~*x.Midnight.x has a Tamagotchi log!*~


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Dec 30, 2008
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Welcome to my tama log! Here I shall be logging about my v5. If I get anything else it shall be contained in a different log just so everyone knows. Also if you have any questions, comments, or concerns(i have no idea what you'd be concerned about though,) please PM with them, DON'T post them here! Anyways lets begin with information:

Tama Type: Blue with Rockets.


Boy {Oldest}

Girl {Middle}

Boy {Youngest}


Clicker {Oldest}

Bell {Middle}

Matt {Youngest}

Also to let all know I cheated and got the Egg thing that fills up 3 Hungry and the Vase that fills up 3 Happy. So everything runs smoothly!

Now lets begin, shall we?

Okay, here it is 6:38 meaning Clicker, Bell, and Matt were born at 5:24

So they're all now Toddlers!

Here is what they are!

Bell, Matt, and Clicker!

Bell is on the left. Matt in the middle. Clicker on the right.

They recently had their first poo~ (have no idea why I'm so happy, SCARY!)

Anyways here are their stats:

Money: 10gp (I just started people give me a break xD)

Bond Percent: 0 (so far!)

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Moods: Clicker- Happy. Bell- Happy. Matt- Happy

Thoughts: Clicker- I wonder if I'll get to be a parent? Bell- Am I ugly? Or beautiful? Matt- I need to go to the dentist...



Want to know who will get to be a parent?


"Yes yes!"

I'm not saying.

"No fair Midnight. You get us all happy then put us down!"


If I tell you now, and no one gets sad...Will you guys SHUT UP?


Okay The person who gets to be a parent is:

-pulls out an envelope- opens the letter- It is....-drum roll- Clicker!




Sorry Bell, sorry Matt.

But the first born will always be the one who gets Parentship.

Anyways That's all for now! If anything else happens I'll post~

Well not much has happened, I've went online with the guys and just now sent them to the bathroom (5:37pm) Hopefully in 23minutes I'll get to train them~ I missed the 10 o'clock training and the 2 o'clock training so I really need this 6 o'clock one. Anyways Clicker has been earning some money for the family and Bell and Matt are still sad, but they've managed~

Anyways here are stats:

Money:550gp (I don't really need money,)

Bond Percent: 0 (ARG!!!!)

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Moods: Clicker- Very happy Bell- Very happy Matt- Happy

Thoughts: Clicker- Go me! Go me! I get to be a parent~ Bell- I wonder what Clicker's kid or kids will look like? Probably like their cutest Aunt! Me! Well if it's a girl anyways, if not than the boy will probably end up looking like a Clicker. And who wants to be a Mouse? Matt- I REALLY need to go to the Dentist...

Well here's an online Log-in Code for the V5 world:



Its fun and enjoyable, just gets annoying how you have to Log-in, then Log-out then Log-in again then Log-ouot and then REPEAT the process!

Okay well that's it for now, if something happens I'll post~

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Well I just trained them!(6:00pm) And got some more money. ACK! So very sorry!! The family name is Propz. I'm so bad...*sob sob sob*. Anyways here are stats:


Bond Percent: 0 ARRRRRG!!!!

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Moods: Clicker- Very happy Bell- Very happy Matt- Very happy

Thoughts: Clicker- I'm so good to this family~ I earn them money and keep us alive! Bell- Clicker is always bragging about himself, it gets AWFULLY annoying. Matt- Yay I'm going to the dentist!


Matt c'mon I ain't got all day ya know?


*At the Dentist*


~All Done!~

"Really Dentist? My teeth are straight?"

~They're Perfect!~

They really are Matt, they really are!

"Yay! I wanna see!*goes over to mirror* Wow!"

*back at the house*

"We're impressed Matt, you have clean shiny straight white teeth!"

Good job Matt.

"I'm so happy~"

Imagine Mattaritchi with his normal three teeth only this time they are white and straight.

Okay well if anything else happens I'll post!

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Okay well they haven't changed yet, but they are all happy. Anyways here are their stats:

Money: 1030gp

Bond Percent: 100%! See my cheat here: ~My Cheat~

Hungry: 3/5 MUST FEED!

Happy: 4/5 I'm coming...

Moods: Clicker- Happy Bell- Happy Matt- Happy

Thoughts: Clicker- I'm so excited~! Bell- Oh. My. Gosh! I gotta get ready~ Matt- Fun! Fun! FUN!


Everyone ready?


