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I love writing I want to be a author someday I like to write about magical things and horses I know it sounds crazy but I can write other things

I write TONS and I LOVE writing.

I always think that like, every other thing I think about when I think of writing ideas, is an awesome story plot so I start writing, and it'll be about two pages or so. Then I'll read it again and say "Oh that was a stupid idea" and stop writing it. I currently have three very good storys. One might turn into a trilogy.

I always tell my friends I loathe [e? Sorry, I iz verry tired. Late night.] poetry but I secretly enjoy it. ^....^

I'd like to think I'm not that bad at it but I don't know what anyone else would think. xP

I like writing. I've started numerous novels, and only kept up with one. I tried NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and utterly failed due to lack of focus, though. I'm currently writing a short story about Mother Nature. :angry:

My teacher said that I was so good at writing that I could be the next J.K. Rowling not trying to brag it is not even my words my teacher said that

I like writing. I've started numerous novels, and only kept up with one. I tried NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and utterly failed due to lack of focus, though. I'm currently writing a short story about Mother Nature. :huh:
I felt forced through NaNoWriMo, I'm trying next year anyway though.

I like newspapers, journalism seems to suit me...something with writing!

on other news: finished novel! 100 pages only :D still editing.

  My teacher said that I was so good at writing that I could be the next J.K. Rowling not trying to brag it is not even my words my teacher said that
No, not bragging, that's cool :huh: My teacher last year said my essay was 'too advanced'... I know..weird...I <3 that teacher.

OMG!!!!! 300 pages...lost???? Horrible. recover it, it's possible.
It's too late now...It's so not fair the only thing I had to do was write the bibliography then it was ready to be published. I'm reeealy mad at my sister, I worked so hard on that book.

It's too late now...It's so not fair the only thing I had to do was write the bibliography then it was ready to be published. I'm reeealy mad at my sister, I worked so hard on that book.
That's horrible :huh: But with certain softwares, etc, you really can recover it...I'd look into that...and yell at my sister...

Yeah but I have Windows XP so you can't on that
I do too...it worked for me :huh: anyway, I am so sorry...300 pages lost? I'd kill her (not literally)

I do too...it worked for me :huh: anyway, I am so sorry...300 pages lost? I'd kill her (not literally)
I know well the new one's going pretty well, it has one hundred pages. Just to tell you it's about Heather the harp seal. No prise for guessing the titil of the book XD

I know well the new one's going pretty well, it has one hundred pages. Just to tell you it's about Heather the harp seal. No prise for guessing the titil of the book XD
Awesome!!! My story (new one) is only 11 pages (singly spaced) but it's only the exposition.

I hate writing. I wrote a 40 something page story once on the computer, but of course I didn't really come up with an ending beforehand, so the whole thing stunk like rotten old cheese because it made exactly zero sense. Haven't opened it up since May.

I don't like writing because every plot idea I come up with seems so...cliché. And all the fantasy ideas I come up with have already been written about, or are dorky. :D I always feel like I should be able to come up with something better but I never do.

I love reading though. :D

I hate writing. I wrote a 40 something page story once on the computer, but of course I didn't really come up with an ending beforehand, so the whole thing stunk like rotten old cheese because it made exactly zero sense. Haven't opened it up since May.
I don't like writing because every plot idea I come up with seems so...cliché. And all the fantasy ideas I come up with have already been written about, or are dorky. :D I always feel like I should be able to come up with something better but I never do.

I love reading though. :D
I'm sure you write fine :D Whenever I know my plot has been used before, I add something creative in, a twist, always works :D

I'm sure you write fine :D Whenever I know my plot has been used before, I add something creative in, a twist, always works :D
Thanks. :D I'm never satisfied with any pieces of writing I've done though.

We once had to do this "writing ideas" thing in English. I couldn't think of anything to write about, so I wrote about drawing. XD (I love drawing.) It sounded quite stupid in the end though. I was thinking "Why write about drawing when you can just draw!" But unfortunately I have to miss art class for band, so no hour of drawing for me. :D
