x.Chasing Sunshine


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Ah, but will it have a snowman on it? That is the question.

Nope. It's his first tour in the UK and he got amazing reviews ):

Well, yeah, I know, that's really how it is, but I don't see it that way. I'm silly like that.

Ah, I see. Yeah, I just saw it on your Tumblr and I thought you might like to know. My other friend also did pretty well in auditions for the next series, too. I'm not sure what they've decided yet, though.

"That sounds great to me," Brandon said, gesturing for her to lead the way, already suddenly feeling a lot hungrier, "After you."

^ In some ways my lack of knowing what to write kind of helps make it even more awkward between these two, bless them.

"Oh, really? That's funny, I thought people just sort of had a habit of deciding where the best place to get ice cream is. But, I guess when you live in New York and you want ice cream, then you're not going to want to cross the whole city just to go to this one place," Caden said, showing the way. Luckily enough, this one wasn't on the other side of the city. Instead, it was about a ten minute walk away, a few blocks down. He opened the door for her, and then followed in behind. "Alright, what are you having? It's on me."

Well, no. But we all have to make sacrifices.

Maybe next time, then?

They've already decided the next series cast, I think. I think I've seen a cast picture somewhere.

Avery nodded, and started walking towards the diner. It was only a few blocks away so it wasn't going to be that long of a walk. When they reached the diner, they were greeted by a waitress who took them to a small booth. After they were both seated, she handed them their menus and left.

"Umm..." Cassandra thought about it as she looked at all the different flavors. She preferred fruity ones usually, even more so if they were made with real fruit. "I'll get the lemon, please." She said, once she found one that looked interesting.

Yes, yes we do.

I hope so. And hopefully he'll come closer to where I live next time.

Oh, I see. I don't really know, he's probably too occupied with his A Levels anyway.

So on impulse I read the first few pages of this last night. I just thought the conversation where you told me that platypuses have venomous spikes on their ankles particularly funny :)

Brandon picked up a menu and started looking over it. There was an awful lot to choose from, pretty much everything you could imagine having for breakfast, which would make deciding even more difficult than usual-- he'd found that with New York, actually, all the food looked too good, knowing what you wanted was hard. Eventually he set it down on the table again, having decided to go for scrambled eggs on toast and a glass of orange juice to drink.

"Okay. I'll have a lemon and... A mint, please. Thank you," Caden said to the man behind the counter, who he also had a quick conversation with, since they knew each other quite well due to his regular visits to the place. He then paid, and handed the lemon ice cream to Cassandra.

Ah, how kind of it to actually work this time..

Everybody comes to Dallas for tours. xP

Ahahaha, I remember that!

What worked...? o_O

Avery hadn't even bothered to read through the menu, and had waited quietly for Brandon to finish picking what he wanted. When the waitress came back to take their orders, she said "Blueberry pancakes, please. With a glass of lemonade." The waitress nodded and took her menu, and turned to Brandon.

"Thank you," Cassandra smiled, taking a bite of her ice cream. She nodded. "You have a point. This is good ice cream."

Well, some of us live in the remote South Coast of England, where noone comes very often.

And you said how you wished you had them, and how it would be the best superpower ever.

Oh, I only tried to post here like five million times between eight and nine o' clock xD Website bug that randomly only affected a few select people.

With Avery mentioning something sweet Brandon suddenly didn't feel like toast or eggs at all any more. He made a snap decision and instead said to the waitress, "I'll have waffles, please. Can I get some maple syrup on those? Okay, thanks. And, a glass of orange juice, please. " The waitress took down his order and then went to take the order slip to the kitchen, before coming back about a minute later with their drinks. "There's only one thing missing from the menu. I quite miss having crumpets with my tea in the morning," he said with a chuckle, exaggerating his accent as he said it.

"You're welcome," Caden said. "D'you want to take a walk while we eat?" He opened the door for her, and ate some of his ice cream when they were both outside. "Yeah, I thought it was pretty good. I can't say I've tried every place in the city and have decided I like this best. But it does have the best I've tried, and the people who own it are nice."

I really do pity you poor souls. xP

And I stand by those words of wisdom one year later.

Sorry. ): Also sorry for not being on for the past two days. My friends were sleeping over. First it was 2, then 3. Then sometime before it jumped to 6 people. No worries.

Avery laughed softly. "You'll have to get me to try those sometime," she said as the waitress came back with their drinks. She took a sip of her lemonade. She much preferred that over orange juice.

