Would you ever eat a dog?


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When I saw the title of this topic, I laughed out loud xD So random! But....I wouldn't under normal circumstances. I mean, some cultures find it perfectly normal to eat dog/cat meat and find eating animals like cows or pigs disgusting and cruel. (My mom saw a cat farm in Greece o_O) I personally don't think I could, as dogs are pets and form bond with people and stuff and I just wouldn't be able to. I would if it was a life/death situation though xD A little offtopic, but my best friend's grandmother has (unknowingly) eaten dog. She was in some foreign country (China or Korea or something) and ordered this soup at a restaurant. She took a bite of it, and said to the waiter something like, "This is really good, what's in it?" He didn't speak English, so he said "Woof-woof". She was horrified! xD

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No, I'm too used to dogs being a member of a family, I think of all dogs as human beings sort of. Weird, because I like eating chicken, but think of dogs as companions, whereas in other places it could be the other way around. Comparing cultures is interesting.

I know in some parts of the world people do eat them, but in America they are considered members of the family (mine is). I don't eat meat much anyway except for fish. I could never eat a dog (or cat).

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