WoW My School Got Everyone Sick


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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
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Soo today at my school this vendor came in and gave us all drinks that were just supposed to be milk, but they were actually diet drinks and everyone that drank them got was crazy, the front lobby was filled with kids and also the guidence offices were so was the nurses office, the bathrooms are closed(people threw up all over them), and there is vomit EVERYWHERE...I vomited twice but some kids threw up more then 10 times, some children were passing out in the cafeteria, and teachers were carrying kids to call there parents, we were allowed to use our cell phones to call our parents, some kids can't get in touch with there parents though, I went home early and like alot of other kids are still waiting to be picked up (my school ends in an hour) it was just horrible and we are all soo sick because there was something in that drink that made us all sick

You've got to be kidding. :)


Well... are you sure about 500? 'Cause that's a whole darn lot.

I hope you guys can feel better soon- there's nothing else I can do 'bout that.

Take it easy, and stay home to relax.


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Yea it was 500(and counting) i heard the principle tell my mom..there is about 1,500 in mii school

Wait... your school just allows vendors to come in and give you guys drinks...?

And you drank them...?

Well, I am really sorry to hear that so many kids got sick ;) but it sounds like it is safer to bring a drink to school from your own home - or buy one from the school cafeteria - like from a vending machine?

^^That's what I was thinking! 0-0 It must've been some sort of food poisoning in those drinks. Ugh, that's terrible.

well like it was this guy and he gave us the stuff...the school doesnt usually allow this to happen..but the drinks were free so we all took them

Yes, it could have been Food Poisening.

It's easier to get it than you think...

From now on, I agree that it's a good idea to bring your own drink from home.

Well, I hope you guys feel better as soon as possible.

It's definetely not the student's fault.

Take it easy.


well like it was this guy and he gave us the stuff...the school doesnt usually allow this to happen..but the drinks were free so we all took them
Lol, I guess that goes to show you...

Don't take stuff from strangers! D:

Aww that must have been so gross and AWFUL!! Dx

WOW!!! That's horrible. I hope everyone gets well soon.

im sorry but you were a bit stupid!!!drwhokid
Not really. Obviously this vender was inside the school therefore should have been safe.

It's the school staff and/or the person/people that hired him that's stupid.

My goodness that's alot of people! o.o

lol, I thought by WoW you mean World of Warcraft got everyone sick. Teehee. Well, it's certainly a bummer all those kids got sick. Classes must be interesting for those who didn't get sick. It's always interesting to see what teachers do when they only less than ~60% of the class there. As Aubrey and TM pointed out, though, why did you guys drink a drink given by some random vendor? o_O

That's ridiculous. Why did you drink it? It could have been laced with acid!

Next time, don't take drinks from creepy, random vender dudes. 'Tis dangerous.

[SIZE=28pt]What a blatant lie.[/SIZE]
Hey...there is a chance for this to happen. It could happen to any school that has a staff that lets some random vendor give out free drinks. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it's impossible. I hope you get better Gymcutie95....although your school staff was not doing the right thing by letting some random vendor come into your school and put something weird in your drink to make 500 students puke and pass out. Now they will know to never let some random vendor come into the school, since it could be dangerous. I won't be surprised if the school gets sued for that.

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