xOxO...Bèst V4.5 L¤g Ëvë®...OxOx


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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2007
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I am happy to receive PMs about my log as long as they don't break the site rules ;) [SIZE=11pt][/SIZE]

I bought my Earth design V4.5 Today :)

Finally! Mezzie's log, start date: 10th Dec 07

7.12 PM Hatched and Named : Earth-Girl

Hour as a baby went by pretty quickly. I fed her 6 x Meal (Scone) and 0 x Snack to fill all the hungry hearts straight away, then went to the Games to figure out how to play Cloud :)

First go i got up to 24 jumps and then I remember as soon as you land on the 24th cloud keep pressing ( B) And I Won!!!!! :lol:

I managed to keep her hearts Full the whole hour. I played games instead of snacks so she is a very... Healthy.

8.12PM Evolved: Hitodetchi

Just what I Wanted :)

I am useless at Tug-Of-War :rolleyes: I have not managed to get past Round6. How difficult can it be??? Sometimes it is because I just pressed the button too late and the Meter had changed...

I have mastered Cloud now and can get to 30 Jumps - no problem :D I'm nearly done with Tug-Of-War

Got one lot of Post (Mail) after an hour Earth evolved - 9.12PM - it was [!] yay preschool

I keyed in all the V4.5 Shop Codes and the extra Tamagotchi Corner Shop codes - posted on the TamaTalk codes forum :D

He he... the Clone (!!) item is great - I love that you can use it at all evolution stages and the little ditty of music that plays is funny too :)

Well Really as soon as she evolved She went to sleep so i changed the time and then after an hour she then got the mail.

I Went to Pre-school 10 times If i went anymore it didnt really matter because you cant get anymore skill points after 10 times.

Then I changed the time back to normal.

Good-Night My little Darling......... :furawatchi:

From... Mezzie, B) Earth :hitodetchi:

[SIZE=13pt] My Second Day with My V4.5[/SIZE]


Well Today She woke me up at 9.00am because she got mail..... Just a fortune B)

I can't Remember what it was.... Anyway I fed her heaps of snacks so I can play some games with her...


She got a robber.... He stole 100Gp !!!!!!! she also got a heart.... Well she is evolving a bit later Wayyyy Later so I will post her status, and then reply when she evolves again




Design: Earth

Name: Earth

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: 4

Age: 1

Weight: 10lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st [SIZE=13pt][/SIZE]

Skill Points:


Funny: 89

Gorgeuss: 51

Spiritual: 72



Hope you Enjoyed...


From.... Mezzzie 'N' Earth

[SIZE=14pt]Sweet Teen[/SIZE]


She Evolved!!!!!!!!!!!!!































Young Marotchi.....How Cute!!!!!!!![SIZE=14pt][/SIZE]



Status Before Evolved:


Design: Earth

Name: Earth (Short for Earthney)

Character: Hitodetchi

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: 5

Age: 1

Weight: 10lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Points: 30100gp

Skill Points:


Funny: 149

Gorgeuss: 81

Spiritual: 89





Status Now:


Design: Earth

Name: Earth (Short for Earthney)

Character: Young Maroitchi

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: 5

Age: 1

Weight: 20lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Points: 30450gp

Skill Points:


Funny: 151

Gorgeuss: 81

Spiritual: 96



After.. My last post we went to tamatown she got 9900Gp and 9 Souveneirs....WE are going on again as soon as i finish this post... And then maybe again to get the Max points....


Ooooooo......She just Got [!] lets go and read it......................WoW!!! she's graduating from Pre-school!!! AweSome now she's really grown up and there she has yet another [!] lets see.......now which teacher? :huh: I know Mr. Canvas yerp. Aww she's so happy!


Opps she pooped......let's clean up, all better now to feed her some sushi, I think I shall only feed her Sushi because she is a real Japanese character........


Oh! Earth wants to talk..........[SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]



I am a Young Marotchi When I Grow Up!!!! I want to be.............UraZukyutchi She is so Pretty!!!!! i will need lots of Spiritual points tho' well thats more hard work for Mezzie Hehehe.... Well thats all,



Hope You Enjoyed Todays 2nd Entrie!!!!



Mezzie :furawatchi: 'N' Earth :marumimitchi:


[SIZE=14pt]1 Wonderful Day!!!![/SIZE]





Well today nothing much has happened she has a full training bar.... and she is now brushing her teeth.......




Status Now:[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE]


Design: Earth

Name: Earth (Short for Earthney)

Character: Young Maroitchi

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: [iIIIIIIII]<<<Full

Age: 2

Weight: 20lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Points: 50000gp

Skill Points:


Funny: 213

Gorgeuss: 90

Spiritual: 143





Before i forget i'm thinking of getting a horoyotchi because of her skill points if i can i will try uping her spiritual to get Ura Zukyutchi!!!!! and i don't mind at all if i get Universal characters Because there the version v4s...!!


