Would you consider your room messy?


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Usually, whenever my room is clean it stays that way for a while, then slowly gets messier and messier until it looks like a dump. Then it stays that way for a while until my mom pesters me enough for me to finally clean it. Then the cycle starts all over again. But at the moment, it's in one of those "dump" states. So I voted "OMG Sooo messy"

mine WAS messy but i packed my stuff because i'm moving to a new house on sunday

well, mine SOON well be spotless in a few days ill post went it is

Not really, The only messy part of my room is my desk area
same here!

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I have 2 rooms. One for my toys and other random crap, one for my bed and other random crap. The one with my toys, I literally have to climb over loads of crap to get in, and even then, you can't stand anywhere. It's really ridiculous.

the other is 3/4 as bad.

I have 2 rooms. One for my toys and other random crap, one for my bed and other random crap. The one with my toys, I literally have to climb over loads of crap to get in, and even then, you can't stand anywhere. It's really ridiculous.
the other is 3/4 as bad.
You have 2 rooms?! O.O I share my room with my brother.

My room. Is very. very. VERY. Messy.

Espechially my closet...


'Nuff said.

I get two because there are 4 of us in a 5 bedroom house, and I have the most stuff. *donates a room to you*

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[SIZE=8pt]My room is spotless... I guess you could say I am a neat freak. I can't stand the sight of a mess in my room =) It's kinda weird really[/SIZE]

^ -gasp- && clean sheets too? I hate changing my sheets. My mom makes me every two weeks though. :p

I don't like to consider my room messy. I call it cluttered. :)

I hate putting away my clothes~~!! (Unless they are new & not worn yet. Then I dun mind hanging them up. :blink: ) So they are sitting in stacks on my, "mushroom," chair. I can't even sit in the chair, but that's okay. I like sitting on my gaming chair better. :(

My desk is always a mess. I have random paper & writing utensils covered all over the top; I love to draw && write. The sad thing is I never use my desk other than to throw stuff on. I draw//write on my bed with a hard back cookbook or dictionary underneath.

My vanity is also cluttered, covered in make up, spritz bottles of perfume, & hair products. I don't even use the majority of it, it's just stuff my mom gave me~ ^-~

The right side of my bed, by my closet, is cluttered definatley. I keep my books under my night stand on the shelves, & they are always all over the floor, along with my endless pillows that fall off my bed & my sketch books. Oh, and my PRISMAcolor pencils too~ 8D

Sometimes there are random things laying on my floor, but most of the time there isn't.

So it isn't messy, it's cluttered. ;)

[SIZE=7pt]Yes, my room is messy and I'm proud. [/SIZE]

Once you go in, you never come out.

Ha, its just tons of papers and clothes all over the floor. My bed, the same when I wake up and go back to sleep. Not much of a mess though.

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