*at the fair*

"Lets ride the Roller Coster!" {Clicker}

"Lets ride the Ferris Wheel!" {Matt}

"Lets ride the Merry-go-round!" {Bell}

"HEY!" {all}



We are going to ride all of those in this order:

Matt's ride

Bell's ride

Clicker's ride


"Yay~" {Matt}

"Sure," {Bell}

"Hmph." {Clicker}


*at home*

"That," Bell

"Was," Clicker

"Awesome!" Matt


Well if anything else goes on, worth typing, I'll tell ya guys!

They've evolved!

Bell, Clicker, and Matt!

Bell on the Left. Clicker in the Middle. Matt on the Right.

Here are stats:

Money: 1130

Bond Percent: 100%

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Moods: Clicker- Happy Bell- Happy Matt- Happy

Thoughts: Clicker- Wow! I'm a Mamekatchi~ Bell- Being a Chamametchi is fun, plus I'm cute~ Matt- Cool I'm a Korokotchi, and I look like an acorn! *laughs* Funny~


What they are now:

Clicker- Mamekatchi

Bell- Chamametchi

Matt- Korokotchi


*sings happy b-day song*

"*blows out candles*" all


"yay!" all

You guys grow so fast!!!*cry cry*

"Oh, don't cry!" Bell

"There's no need to," Clicker

"Midnight, don't cry!" Matt

"*hug hug*"

Aw thanks!

*group hug*

"Buddies," all {w/ Me~}

"And Family," all

"FOREVER~~!" all {w/ Me~}


Have Comments? Questions? Concerns? Well PM and I'll give you exclusive SNEAK-PEEKS at what will happen next! I love hearing on what you think of my Log, so Comments are beautiful to me~ Also I'll answer any questions on my Log or any questions containing v1-v5 information!


To get a SNEAK-PEEK write Sneak me a Peek at the top of your PM message!


Well I'll post tomorrow! Bye~Bye and thanks for reading!


Thanks to who-ever made the awesome picture!

Okay well nothing really happened, I'm going on to Tama & Earth Expo at the moment (the v5 world). Here's a code:



Clicker is earning money~

I'm hoping that he turns into a Mametchi that way I can marry him to Chantotchi, but he probably won't cause this is the first generation and they start out as a Blended Family. But if he does I'll be so happy~

Anyways here are stats:


Bond Percent: 100%

Hungry: 3/5 *feeds* NOW: 5/5

Happy: 3/5 *feeds* NOW: 5/5

Moods: Clicker: Very happy Bell: Very happy Matt: Very happy

Thoughts: Clicker: I'm bored, Bell: HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! Matt: This is gonna be stupid...


Ready guys?

"YES!" Bell

"No." boys

Great lets go!

"But?" boys

"SHUT-UP! Lets go~" Bell

*at spa*

"Thank you so much Midnight!"


"Why does she get to have fun? What about us?" Matt

You guys went to a OFB store yesterday. Bell went, and she DIDN'T complain.


Yeah who's gonna talk NOW?


*laugh* Funny~

*at home*

"That was so much fun!" Bell

"What." Matt

"Ever." Clicker

Glad you had fun Bell, boys be nice~

"Yay..." boys


More next time!

That's all for now, if anything else happens I'll post!


Have Comments? Questions? Concerns? Well PM and I'll give you exclusive SNEAK-PEEKS at what will happen next! I love hearing on what you think of my Log, so Comments are beautiful to me~ Also I'll answer any questions on my Log or any questions containing v1-v5 information!


To get a SNEAK-PEEK write Sneak me a Peek at the top of your PM message!

Okay well, Bell threw a fit this morning because her 'TamaLash Exclusive NailPolish' got ruined so every 5 minutes the happy and hungry hearts went down to 2. But now since I got her some more, the happy and hungry hearts stay at 5 for more than 10hrs.

Anyways here are stats:

Money: 1230gp

Bond Percent: 100%

Hungry: 3/5 *feeds* NOW: 5/5

Happy: 4/5 *gives item* NOW: 5/5

Moods: Clicker- Very happy Bell- Very happy Matt- Very happy

Thoughts: Clicker- I'm gonna go eat. Bell- Let me go paint moi's nails! Matt- What's on TV?




So Matt what's on?

"Nothing good."


So Bell what's the color?

"Well it's a royal blue with a speck of blood red and grass green and blah blah blah..."


What'cha eating?


What kind?

"Salami with Mayo."

Can I have some?




Who do you think I had more fun with?





Question answer revealed in next post~~

PM me on who YOU think I had the most fun with!


Have Comments? Questions? Concerns? Well PM and I'll give you exclusive SNEAK-PEEKS at what will happen next! I love hearing on what you think of my Log, so Comments are beautiful to me~ Also I'll answer any questions on my Log or any questions containing v1-v5 information!


To get a SNEAK-PEEK write Sneak me a Peek at the top of your PM message!

