Would you ever eat a dog?


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2006
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CA, United States
Well, I know that in some places, people do indeed eat dogs. I don't like that. But that's just my opinion.

So what do you think? Would you ever eat a dog? I would never eat a dog! :lol:


EDIT: :D Someone voted yes... :blink:

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ok people i would surly eat a dog if i was lost in the wood and i was starving to death would any of u like to eat a dog and be full or dye

No thanks.
Animal Abuse = Heartless
How is eating something animal abuse? Other animals have the same rights as cats, dogs, etc..

No, but I've eaten dog food before.

Under most circumstances, no. 0:

The idea of stuffing a once live pet into your body just creeps me out.

Well, I mean, if you had formed a bond with the animal, then obviously no. But a dog raised in a farm for the specific reason of being eaten, then yes.
I agree with Feebee.

What's the difference between raising cattle and sheep etc.. for eating and any other animal.

Infact, I really want to know what every animal tastes like.

Calvin, you worry me XD

But I suppose I'm not the one to talk.

Withat whole marraige axe murder stuff. But it's normala [:

Uh. If I was starving to death or someone would kill my family if I didn't or something weird, I would, sure xD

But if you just walked up to me and say "Hey Alex, we should totally go eat a dog today." I probably wouldn't [x

Eating a dog is no more disgusting than eating snails, and no less humane than raising cattle and sheep for consumption.

I might.

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