthy, and wear black and junk. (Even in GNG/GDW. The Ninja-dogs are always hiding, swift, stealthy, and they have Scythes and Ninja-Swords.)

I could go on, but I shall shut up now.

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I hate complaining about ethnicies (sp?) but have you ever seen an asian/dark-skinned person in anime that is NOT the bad guy? Other than Brock? o.o
I like Pokemon. New and Old. x3

Nadia: Secret Of The Blue Water is a pretty annoying-as-heck anime. I like the name Nadia, because it's my real name. xD

Something creepy about my favourite anime. They're mouths are open all the time (GDW/GNG) and it's kinda creepy. It's like: "OMG THERE IS A LOLLIPOP IN FRONT OF ME MUST SUCK ITTTTT."

The following is a rant. If you don't like it, I have three words: Don't. Read. It.

Naruto. Gosh. Geez. Annoying. <-- My opinion.

I can support it. I like supporting my opinions.

Let me start with it being extensive.

About 230 episodes, both series put together. It dosen't need that much. Probably about 60 episodes tops. Maybe 70. It's patched with horrible jokes and spoilers. It NEEDS to stop. I can't wait for Shippuden to end so I can stop watching this retarded show.

What the heck is so cool about Naruto? WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE FROM EVERY OTHER SHONEN SHOW? o.o I'll tell you what: Nadda. Zip. Nothing. It's about some boy struggling to fit into society, against an evil guy as powerful as him, and a bunch of fighting. Some romance thrown into there.

Maybe they could make it a bit unique? Like something liek GDW. It's nothing like shonen shows. It's more like: A kid that is the son of the leader/whatever. Special powers. Has to gather people to fight a villian 10 times stronger than him. Big fight at end. Kid prevails... I've NEVER seen a Shonen as different as that. Thats owning. Even Pokemon has a unique plot, alot better than Naruto's. And Bleach. And all those other mainstream anime.

What the heck is up with the characters?

"Sakura has a wide forehead.". Her forehead looks completely normal to me. The characters are so poorly developed. Most of them are: Ansgty past. Try to fit in/Wants to kill something/everything/someone.

Sakura and Ino became rivals over a Mary-Sue with duck-butt shaped hair? I have one thing to say: What. The. Squirrelnoodles.

Ninjas. Those are not freaking ninjas. o.o

Ninjas don't wear orange. Or red. That is so retarded that I can't believe it. Ninjas wear DARK colors. They need to hide. They are silent and stealthy. They do not do magic tricks.

At least try to keep the stereotype strait? There are alot of Ninja animes and all of them I've seen are silent, stealthy, and wear black and junk. (Even in GNG/GDW. The Ninja-dogs are always hiding, swift, stealthy, and they have Scythes and Ninja-Swords.)

I could go on, but I shall shut up now.
I myself can't take Pokemon, it's barely shorter then Naruto but all has the same plot line... TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTIN OFF AGAINNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WABAFEEEEET!

There was technically no proof Ninja's wore black and such. Some ninja's used everyday clothes to fit in and not be noticed you realize. Kunoichi usually got info by Seducing, seriously.

Though you can't stop the Anime, Profit over hate. They are making really good money, Naruto being the top show nowadays. (For Anime fans anyway) That and if they left us at a Cliffahnger before the Hidan Kakuzu arc, Ill scream.

But anyway, the manga should be ending in the next 6 months or so.

I really.....really despise Blood+ For some reason. Most Adult Swim shows I really can't watch without turning the TV off (Mostly the Anime)