UGH! Do you know how booooring it gets writing a Tama Log? I mean you gotta stare at them, and when something good happens its all like "I MUST WRITE THIS EVENT DOWN!!!" so then you rush to the computer, write it all down and about 5 minutes later something awesome happens so you edit your last post, and shove that in!


"*sob cry wail* YOU HATE US!!! *sob cry wail*" all

No no!


I love you guys!

"Really? WAIT! you just said writing about us was boooooring! *sob cry wail*"

...I AM SORRY!!!




Whew! That was close!





Clicker: CLICKER!

Bell: She's a Chantotchi!

Matt: MATT!


Have Comments? Questions? Concerns? Well PM and I'll give you exclusive SNEAK-PEEKS at what will happen next! I love hearing on what you think of my Log, so Comments are beautiful to me~ Also I'll answer any questions on my Log or any questions containing v1-v5 information!


To get a SNEAK-PEEK write Sneak me a Peek at the top of your PM message!

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Well still not much has happened, They should be ready to mate tomorrow. High chance of today. I've noticed that when they come up to say hello, they are all so cute! xD

Anyways here are stats:

Money: 1240

Bond Percent: 90%

Hungry: 2/5 *feeds* NOW: 5/5

Happy: 3/5 *gives item* NOW 5/5

Moods: Clicker- Happy Bell- Happy Matt- Happy

Thoughts: Clicker- Tomorrow, I START A FAMILY! Bell & Matt- Tomorrow, We leave the family! D=)




"I get to have a family!"


So how are you guys?

"Sad." both

Oh...what about?

"We have to leave."

Oh...sorry to hear.


Oh...even sorrier.



Okay so the winner of the contest was J! J-Joe the Pie~ Can't belive no one got it right! xD


Have Comments? Questions? Concerns? Well PM and I'll give you exclusive SNEAK-PEEKS at what will happen next! I love hearing on what you think of my Log, so Comments are beautiful to me~ Also I'll answer any questions on my Log or any questions containing v1-v5 information!


To get a SNEAK-PEEK write Sneak me a Peek at the top of your PM message!

Okay well first, I won't be on a lot because I'm being grounded cause I lost my tama (BUT, I found it~).

Second, I'm on the second generation, Blended Family still! My oldest is a girl~ Clicker ended up marring a Onputchi and they had 2 kids:

Ring - Chamametchi - Oldest

Snap - Mamekatchi - Youngest



Ring - Belutchi - Oldest [This is the spelling I got. {Belltchi is another way}]

Snap - Mausutchi - Youngest [This is the spelling I got. {Mousetchi is another way}]


Hiya guys!!

"Hi Midnight, it's so nice to see you again~"

*hug* Well it's nice to see you~

"Hi Midnight!"


"Aunt Bell!" Ring

"Uncle Matt!" Snap

"Ring, Snap!" Bell & Matt

"Hello Matt, Bell~" Clicker

"Oh it's so wonderful to meet you all!" Turnip [The Mama]

"Nice to meet you too Turnip!" Bell & Matt


*talking continues*

*Bell & Matt leave*

"That was nice~" Turnip & Clicker

"I had fun!!" Snap

"Me too~!!" Ring


Well here are stats:

Money: 1720

Bond %: 30 [i'm being lazy! xD]

Hungry: 3/5 *feeds* NOW: 5/5

Happy: 3/5 *gives item* NOW: 5/5

Moods: {Both} Very Happy

Thoughts: Ring- I'm gonna be an adult tomorrow! Snap- I wonder what Rings kids will look like?


Well that's all for now~


Have Comments? Questions? Concerns? Well PM and I'll give you exclusive SNEAK-PEEKS at what will happen next! I love hearing on what you think of my Log, so Comments are beautiful to me~ Also I'll answer any questions on my Log or any questions containing v1-v5 information!


To get a SNEAK-PEEK write Sneak me a Peek at the top of your PM message!

Well they've evolved!

Ring- Lovezukintchi

Snap- Kuromametchi


Anyways here are stats:

Money: 1720gp

Bond %: 40

Hungry: 4/5 *feeds* NOW:5/5

Happy: 5/5

Moods: [both] Happy

Thoughts: Ring- I am Bored. Snap- I'm awfully Bored.


*at TAMA convention*


*at home*

Wasn't that fun?

We all got free TamaPlushies!~


...You guys bore me. I liked Clicker and his crew better!


"Mom! Dad!"

"Sorry Son,"

"Sorry my lovely~"

Hey, shouldn't you guys be moving out?

Not to be rude but, they're adults!

"Yes yes, sorry Midnight."

NO need to thank me!

"*laugh*" all

*later that day*

"Bye bye!"

"Bye Mom!"

"Bye Dad!"



Okay so what now?




