x. Your Nails .x


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Do you wear nail polish?

Yes, all the time. Right now I have black that I chipped off a line down the middle of each o.o I need to re-do them...

How do you do your nails?

I like doing alternating colours, example: green-black-blue. but I mostly have one colour because it's less effort and I am lazy.

Are you a nail-biter?

No but I was one for a few months. No idea why.

How long are your nails?

Very short. I always keep them short.

Do you care about your nails?


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So I just made this topic so that you could talk about nails.
-Do you wear nail polish?

-How do you do your nails?

-Are you a nail-biter?

-How long are your nails?

-Do you care about your nails?

I quite like my nails. They usually look pretty good, but it really bothers me when they break. x__x

I'm not a nail-biter, though. I used to be, but it looks too gross so I made myself stop! Yus, will power. . .

Anyway, when I do paint them, it's usually pretty unlike the rest of me. I'm wacky and colourful; they're usually a pretty pale pink or just clear. :]

I like them better that way.

And I also used to have this peelable nail polish stuff that I was practically addicted to. I would paint my nails all different colours and wait for it to dry just so I could peel it off afterwards! xDD

So, what about you?

-points at reader-
-Do you wear nail polish? Yes, I do a lot of the time. Right now they are bright pink.

-How do you do your nails? Just one colour. I find that on nails less is more

-Are you a nail-biter? No, I used to be but then my mum said I wasn't allowed to paint my nails if I bit them so I stopped.

-How long are your nails? My nails are just longer than my finger tip but my thumb nails are finger tip length.

-Do you care about your nails? Yes, I love to paint them and I hate it when they peel.

I'm a nail biter o_O

I used to have long nails, and I used to paint them every weekend. lol

Do you bite your nails?

Sometimes. But normally I bite the skin. :3

Do you paint your nails?

Sometimes, but no now because my mom has UGLY colors or innapropiate colors.. Like red, my mom thinks that I'll get in trouble. OwO

How long are your nails?

I tried growing them out.. ._.

Do you care about your nails?

I guess, I wash my hands..

-Do you wear nail polish?:Only black or pink

-How do you do your nails?:I clean them, thats about it

-Are you a nail-biter?:Yes 8DDD

-How long are your nails?:Very short

-Do you care about your nails?:Yes, i never let them get dirty!

I don't really care about my nails.

I don't see them as anything important.

I re-did my nails last night. Now, they're alternating neon green and neon pink. :]

Eh. My nails are okay, I guess. I usually wear black nail polish. Sometimes I am lazy so I don't even bother painting them. :] I remember when I was younger I used to bite my nails. x_x But I don't anymore. My nails are actually quite long. You don't know how many times a day I get "Gawd you really need to cut your nails." Lol. I don't cut them because I'm just so used to having long nails. If one breaks it feels uncomfortable and its kind of annoying like when you're trying to open a small box or something. Usually I'd use my nails for that. But without 'em it's just annoying. >.<

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-Do you wear nail polish?


-How do you do your nails?

I just let them grow, file them if they're too uneven and paint them when I feel like it =]

-Are you a nail-biter?

Nope, but if my nail gets caught on something I'll use my teeth to rip it off

-How long are your nails?

Pretty long (Good for scratching people :hitodetchi: )

-Do you care about your nails?

Yeah =]

-Do you wear nail polish? Yes.

-How do you do your nails? I get them done at a salon.

-Are you a nail-biter? Noo, ew.

-How long are your nails? Usually pretty long, but not now.

-Do you care about your nails? Yes!

Nail polish is very bad for you. All the chemicals get into your bloodstream. D: But, I do have organic nail polish! And it's just as good as any other one. So, I do care about my nails! x3

Right now my nails are boring. Their not even long. D:

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