Would you consider your room messy?


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Pikachu Lover

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2008
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Would you consider your room messy? Mines a little messy so I would! Espcially under my bed O.O When I'm looking for something, I'm seriously scared to go under there because I don't know whats under there!

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I just cleaned mine the other day because.. It needed to be cleaned. It looked like a disaster with the exception of my bed, which I decided to actually make that morning.

I usually let my room get messy enough for me to get lectured before I bother cleaning it. It's not always completely clean, though.

Mines much cleaner than normal. Normally I have clothes on the side of the bed that i don't sleep on, clothes on the floor, and my closet.... wow that was a HUGE disaster today. A big mountain of clothes and crap were in the middle of it. Then I moved it all in a corner.

It's a little messy on my extra bed but that's about it a few shirts and toys on it is all lol and my drawing books.

I have this weird thing about not being able to sleep in a messy room so it's usually spotless! =D I like it that way because then I have lots of room to dance to music and stuff in there, and it feels so much fresher and nicer! ^ _ ^ The only exception is when I have sleepovers, and there are pillows & popcorn scattered all over the floor - with us giggling in our sleeping bags in the middle of it all! Yay! =)

I have this weird thing about not being able to sleep in a messy room so it's usually spotless! =D I like it that way because then I have lots of room to dance to music and stuff in there, and it feels so much fresher and nicer! ^ _ ^ The only exception is when I have sleepovers, and there are pillows & popcorn scattered all over the floor - with us giggling in our sleeping bags in the middle of it all! Yay! =)
That's quite funny, considering that if my room is spotless, it feels too empty. That's when I can't sleep!! XD

would I consider?

I have to push the heaps of dirty laundry, books, and heaps of other random crap to the sides of my walls to be able to walk! There is no consider about it. D:

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omg.... My mom is a clean junkie XD and so my room is absolutely spotless.
LOL I wouldn't let my parents clean my room they might throw something important out ( like the pictures of my friends or my drawings or my diary! Or rock collection! ) I'd be so ticked if they did that.

When I was little, I actually had to walk on the pyramids of stuffed animals and dolls to get to my stuffed animal covered bed to watch one of my movies that were stacked around the small TV I got. ;_; And one time, I found a centipede in my toybox from not cleaning it out since I was four. Not fun. The only way I managed to not get trapped was because sometimes my mom would clean it for me. xDDD

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