Worst Injuries


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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2006
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Title says it all. Name the worst injuries or medical conditions you've had in your entire life.

Mine was when I broke my toe. I used to take horse-back riding lessons and we had to groom our horses. So I was using the hoof pick. And to keep my balence (I was young), I put my foot right under the horse's. Then I accidently let go of the horse's leg. OWWWWW.

The worst i'v had is nothing capared to what most people called hurt.

Well the worst was when my friend draged me off the bed and I landed on my knees at full speed I felt like i couldn't walk but i was fine after a few hours

I didn't have it that bad.

When I was in 5th grade we were having a staff vs student softball game since it was the last week and we were graduating. I was just watching at this one part. I was just sitting there, and then my vision got all white for a few seconds. Then I saw the bat infront of me and everyone was asking me if I was okay. My head starting hurting badly and my nose started bleeding a lot. I got hit in the face with a metal bat, and the entire school saw me bleeding like that o_o So I went to the nurse. The inside of my lip was all torn up and I broke one of my teeth. I didn't cry until we were in the emergency room. I would NEVER cry at school. I got stitches for my lip and a crown for my tooth. It hurt badly, and my lip was HUGE after the doctor gave me a shot thing. It got smaller, but on graduation, my lip was still a bit bigger than it was supposed to be .__.

Yeah, it's not that bad. Not many bad things have happened to me when it comes to injuries.

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I'm incredibly careful....hardly anything has happened to me.

Worst thing which has happened to me...umm...

Well I had this really really bad hooping cough type thing where I had to go to the hospital because I could hardly breathe.

Thats pretty much all I can think of...

I've never ever broken or cracked a bone. Worst thing I've probably had was a sprained ankle.

I've fractured my elbow, dislocated my kneecap, broken many fingers and toes, sprained my ankle more than once, and seem to have a force that attracts volleyballs and footballs to my head, haha..

I'm not sure this would count as an injury, but I had a gangliansis that had to be removed through minor surgery. I wore a wrap for about two weeks after because they had to cut down to the bone, deeper than they had suspected, and it hurt more than I thought it would after the meds started to wear off.. I felt horrible before they actually took me in to get the surgery, though. >.<

My mom is a part of our local soccer board, and the equipment manager dropped off at least fifteen ballbags, deciding to keep them right by the door. I spilled a milkshake and I was running to get a towel and I tried to jump over the balls and ended up stepping on one and I slipped. My right knee cracked into the corner of the wall, and I had to go to the emergency room. I tripped at 11pm and the kept me there until 3am. They did nothing except stick a swab down my throat to check for strep because I was also complaining about my chest hurting.

It was the worst pain I have ever felt. I get laughed at everytime I explain it, they say I'm a kluzt. Its true though.

I was on the roof of my 2 story house on the fourth of July to watch fireworks and my brother kept bothering me and i tried getting away, I accidently went to close to the edge and fell onto the floor.My head got cracked open a little and I had to go to the hospital.It hurt sooo much!Dx

I had to get stitches and I couldn't think right, and I got a lot of big headaches.The worst thing ever!D=

........ I don't really have a worst as in breaking my whatever.

xD but once I was playing with my cousin, I jumped up and landed on my big toenail and it freaking cut me. D:

The toe nail cracked and it was bleeding a lot. gross. safas;flkajsf sfhlkjshfk asf DDDDDDD:

I don't (surprisingly.) get hurt a lot... no matter how much of a klutz I am.

So, I dunno, Maybe, tripping (Which happens a lot?)

Or Getting hit FULL SPEED in the face by some idiot kicking a volleyball. (Smart, huh?)


I nearly broke my neck when I was around four playing on the monkey bars.

And I broke my elbow, which hurt so much, while skateboarding.

And I've been hit many times playing sports, mainly cricket. I got hit right between the eyes when I was bowling, the season before that I got hit not far from breaking my jaw when I was fielding, and I got hit when I was wicketkeeping the year before that. And what was funny about that last one I mentioned, was that the seam of the ball was imprinted on my head for a couple of days :lol:

When I was seven,I was outside playing and slipped on a board with a nail on it.I cut my throat real bad.I still have a scar from it.

I cant remember but the worst injury i remember was spraining my ankle.

I went abroad and was going out to the pool, luckily my dad was with me.

My mum had swollen feet so she had the patio door open, and I pulled the door shut by the side, not by the handle, and the wind blew it and slammed it shut on my hand.

The door's are massive!

And it had locked on my hand, and my mum didn't answer the door because she couldn't hear, and eventually we got it open.

Then when they were stitching it I had to have 8 injections INSIDE the cut, because I could feel the needle going through my hand.

I have scarsss D:

Well I snaped to of the bones in my right wrist the bone was still in place it had just snaped so I was lucky I fell out the bath. Also when I fell I hit my head on the toilet so I had to get stiches. More stiches on my forhead because my brother dragged me and I fell and hit my head on a rock. I dislocated my finger because my bro again slammed it in the car door and I pulled it. Cracked my elbow falling off my bike. dislocated my toe because my friend dropped a springboard (On of those jumpy thingys in gymnastics P.E.) Thats about it.

But the worst was the broken wrist one. My arm is killing me just thinking of it.

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