Would you like TS9520 to enter contests again?


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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
New Zealand
Now that my room can load again, TS9520 is BACK and I have to ask. :kusatchi:

Would you like me to enter contests again? :unsure:

I has been so long but I want to know if you would like me to enter again. Also I have some reasons - :wub:

Good reasons - ^_^

1. So I can get my popularly back!

2. So I can get my friends quick Gotchi Points!

3. Give more free $$$ items to fans and friends!

4. I will always get 1st place when I enter contest.

Bad reasons-_-

1. I will always get 1st place when I enter contest. That dose sound goo but I will be taking 1st place everytime I enter.

2. Games off Tamagotchi Music City work slow on my computer and I haven’t tried the contest game for a long time on this computer and it think it will be slow. The computer I always used to go on Tamagotchi Music City was fast but now its blown up, so I have to use my old one which is very slow.

If you say no, I will not enter contest for a while. I will enter again when I get broadband. Because I have one of the latest computers which is VERY FAST but it needs broadband to go on the internet. I just have dial up which runs at 30 to 40 kb at second, SLOW. :wacko:

If you say yes, I will continue entering contest. :ichigotchi:

Please reply to the topic and vote. I really want to know what you think. :kuribotchi:

If you asked me whether I want you back in the contests (which is what you're doing), I would honestly say no, not to be mean or anything. :ichigotchi: You've snatched the 1st place trophy for 12 times; I think other people might want a chance at winning. Not me, of course; I suck at contests. But the other popular contest people like AG1946 might want a chance to get a First Place trophy (or two).

However, after maybe a couple contests have passed, you can come back in. Thing is, you're going to have competition from the other contest favorites. A lot. And I don't think I'll like seeing you feeling down when another person takes the first place. I don't like seeing sad people. :kuribotchi:

Lawl. I think you should decide, not us. It's your choice, when it comes down to the basics. So step it up, TS9520, and pick.

That's a nice think to say, but I don't know if I want to enter or not. I want my fans to help me... :ichigotchi:

Sorry.. very sorry, but no. You seem to have one lots of contests. And I'm mad at myself because like twice I've been in a place that's within 100th place, but I always seem to try to collect my prize too late. I keep forgetting. :)



#1. You always get 1st place. others need a fair chance of winning and since you won 1st 12 times, let someone else have a turn. (of course not me)

#2. You have a lot of points and items. If anyone else that has nothing needs points or stuff like that, or for example raising their CD, some have difficulties with getting first.

#3. Everyone is a great fan of you, as you know, and they love chatting with you, but as you get a lot of attention, missed only 4 contests, you may want to let back for a week or two.

#4. Everyone has at least 20% of winning. the other 80% thinks no one can. as for you, you have 90% of winning 1st and 10% of being in the top 3. Don't you think some people need a chance to be 1st?

#5. Finally, I think you should pick. you are you. You are not us and we don't make decisions for you. As you see, You can think about it. If I went for 1 year and missed 48 contests and then came back, I could decide since i left and went i went back I finally had the chance to get on.

#6. Do you understand why you should pick/come back after 2 months or so?

No. Why?

#1. You always get 1st place. others need a fair chance of winning and since you won 1st 12 times, let someone else have a turn. (of course not me)

#2. You have a lot of points and items. If anyone else that has nothing needs points or stuff like that, or for example raising their CD, some have difficulties with getting first.

#3. Everyone is a great fan of you, as you know, and they love chatting with you, but as you get a lot of attention, missed only 4 contests, you may want to let back for a week or two.

#4. Everyone has at least 20% of winning. the other 80% thinks no one can. as for you, you have 90% of winning 1st and 10% of being in the top 3. Don't you think some people need a chance to be 1st?

#5. Finally, I think you should pick. you are you. You are not us and we don't make decisions for you. As you see, You can think about it. If I went for 1 year and missed 48 contests and then came back, I could decide since i left and went i went back I finally had the chance to get on.

#6. Do you understand why you should pick/come back after 2 months or so?
Finally, a fan that understands what I am going thought. Yes, this is what I want to do... I WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO GET FIRST PLACE! It's not fair that everytime I enter, I get first. I want others ro wins so I will wait till I have broadband! :angry:

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No. Why?

#1. You always get 1st place. others need a fair chance of winning and since you won 1st 12 times, let someone else have a turn. (of course not me)

#2. You have a lot of points and items. If anyone else that has nothing needs points or stuff like that, or for example raising their CD, some have difficulties with getting first.

#3. Everyone is a great fan of you, as you know, and they love chatting with you, but as you get a lot of attention, missed only 4 contests, you may want to let back for a week or two.

#4. Everyone has at least 20% of winning. the other 80% thinks no one can. as for you, you have 90% of winning 1st and 10% of being in the top 3. Don't you think some people need a chance to be 1st?

#5. Finally, I think you should pick. you are you. You are not us and we don't make decisions for you. As you see, You can think about it. If I went for 1 year and missed 48 contests and then came back, I could decide since i left and went i went back I finally had the chance to get on.

#6. Do you understand why you should pick/come back after 2 months or so?
i'm not a great fan of her.i m not a fan of any one.

i honostly think you should come back when u want to.not when other people say you should.and its just a game.not everybody has to win 1st in the competitions.and i think you should come back because by now many people mite have forgotten about u.and we need other people to win the contests because those other ppl that are vting for themselfs are getting anoying.

i honostly think you should come back when u want to.not when other people say you should.and its just a game.not everybody has to win 1st in the competitions.and i think you should come back because by now many people mite have forgotten about u.and we need other people to win the contests because those other ppl that are vting for themselfs are getting anoying.
yeah ^-^

do it when u wanna come! ;D

dont rely on what other people want! ;]

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Finally, a fan that understands what I am going thought. Yes, this is what I want to do... I WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO GET FIRST PLACE! It's not fair that everytime I enter, I get first. I want others ro wins so I will wait till I have broadband! :D
If you want other ppl to get first place then you've already answered your own question. The answer is don't enter any more contests.

Why make a topic asking if you should enter the contests again if you want others to win?

I think you have got plenty of feedback on this question now, so I am going to close it ^_^


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