Cassandra had nodded in response. "The man you talked to seemed pleasant enough," she said, after taking another bite of her ice cream. (It feels so awkward to say taking a bite of ice cream...)

Yeah. Still, since I'm going to a concert, and Paul Gilbert came in November I shouldn't complain too much :)

Well, I would have to agree.

Oh, well, it was the site so you don't have to apologise. And, as for not being on, that's fine, too. Haha, 6? Wow, that's a large increase. Did you have a good time, though? :)

"If I can get hold of some, then I certainly will. But I guess I might have to wait until either someone sends me some or we go to London, since I haven't seen any anywhere as of yet," he chuckled. "I'm surprised that you don't get them here, though. They're one of the better typical English foods that I thought someone would bring over."

"Yeah, he is," Caden nodded. "Once people get to know you from going to their place often, they usually warm to you. Even New Yorkers or Bostonians."

You know, I always thought that sounded awkward, too. I always try and avoid it, but I don't really know how else to say it.

You shouldn't. xP

We did, actually. The twins, Kat and I stayed up till 5 playing Sims and everyone ended up dying because their house got filled with bugs and they refused to eat and then one of them had twins and we killed the babies and then they died.

"Would they be better in England?" Avery asked, because there were always some foods that tasted better in their point of origin. "I guess people stick to typical breakfast food that they're used to. I wonder if they'd be popular here."

"Even?" Cassandra laughed. "You make it sound as if New Yorkers are generally cold and unsympathetic."

Well, I shan't, then.

Oh, being hideously mean on the Sims is so much fun. I miss having it on the computer, but the PC is buggered and I'm not sure that the ones I have are Mac compatible.

"Well, they might be, because by the time they'd get here, unless they're made here by someone who knows what they taste like, they'd be a bit stale. Maybe I could try making some at some point," Brandon said thoughtfully. "I'd be surprised if they wouldn't be. I mean people here like waffles and pancakes for breakfast, it's the same kind of principle.

"Hey, in fact, I wasn't the first person to say that. I believe it was you who told me I reacted too politely to the coffee incident to be a New Yorker," Caden pointed out with a chuckle. "I was just joking, really. I think you're all generally friendly. Certainly I know that you do not fit the stereotype, from what I've seen. Unless you're just being careful to conceal it."

Yeah, I think they have different ones for Macs and PCs.

"Oh, will you make me some later?" Avery asked. "I'd prefer eating ones that you made to ones anybody else made." She laughed, realizing she must sound a little silly. It would have probably tasted the same, but she did want to see him cook one way or another.

"But most people would not have reacted the way you did," she insisted, laughing. "Oh, I am," she joked. "I've really got a heart of stone, but I'm very good at hiding it."

This is the only annoyance I've found so far. Like, I had to buy a new drawing tablet for my Mac. In a way it was good though, since the one I bought is so much nicer.

"Of course I can," Brandon replied. "Perhaps when you come over and I cook you dinner as we've planned, you can stay over, and I'll make you crumpets for breakfast in the morning, as well," he suggested. He had to laugh a little bit with her about what she'd said. "Well, I'm very flattered that you would prefer my crumpets over anyone else's."

"And therefore in saying that, though you may be right, you can't criticise my stereotyping of New Yorkers since you did, even before I did," Caden said. He then put on an expression of mock surprise. "Oh, really? Wow, who'd have thought it. So I guess really when you've invited me to come with you to Europe you'll say it's cancelled last minute, and go by yourself, or something along those lines. I suppose I'd better prepare myself for the real you, in that case."

I know. I'm going to probably get a Mac for college, because it's so much easier to use that for a journalism major, but I'll probably end up keeping my PC too, just for all my other stuff.

Avery nodded. "That sounds perfect," she smiled. Just then, the waitress arrived with their food. She set down their respective plates in front of them before leaving. "You'll love the food here," she told Brandon before she picked up the maple syrup and drenched her pancakes with it.

"At least I'm giving you a warning," she replied. "I usually don't do that. Consider yourself lucky!"

A lot of Mac users have a PC as well, because of all the software restrictions and things. For me, I don't really need anything else, but it's not the case for most people.

"Okay. When we get back I'll set a date for it," Brandon said, apparently very pleased with the idea of it, and looking forward to it even more because there was breakfast involved, as well. When the food arrived, he could see what she meant, it looked and smelled amazing, and he suddenly felt twice as hungry as before. "It does look fantastic," he replied, nodding. When she was finished with it, he picked up the maple syrup and poured a considerable amount onto his waffles, and then went to eat some. He smiled and once he'd finished his mouthful he said, "I swear, I've never had breakfast like it." It was true, nowhere in London did breakfast like this.