Well it's good-night for now but not forever!!!!!!





Mezzie :) "n" Earthney :lol:






Today was the best!!!!!




It hatched 2 girls i kept on resetting and it was a boy i wondered for a name......I looked at the design of the tama hmmmm..........it has jelly beans I KNOW!!!!.


















........BEAN Was His name,

and he shouted with Glee.


I did the usual after an hour he evolveed into a Tamatchi.......CUTE!!!

I want a Ura young Mametchi and then Ura Mametchi....I Hope it works!



Here are their Statuses...................[SIZE=14pt][/SIZE]




Design: Earth

Name: Earth (Short for Earthney)

Character: Shitekitchi

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: [iIIIIIIII]<<<Full

Age: 3

Weight: 38lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Points: 58700gp

Skill Points:


Funny: 219

Gorgeuss: 104

Spiritual: 229



Design: Jelly Beans

Name: Bean (Short for Jelly Bean)

Character: Tamatchi

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: [iII]<<<3

Age: 0

Weight: 28lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1st

Points: 5800gp

Skill Points:


Funny: 22

Gorgeuss: 58

Spiritual: 26



Well Thats it For now I will update later when Bean evolves........


Good-Bye for now but not forever!!!!!!





Mezzie :D Earthney :D "n" Bean :D

[SIZE=15pt] OMFG Baby Teen?[/SIZE]


Well sorry i didn't update yestarday was a bit busy.....


Bean Evolved into a Ura Young Mametchi yestarday.... I am so happy!!!!


Today the weirdest thing happened.......................
































.....................Earth had a Baby With.............Bean and his only a teen!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thay had girls......I wonder if he will still evolve tomorrow? or will his baby evolve to?


oh well wat ever happens happens.......................


Well Earth Got a Job at pulling weights and trust me its the most easiest job in the world! its boring to.


Ok, so Earth and Bean want to talk. Heres Bean first [SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]


G'day Mates,

My Name is Bean I'm a Ura Young Mametchi, And I have a Baby Girl with Earth my little Baby wants to talk. Guh Goooo? Gadda! Gadda! Nilk! Nilk! Aww isn't she cute and she's also learning some new words......Well, Good-Bye from Bean


Hello Tamatalkers,

My Name is Earth I'm a Shitekitchi, And I Just had a Baby Girl with Bean... She wants to talk. Wuh Woooo? Wumma! wumma! Wilk! We Wilky! He He I'm just feeding her some milk now...Well good Night From Earth......



Well I will finish of with their status's:







Design: Earth

Name: Earth (Short for Earthney)

Character: Shitekitchi

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: [iIIIIIIII]<<<Full

Age: 4

Weight: 80lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Points: 62000gp

Baby: Girl

Skill Points:


Funny: 219

Gorgeuss: 104

Spiritual: 249



Design: Jelly Beans

Name: Bean (Short for Jelly Bean)

Character: Ura Young Mametchi

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: [iIIIII]<<<3

Age: 2

Weight: 23lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1st

Points: 36900gp

Baby: Girl

Skill Points:


Funny: 83

Gorgeuss: 76

Spiritual: 47



Well that all for today......





Mezzie :ph34r: , Bean :( and Earth :(

[SIZE=14pt]Earth? Bean? Where are you?[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]


Noooo!!!! Earth And Bean Left!!! I will name bean baby Bondi it used to have a rabbit named Bondi but He/She died of young age so i will never no if it was a boy or girl ^_^ k :eek: And I will name Earths baby Flo.... Well Here we go.




WHAT!? They still got skill points? oh! I get it on the v4.5 the last numba of each skill goes away and your left with the first one/first 2.


Going to look after them I will post later..........

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[SIZE=14pt]Twin Deal?[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12pt] They are definitly born to be twins [/SIZE]


They Both Turned into.......................

































Here are their Status's



Status: [SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]


Design: Earth

Name: Flo

Character: Kuchipatchi

Hungry: ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

Training: [i ]<<<1

Age: 0

Weight: 11lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 60900gp

Baby: N/A [SIZE=14pt][/SIZE]


Skill Points: [SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]


Funny: 33

Gorgeuss: 22

Spiritual: 24



Design: Jelly Beans

Name: Bondi (Bondiie)

Character: Kuchipatchi

Hungry: ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

Training: [i ]<<<1

Age: 0

Weight: 10lb

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 39800gp

Baby: N/A [SIZE=14pt][/SIZE]


Skill Points: [SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]


Funny: 22

Gorgeuss: 7

Spiritual: 18


Well They Are Sleeping........ I'll update tomorrow



Well Good-Night.




