Worst enemies?


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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2006
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Share your stories about your enemies here! Got any disliked people? Or how about MORTAL enemies? Share what their like, and stories sbout them! Ready, set, GO!

Well, there was this girl in 4th grade. SHE WAS AN ANIMAL. Every 2 minutes, she asked the teacher if she could use the bathroom. And that's not all! Every time the teacher would start a lesson, she would see it as a PERFECT time to sharpen her pencil, talk to someone, ect. And the worst part is...


OMG, that was the worst part. You see, my elementry school had a "no bullying" policy. So at recess, she would ask me to play, right? But, what if I didn't want to play with her? So I would say, "Well, mabye I'll play with *insert other friend's name here* for a little while, and play with you later! Ok?" and she goes to a recess moniter and TELLS ON ME. And knowing her, I would know she stretched the truth, such as, "*insert my name here* isn't including me in her game." or, "*my name* said she never want's to play with me ever again.". God I'm so glad I'm in middle school now...

And we were in the same class for 2 YEARS. We had the same name, and a very close last name. So the princeipal (sp?) filed us together for 2 years exact. 2 years of a non-stop nightmare.

Well folks, time to share your stories!

EDIT: Oh, and I wrote a series of comics about her. Some where I told her to jump in a lake and she did, she got eaten by a shark, ran *coughnakedcough* in the streets, ect. They were all funny...

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Everyone meets ppl they think they hate. It's part of life.

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I hope I don't need to add the one about keeping posts polite and friendly? :furawatchi:

I don't hate anyone on TT. The people I hate are in real life :furawatchi:

~* This annoying male duo at school. They literally make my life miserable. >.< If they know what you are afraid of, they will play on that fear until you are ready to become a hermit :(

~* This freakish girl from school as well. She is really preppy and is the average female bully. Makes fun of your hair, clothes and whatnot. She acts llike your friend one second, then she becomes this girl who is all "Like whatever dummy!". Either way, she is a pain.

~* My friends brother. He is too logical passed too logic a white ago. If you use sarcasm (Like if you say "Methane is made from pie" sarcastically) he will be all "Are you stupid or something? Didn't your tiny brain know that Methane is actually...." and then bug you for the rest of you life about it.

~* This guy at school (Yes, most people that I hate are from school). One minute he can be fun, easy-going, nice, even kind of sweet. Then the next minute he is rude, mean, annoying, and so on. So I share a like/hate relationship with him. I don't have a crush on him though.

That's about it I think.

This one girl. She refuses to have anything to do with me just because I'm -nice- to kids with special needs. And what about the kids that actually do have special needs? Even if directed to, she just won't say a word to them. I've heard her calling me and other girls mena names.

It bothers me so much that some people can't just be nice to people regardless of who they are or aren't.

Also, the same girl calls her "friends" every morning telling them to wear the same thing. If any of those "friends" don't wear whatever, she won't talk to them unless she was forced to.

I don't like calling her an "enemy," or saying that I hate her, but some things she does are really hurtful. As in hertful to the point where I think she should see someone. She lies about things she has to get attention. Especially from boys.

Also, there is someone else who I don't care for. Every time I wear something -appropriate-, she disses it. She says, "Why are you wearing sweatpants?" I'm not sure if it was menat to be hurtful, but it just tends to bug me.

I don't have many enemies, I'm pretty nice to everyone I meet ^.^ Although there's a girl in my class named Danielle, ugh I can't stand her.She threatened to beat me up for sitting in 'her seat'. Here's how the story went.


Me: *gets to class early and sits next to my friends rebecca and vivi*

Danielle: *comes late like always and walks up to me* Hey that's my seat get out of it!

Me: We don't have assigned seats..plus, I got here early.

Rebecca: get to class on time, danielle!

Danielle: *starts whining and points at me* Mister! Tell her to move I was sitting here!

Teacher: Danielle, just find a seat.

Danielle: *rolls her eyes and sits somewhere else* Ugh a *beeping* hate you *beep*! You're gonna get it after school and I'm not kidding! You stupid short *beep*Beep**keeps cussing me and my friend rebecca out*


She wouldn't leave us alone, she's so annoying. She wants everything her way! :furawatchi: UGHHHHHHH >____<

I don't have many enemies, I'm pretty nice to everyone I meet ^.^ Although there's a girl in my class named Danielle, ugh I can't stand her.She threatened to beat me up for sitting in 'her seat'. Here's how the story went. 

