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Be stuck in a locked buliding with only you and timmy turner inside


Jump off a trampoline Bounce of a nearby tree and land in the pool?


I'd hate to be stuck inside a building with a fictional character whom I don't care about whatsoever, so the second one fer sureeee.


WYR eat glass or eat a freshly killed bull?

ice- it doesn't burn. its not too bad..

(srry, i forgot to WYR last post)

WYR eat mystaery mash at your scool taht looks liek it ahs the you-know-what stuff in it


get yelled at by you BFF

Ice does burn ;)

Yelled at. We yell at each other on a daily basis (jokingly, of course. Yesterday we fake fighted outside, and I said "Wanna take this inside so you can say lets take this outside?" I'll stop talking now)

WYR wear black or white for the rest of your life?

Text. I've lived without it, but I cannot possibly survive without the amazing internet, which holds all my TT friendies, and MSN. I love the internet :)

WYR watch Hannah Montana, or Jonas TV?

Aussie. But don't get me wrong, I'd love to visit NZ and see both Michello and Teri and take lots and lotsa piccies and videossss :)

WYR have swine flu or bird flu?

Kicked. I think it'll be easier to handle.

Though I wouldn't want any whatsoever :\

WYR drink a glass of water, or eat a fresh banana?

I'd choose the water, haha.

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