Mezzie :eek: , Bondi ^_^ nd Flo :D

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[SIZE=14pt] They Evolved!!![/SIZE]


Just 30 mins ago They evolved........................................




Bondiie is a Ura Young Memetchi?


Flo is a Ura Young Yattatchi?


Well I can't post alot So this entrie is going to be very short....So it's,






Mezzie, Bondiie and Flo.....

[SIZE=14pt]Tamas moment[/SIZE]


Hello it's Bondi here and Me! she means Flo Mezzie doesnt no we re on here she left us here near the computer so we thought we should write something for yestarday......


We are fine.....WE are going to be adults "tomorrow" Oh No!


Mezzies coming back! :eek: We're off





[SIZE=14pt]They should be evolving[/SIZE]



Well nothing much today they've been sleeping most of the day Thye should be evolving in like 2 hours or so? maybe 1 i'm not sure.....


I'm proud I hope........


Bondi will turn into a Ura Memetchi I hope!!!!




Flo will turn into a Ura violetchi Hopefully :eek:




[SIZE=14pt]My Mistake[/SIZE]



They evolved but not what i expected































............Ura Memetchi Yay!!




Flo........ :eek:




































.......Shitekitchi!!!!!!!!! Just like her mother.......





Oh! I get the groups take after their parents! i'll know that for the future!


Well nothing else today..




Mezzie, Bondi and Flo




Bondi Works at the radio station?




Flo works at the hospital.....




Talk soon



[SIZE=19pt]Bondi and Flo's Moment[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]



Hello! Bondi Here


And Flo!


We are on again without Mezzie knowing


We Got Jobs Today!


I work at The radio station place!?




I work at the Hospital!


Tomorrow The Matchmaker might come!


For me Because I will be turning 6


And Me! Of course I'm turning 6 to we are twin sisters you know!!!!


Oh! Shut Up! We are not Exactly twins I was Born 1.6 seconds before you!


Shut Up!!!!


Well We are going Now I dont think it is nice for you tu hear us fighting!


Bondi says: Chou! :D

Flo says: Ye wat eva Bye :D


She is so Embarasing sometimes! :D

:D :D




Well In The Morning they had Baby's !!!!!!


Bondi had..................................





















































































.................GIRL!! :D


Oh Well......Doesnt matter.......


Thats all for today......CYA!

POLITE REQUEST : Please DO NOT post replies in this log.

I am happy to receive PMs about my log as long as they don't break the site rules <_<

[SIZE=14pt] Back from Holiday :mellow: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Sorry about not replying.....I was up in da country! for 2 weeks... [/SIZE]

I named Bondi's Daughter Sofie and Flo's Annie!

Sofie I think was a Hitodetchi? and Annie a Kuchitamatchi...

I didn't take very Good care of them,

The next day they evolved...

Sofie... ... ... ... ... ...Ura Young Memetchi!


Annie... ... ... ... ... ...Ura Young Yattatchi!

For Sofie I think i'll Try get Ura Violetchi...


For Annie I think Ura Yattatchi!

I took Bad care of them for most of the time they were teens then they fianlly evolved!

Sofie: Ura Violetchi!


Annie: Ura Yattatchi!

Time Pasted and the Matchmaker came!

For Sofie I pressed (B ) when the book was Open I got A Girl!!!

For Annie I pressed (A) when the book was Closed I got A Boy!!!

What Should I name them?

Mezzie, Sofie ... Annie

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[SIZE=14pt]Time Goes Past,[/SIZE]

So Fast!


wOw! Sofie ... Annie have already left!

I named Sofie's daughter Baily!


I named Annie's Son Rikki!

They Both! turned into Kuchitamatchi's

I didn't take Great! care of them as Toddlers,

A day went by pretty quickly,

before I knew it they were teens!

Baily turned into A:

Ura Young Yattatchi!


Rikki turned into A:


After 2 days they turned into Adults!

Baily: Ura Debatchi


Rikki: Tenpatchi

[SIZE=12pt]Mezzie, Baily ... Rikki [/SIZE]

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[SIZE=17pt]Babies and Goneee[/SIZE]


Rikki & Baily got married They had .....................................








They are leaving Tonight!


[SIZE=17pt]Bye-Bye R 'n' B[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]



Well Today R 'n' B Left their Baby Boys! I'm Guessing they're most likely to be from the Kuchi Family because their Mum and Dad were...


I Named Baily's Son: Danny






I Named Rikki's Son: James



I mostly Neglected them at baby stage after an hour they evolved...













































...Kuribotchi! Perfect!!!















































Well I'm going on Holidays again B) ... So I won't be updating Tomorrow or for a while



So Talk soon!



Mezzie... :(