Me: *gets to class early and sits next to my friends rebecca and vivi*

Danielle: *comes late like always and walks up to me* Hey that's my seat get out of it!

Me: We don't have assigned seats..plus, I got here early.

Rebecca: get to class on time, danielle!

Danielle: *starts whining and points at me* Mister! Tell her to move I was sitting here!

Teacher: Danielle, just find a seat.

Danielle: *rolls her eyes and sits somewhere else* Ugh a *beeping* hate you *beep*! You're gonna get it after school and I'm not kidding! You stupid short *beep*Beep**keeps cussing me and my friend rebecca out*


She wouldn't leave us alone, she's so annoying. She wants everything her way! :angry: UGHHHHHHH >____<
She reminds me of a girl named Katie that I forgot to mention.

She does the exact same thing as Danielle does :p

I can't stand that girl! She will sit behind me and pull my hair, lock me in the bathroom, draw on my books, stuff trash into my locker and stuff like that.

ARRGGG! I can't stand the though of being with her in class next year. She is one person that I absolutely HATE. The other people on my list were just people I disliked. I don't know why I said I hated them. I'd rather spend half my life with those guys than a week with Katie. :angry:

I don't have enemies. People who get on my nerves and know it.. We avoid eachother.

[SIZE=13pt]I don't have any mortal enemies. xP[/SIZE]

Their are people that I don't like. But I just don't talk to them. x3

I'll have one argument with them. Then I'll never talk to them again. :eek:

I used to, but I don't anymore, because she moved schools. Funny, though, it was kind of fun having her around XD

Megan. You know those people who are so "popular" and think they can mess with everyone else? That's her.

MY BEST FRIEND DANI: Good luck next year, Emily!

Megan to me: Yah, you'll need it, loser. -walks away like shes all that and a container of cookie dough-


I don't have any enemies on TT yet... :angry:

Well, here goes:

  • There is this mean guy at school who is mean to everyone. Girls and Guys. During tests, when the teacher isn't looking, he'll throw a pencil at your face and laugh to himself. The weird thing is, the teacher never notices. Everyone hates him.
  • There is this girl at school who won't stop annoying you. She won't stop talking until you agree with her. Ugh. The worst part is that she is my neighbor. She might move in 2 years. (Thank goodness.)
  • There is this one dude who pretends to be my friend for a couple months, but then he decides to be a bully the last couple months of school. We went from talking to each other to him punching me and making fun of me...I don't get why he does that...
  • There are a group of guys who think they are all that and they have the right to push other people around. They push you and do mean things to you and just act as if it's nothing. They think that they can do anything and stomp all over you.

But, there are people who are really nice. There was this one kid who I thought was going to be an enemy for life, but I just talked to him one, and what do you know? We became good friends. Then there are people who just talk to me.

Hey, there are some mean people and nice people around. You just gotta deal with it. :angry:

Spencer annoys me in real life. He's ok when we talk on gmail lol.

Abby Peterson. We were friends but then this whole email thing happened and ever since then we've hated each other. It's a constant battle, she gets me so *censored* sometimes.

My sister. Nuff said.

Just the group of guys at school who teases everyone.


Ok so my friend is coming to my school (it's the second year) from her old school. She's worried about bullies and if she'll fit in and a ton of other stuff. I answer her questions and assure her that it's a nice place. So once I took her to go on a tour of the school and I didn't realize Summer School was still going on and so the group of guys were in summer school (ha ha) and were all "You can't be here." (I understood this part) and they start teasing me about my ex and my friend about her current boyfriend (well at the time current. They broke up later) they were all "WHERE'S DANIEL?! (my ex)" "WHERE'S JACKSON?!" Jackson was her boyfriend.

Dude, you know how like, mean that was? Luckily, I'm gonna stay with her at school to make sure they back off because my friend is really sensitive.

this girl hates me because i made out w/ her ex boyfriend


so ya den she said she was gonna kick my butt and i was like bring it and i waited for her afterschool and she never showed up HAHAHAH

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