XP Something funny happened in French


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Something funny happened in French today. xDD You guys may not think it is funny, but it sure was!

Ok, in French we sit in groups, right? Well, we were taking up this French sheet when people my group started saying, "ZOMG! IT'S A STALKER PAPER!" because the paper asked you (in french), "What is your name? Where do you live? Do you have a brother or sister? Do you live in an apartment or house? How many bedrooms do you have?" It was hilarious. So we got eveybody going and people we yelling, "THE PAPER WILL STALK ME! NOOOO!"

:) Ah, good times.

Love, Tgd

Ha, that's hilarious! That's what I would say xP

In Spanish once, I had a worksheet that had this kid saying something, and you had to reply to it. So there was one word that I didn't know (it was like, as in "I do not like cheese"). So I looked it up and it said "fancy," so I read it in English and I said "I do not fancy math." for what the kid said, and I replied "Okay." xD Everyone read it and laughed.


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OK, in Italian class we had to translate the Italian words into English.

A boy in our class was called up to the front to do it and read his bit of paper. His word was

'in ritardo' which means late.

Somehow or other he managed to translate it into 'I'm retarded'.

LOL, it was funny, the whole class laughed!!


I've done stupid stuff in french class. Like, my teacher asked me to count to 5 in French, but i wasn't paying attention and I said, "UNO, DOS, TRES, CUATRO...CINQO! (sp?) Nuff said.


That's funny!!! I don't really have any funny stories with learning other languages. Oh... yes I do! It was our very first German lesson ever and the teacher was asking us if any of us hads learnt any languages other than English. Then Billy James yells out "I learned baby talk!" and then the whole class laughed. It was funny at the time. It's nearly been 3 years since that happened so the funniness has nearly faded away from it.

Something funny happened in French today. xDD You guys may not think it is funny, but it sure was!
Ok, in French we sit in groups, right? Well, we were taking up this French sheet when people my group started saying, "ZOMG! IT'S A STALKER PAPER!" because the paper asked you (in french), "What is your name? Where do you live? Do you have a brother or sister? Do you live in an apartment or house? How many bedrooms do you have?" It was hilarious. So we got eveybody going and people we yelling, "THE PAPER WILL STALK ME! NOOOO!"

:lol: Ah, good times.

Love, Tgd
XD OMG that's soo hilarious!I bet I would've done something like that too :)

xDDD That's hilarious!!! :lol:

I remember in Italian, we had to recite this poem, and I had to do it in front of the class. And guess what? While doing one of the actions, I fell. Everyone was laughing their heads off- including me!!! ;) Ahh, forgein languages! :)

OK one day my Italian teacher was ill so we had a sub. The Japanese class also had a sub.

Our sub calls us into the classroom and starts talking to us in French. she turns around and starts writing stuff in French on the board. Our class is just staring at each other when the teacher turns around and says "Why do you look so blank, you've been doing this for weeks!!"

My friend Sierra then says, "Excuse me mam, but this is an Italian class..."

The teacher is like "It is? Is this grade 7 at St Mary's?" then a boy called Jeff says, "No.. this is a grade 7 Italian class at -Insert Name Of School-..."

Then the teacher apologieses and we spend the rest of the period laughing at each other.

LOL! =]

xDDD That's hilarious!!! :lol: I remember in Italian, we had to recite this poem, and I had to do it in front of the class. And guess what? While doing one of the actions, I fell. Everyone was laughing their heads off- including me!!! ;) Ahh, forgein languages! :)
i really cracked up at this 1 4 some reason i just go hystrical when people fall over XD

ok. during japanese class our japanese teacher that comes form japan showed us some judo it was awsome and then she asked 4 voulenters to be flipped and the cool dude of the class put his hand up and strted saying stuff like " aww shes 2 little 2 flip me.... i'll flip her instead.... she wouldn't dare flip me" any she got really mad at him so when she grab him she flipped him strate in2 the wall she was told to settle down by the priciple but the cool boi (aaron) was crying n every1 laughed at him XD


I remember in my German class, our teacher passed these papers and we had to write in columns a thing like "a sustantive, an adjective, a family member" etc etc, to then see what sentence came out.

So I got:

Ich bin eine Tante und ich bin blau und ich reite ein Schwein.

Translation: I am an aunt, I am drunk and I ride a pig. (blau sein according to our teacher means to be drunk, if not it would be, I am a blue aunt that rides a pig XD).

Something funny happened in French today. xDD You guys may not think it is funny, but it sure was!
Ok, in French we sit in groups, right? Well, we were taking up this French sheet when people my group started saying, "ZOMG! IT'S A STALKER PAPER!" because the paper asked you (in french), "What is your name? Where do you live? Do you have a brother or sister? Do you live in an apartment or house? How many bedrooms do you have?" It was hilarious. So we got eveybody going and people we yelling, "THE PAPER WILL STALK ME! NOOOO!"

:huh: Ah, good times.

Love, Tgd
that is hilarious!!!! i have anothere story u remind me of.

my friend an i were sharing a small bag of mini oreos and so after we were done with the bag i burried it ;) and i noticed something strange because the next recess it was by the school door and at the end of the day it was IN the school!!!!

i thought it HAD to be a different bag but im not sure wht do u think?

Something funny happened in French today. xDD You guys may not think it is funny, but it sure was!
Ok, in French we sit in groups, right? Well, we were taking up this French sheet when people my group started saying, "ZOMG! IT'S A STALKER PAPER!" because the paper asked you (in french), "What is your name? Where do you live? Do you have a brother or sister? Do you live in an apartment or house? How many bedrooms do you have?" It was hilarious. So we got eveybody going and people we yelling, "THE PAPER WILL STALK ME! NOOOO!"

;) Ah, good times.

Love, Tgd
wow thats sounds like something that would happen to me

we had to look up different foods and I found that 'grenade' in French means pommegranite. Mmm... grenade

when asked for an unusual food my friend said 'grasshopper burger'

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