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kiss a gaint worm cause they are preety nice :D

WYR buy a present for yourself or buy one for someone else :D ?

Defiantly scrub my face with manure. If I scrubbed my face with manure I could just get it over with, but if I washed my hands with acid my hands would disintegrate and I would have no hands for the rest of my life.

Would you rather be held captive in a spaceship by aliens or swim in a fish tank full of sharks?

UNICORN! I'd call it SU xD

WYR be sucked into a black hole or blown away by a tornado?

Blown away by a tornado. Black holes make you go straight. Tornadoes make you go 'up' Doesn't everyone love going higher and higher?

WYR smash a iPad or eat poo?

Smash an iPad. Poo is so gross

WYR be stranded in the middle of the ocean on a lifeboat with no food, water, or communication, or crack your skull(I cracked my skull before, not that bad)

IDK what a bogger is, but sure, I'll go with it.

WYR: Die single or live to be SUPER DUPER old with a husband/wife

Kill, kill, kill!

OK, would you rather become a tamagotchi or forget about tamagotchis all together and never play it again? o_O

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I would rather become a Tama.

Would you rather do homework for 10 hours, or eat all of your vegetables?

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Would you rather have all your video games come to life or have your game end (die) right now?

I would rather have all my video games come to life.

Would you rather dress and act like a giant chicken in public, or walk around with a paper stuck on your shirt that says "KICK ME!"

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Would you rather have -1 Karma for ever or -3 Karma for ten years?

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Kiss an Onion i can just Chew Gum Afterwards and my Breath Smell Great

WYR Be Meloditchi or Momoritchi?

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