Well that's all for now, if anything else happens I'll post!


Have Comments? Questions? Concerns? Well PM and I'll give you exclusive SNEAK-PEEKS at what will happen next! I love hearing on what you think of my Log, so Comments are beautiful to me~ Also I'll answer any questions on my Log or any questions containing v1-v5 information!


To get a SNEAK-PEEK write Sneak me a Peek at the top of your PM message!

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Oh...I haven't replied in awhile ;)


Well here is info;;

Ring got married to Chubby [A fat dude, NOT LARGE FAMILY]

Also Ring and Snap went into the Ninga Family so Ring is a 'Ninga Mom'.

They had three kids;

Lazi [sAID: LAA-zee NOT LAY-zee] -oldest-

Spook -middle-

Violet -youngest-


This is what they are;

Lazi: Luvzukintchi

Spook: Kuromametchi

Violet: Makkiko


OKAY this is happening only ONE time, I'm making an exception! Every 3 generations, the YOUNGEST will marry! So Violet gets to marry! ~Yay~


Anyways I just wanted everyone to be filled in. They turned adults today so in two days Violet will marry.

I'm not going to be doing my normal writing way only because this was just to fill you in, so that is all!


That's all for now bye-bye folks!


Have Comments? Questions? Concerns? Well PM and I'll give you exclusive SNEAK-PEEKS at what will happen next! I love hearing on what you think of my Log, so Comments are beautiful to me~ Also I'll answer any questions on my Log or any questions containing v1-v5 information!


To get a SNEAK-PEEK write Sneak me a Peek at the top of your PM message

Okay well they turned to the PETITE Family so I gave them milk and now everything is okay~ Also Violet married Sammi (Mametchi) and they had two kids:

Fifi - Girl - Oldest

Tu [Pronounced as TWO] - Boy - Youngest

Okay so they got their first and only sickness, oh!

Fifi is a Mimifuwatchi

Tu is a Omututchi


Well here are stats:

Money: 1720gp

Bond %: 0 [JUST BORN]

Hungry: 4/5

Happy: 5/5

Moods: [both] Happy

Thoughts: [both] I WANNA PLAY!!


"Hurry Up..."


"...hurry up..."



*at park*


Fifi don't eat that tree!

Tu why are you climbing that lady?

*at home*

"Fun FUN fun..."

Work WORK work...


Okay well that's all for now!


Have Comments? Questions? Concerns? Well PM and I'll give you exclusive SNEAK-PEEKS at what will happen next! I love hearing on what you think of my Log, so Comments are beautiful to me~ Also I'll answer any questions on my Log or any questions containing v1-v5 information!


To get a SNEAK-PEEK write Sneak me a Peek at the top of your PM message

Well they evolved!

Fifi - Sakuramutchi

Tu - Ahirukutchi


They had their birthday at TamaPARTI, not much fun due to the fact they kicked us out when Fifi started trying to eat the waiter...

Well anyways here are stats:

Money: 1720gp

Bond %: 10

Hungry: 1/5 *feeds* NOW: 5/5

Happy: 1/5 *gives item* NOW: 5/5

Moods: Fifi- Happy Tu-Giddy

Thoughts: Fifi- I'M SO PRETTY! Tu-My sister is so embarrassing...


Okay let's make this quick.


The PARENT is...










Anyways that's all!


Have Comments? Questions? Concerns? Well PM and I'll give you exclusive SNEAK-PEEKS at what will happen next! I love hearing on what you think of my Log, so Comments are beautiful to me~ Also I'll answer any questions on my Log or any questions containing v1-v5 information!


To get a SNEAK-PEEK write Sneak me a Peek at the top of your PM message

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Okay well they evolved twice.


Fifi - Itchigotchi

Tu - Bakutchi



Fifi- Makkiko

Tu- Uhyotchi



Money: 1720gp

Bond%: 20

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Moods: [both] Very Happy

Thoughts: [both] ...




Have Comments? Questions? Concerns? Well PM and I'll give you exclusive SNEAK-PEEKS at what will happen next! I love hearing on what you think of my Log, so Comments are beautiful to me~ Also I'll answer any questions on my Log or any questions containing v1-v5 information!


To get a SNEAK-PEEK write Sneak me a Peek at the top of your PM message

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>.< I'm so sorry I haven't written more. My Tamagotchi's died a couple of -cough- months -cough- ago...-.-;; And I didn't care for them. I tried restarting them and rebooting but I always let 'em die :D So now I have no tamagotchi, i mean i still have my tama but just no tama-pets...>.< Okay well that's all, SORRY READERS! :mellow: Anyways I have a request:

~<Request Below>~


Could you PLEASE close this topic? Thankies!

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