"Oh, I feel very fortunate. But that you've lead me on for this long is slightly dismaying, I think I was beginning to like you," Caden said, pursing his lips to stifle the chuckle that was trying to come out as a result of his comment to try and seem serious.

I've been watching Skins for so long that all my thoughts are in a British accent. It's rather entertaining. I thought you might find it entertaining.

Avery nodded as she chewed on a bit of her pancakes. "It is amazing, isn't it?" she said between bites. "They make it fresh and it always tastes perfect. Would you like a bite of mine, by the way?"

"Well, you're going to keep liking me," Cassandra giggled. "Because everyone likes me. You simply won't have another option other than to like me." She laughed again because their whole conversation was pretty silly, although what she was saying was the truth, to some extent because many people did in fact like her.

I do find that entertaining. That's really funny xD

"It is really, really good," Brandon agreed. He was amazed, unless you went to a well respected chain cafe, you were just to avoid places that weren't fancy restaurants to go and get food, particularly breakfast, and it wouldn't taste anywhere near as good. He finished his mouthful of waffle and said, "Yes, please," in reply to her offer, and cut off a piece of waffle to offer to her in return.

"Oh, wow, that's amazing, I do just suddenly feel inclined to carry on liking you. What other special mind controlling powers do you have?" Caden chuckled, then had some more of his ice cream, which he had momentarily forgotten about. Of course, she didn't have to make him like her, he did anyway.

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Yeah. And I still am too.

She cut of some of her pancakes and held it out across the table so he could take a bite. The food here was among her favorite and she was glad that he could eat it too. Avery finished the remainder of her pancakes quickly so that they would still be warm. When she was done, she took a sip of her lemonade. "What should we do now?" she asked him.

"Well, that's it really," she said, unable to come up with anything non-generic off the top of her head. "But it's an incredibly useful trick. And it works amazingly."

I wish I could hear them, really.

How're you, anyway?

Brandon took a bite of the pancakes she'd offered him and then sat back in his chair while he ate it. He smiled, took a sip of his orange juice, and then said, "Honestly, how do you decide what to have? I don't know what's nicer, yours or mine," he chuckled. Her question posed a slight problem to him, because he really had no idea. "I'm not sure," he said, "Is there anything you think I really have to see here that we haven't been to already?"

"Well, I can only agree with you, since it's obviously worked on me," Caden laughed softly. "I wonder, is it something that can be taught or do you just have it? I imagine I'd like to be able to do it."

I'm fine. I need to do some last minute Christmas shopping so I'm just waiting for my mom to get out of the shower. If only I could drive.

And you?

"I just really like the blueberry pancakes, I guess," she said. Then, she shook her head in response to his question. She didn't really feel like doing much after yesterday and besides they had done all of the sightseeing already. "I don't think there's really anything much left to look at."

"As much as I'd love to teach you how, I can't," Cassandra said after finishing her ice cream. "It's top secret."

Ah, I see. Have the sales started today for you as well? They've started on Christmas Eve this year since Boxing Day is on a Sunday.

I'm good. We went to see the new Narnia film today-- we always see a movie on Christmas Eve-- and I thought it was good, actually :) And right now I'm drawing things from Treasure Planet, and thinking about how much I'd forgotten what a great film it is.

Okay, so I'm off now. All that's left to say is, have a wonderful Christmas, Diva. And, of course, I love you <3

Brandon looked thoughtful then, and nodded at her response. He had expected as much, they'd seen a lot already since they'd been here a while, and he was quite tired after everything. "Well, I really don't mind. If you don't feel like doing much, that's okay with me, especially if you're not really up to it today."

"Ah, I see. As disappointed as I am, I can't argue with that," Caden replied, finishing off his ice cream, and running a hand by his mouth just to check that there wasn't any around his mouth or something, for he was quite prone to doing that, and then he'd look silly. "I suppose I'll just have to hope that you can grow to like me through the normal means."

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A few have started, but I'm sure there'll be more after Christmas.

I've never seen either. I watched the first Narnia movie and didn't really like it and I never watched the others.

You have a good Christmas too, and I love you as well :)

"Yeah. I'd rather just relax at the hotel if that's okay with you," she said before finishing her lemonade. She set the glass aside and waited for Brandon to finish and for the waitress to return with their bill.

"I guess so," Cassandra replied with a shrug, having nothing more to say on the topic. She did already like him, actually; that was the basis of her inviting him to come to Amsterdam with her.

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