Would you Rather............?


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A cow. What, do you think vampires cook cows????

Would you rather be turned into an adult, or the opposite gender for the rest of your life?

:3 nya


WYR be covered in trantulas or really venmous snakes


Would you rather:

Eat Cockroaches for teh rest of your life


Eat Worms for teh rest of your life?

probably cockroaches, they can last even after the end of the world so they'll always be there

WYR die a slow painful death in front of everyone you know or die a painless death alone

I would rather die a slow and painful death in front of everyone I know so I can see their faces one last time.

Would you rather find your one true love but have no friends, or have lots of friends but no true love?

my ear, I have 2 of those

WYR be famous with no friends or non famous with friends

i would rather hug spongebob

wyr jump in a pool of broken, sharp glass or jump in a fire?

The fire because then I could just jump out in one second.

Would you rather be in a tamagotchi or have no tamagotchis?

Uh....have no tamagotchis? xD I don't think I wanna be inside one.

WYR get kissed by Nick Jonas, or Joe Jonas??

(and even if you don't like them, just pick =P)


Would you rather give up TV or give up the comp?

OMIGOSH tamagirl_desy I would TOTALLY pick NICK!!!!!!!!!

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