xPTx's Tamagotchi log


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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2011
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Hi every one :) this is my log about Bob and Cinna! a V2 and a V4.



Training- '

Intelligence- 5

Social- 7

Fashion- 20

13 LB


Training- '''

25 LB

Bob is a Marutchi.

Cinna is a Puchitchi.

Will start the log in a hour.

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Well guess what! Cinna is now a Teen Memetchi {PM me if im wrong}

And Bob is now a Ringotchi!

Heres some pics

Bob now -

Before and after of Cinna-

Well Cinna now has more games which she will LOVE! And Bob now has a new type of meal! I think its tamagotchi Cereal or porridge or rice Pm to what you think it is!

Also here is a cute close up of Cinna!

After evolving Cinna recieved alot of mail! First a snake! Then some stars and then two important letters where she looked like shouting at Ms.Frill!

Thank you for all the viewers! it means alot to me and dont worry if you have any queries about this log or want to comment please do so by PMing me as it is agaisnt the rules to comment on logs! Sorry its not much but im new to the 'logging' bit :)

xPTx, Cinna, and Bob

WOO! 42 Views! Thanks! Well Bob and Cinna are asleep locked in their box {more like airplane hand luggage that locks}

But here's some updates and Pictures!

Cinna Brushing her teeth?

After a long day of Pooping, Eating, Crying, Evolving and games Bob and Cinna decided to take a long hot bath!


Bob enjoying his first bath!


Cinna enjoying a Girly bath which is her third bath so far!

Cinna now has about four training points and Bob is the same.

They are doing great! Expecting them to become adults in two days possibly! Bob is about 20 something lb so im trying to lower it into the 15's! Bob cannot complete a game of heading! Bless him! He's always being squashed! Cinna has mastered the skill of 'Skipping Rope' and is getting there on 'Flag'

Well im getting quiet sleep and its early nights for me as its school on monday! So see you tomorrow

Also just a interesting fact you might like is ~ Cinna's real name is Cinnamon but Cinna for short! ;)


Thanks everyone! I hope you enjoy my log! Sorry no piccies today :( But we shall start with stats!



LB; 26

POINTS; 2980p




AGE; 1

Im suprised on how the training points got lower or maybe i was wrong in the other post? Gained some weight :eek:



LB; 36 :eek:

POINTS; 214p

AGE; 1

Well they have just woken up a 9;00am surprisingly!

Cinna has lost some weight playing flag and will soon be playing a game of Skipping Rope.

Bob however has gained allot! And isnt very good with games but i guess we could 'attempt' Jump and Heading :D

ARGHH JUMP IS SO HARD! I guess we will have ti try Heading Because the v2 is quite old the buttons sometimes dont respond unless you press hard so we just failed at heading!

Cinna got some star mail {sorry forgotten its name} and is going to school soon :)

A question for my viewers: How much should a teen tamagotchi weigh? aanswer by PMING me please.

Also any tips to not fail in games with bob please?

Thanks for all the viewers! and i hope you enjoy this log :)

Sorry another post!

Cinna just went to school and got a choice of three presents one was a pencil other's were poop! Poor Cinna! am going to post some pictures from tamaeurope as we will go there!

Well Cinna went to Tama town and played some games and watched a movie!








Sorry not really an update but its what cinna did in Tama Town! :mellow:

Hi :) This update is only about Cinna {sorry Bob lovers/Fans}

After finding the codes i got Cinna a Play house! she had so much fun in it pulling faces! Yet again i missed her pooping so no training points :(

BUT I found a growth chart of her and im hoping to get a Ponytchi! So far she SHOULD turn into a Memetchi but if i raise her Intelligence points she should become a ponytchi. I dont mind having a Violetchi {if i raise social higest} but would hopefully like a Ponytchi!

So she went to school and earned 3 Intelligence points! Then as a reward i let her go in the play house and then mail came! Guess who its from.... THE KING! he gave her a roast Chicken! Which she will be eating tonight for tea.


Beauty~ 25

Intelligence~ 22

Social~ 19

LB~ 17 :)

Bob is still the same! ;

LB~ 31 :eek:


Bob seems to just be gaining more and more weight by the Minuit! :angry: :angry:

Well Cya possible tonight! xPinkTamagotchix {xPTx} Cinna and a wave from Bob

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Woo 100 views! This calls for a celebration!


and me...

AAAAAny way! Thanks to everyone who views this log! I finaly found my spare phone {2mp :angry: } so not very good pictures!

Will be an update tonight hopefully! sorry but now all pictures will be 2mp so not very good but i will edit them to make the outline darker.

Hi! sorry i didn't update last night! Well guess what?! THE FAMALITCHI ARRIVED TODAY!

I got ;




I'm stuck on whether to continue the log about BOB, CINNA AND THE MOONA FAMILY or to do it just about THE MOONA FAMILY

Please Vote by PMing me!

Cinna, Bob

Cinna, Bob and Moona Family

Monna Family

Tell me in your PM's!


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Well no PM's yet and people if NONE of you vote well then... Good bye Bob And Cinna and Hello Moona Family! :eek:


*Bob and Cinna Only 0 0%

*Bob Cinna and Moona family 0 0%

*Moona Family ) 0%

Here's some pictures of the new Family!



OOOOHH now a shower!


Ready For Bed at 9:00pm :eek: {They are such hard work!}


Every one together! From Left to right : PHIL {Drank all his battery juice} BOB, CINNA + MOONA FAMILY


I will be having them {Moona Family} on pause while at school {would be dead by break knowing how demanding they are!} The same with the others. :mellow:

The moona family have currently 2,000gp

Small update but still.


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Ok so! I will start by saying you have TONIGHT to vote for who to stay! If no one votes then it will defiantly be the Moona Family! and The others may come in later.

Well enough of that! This morning i set my NEW PINK ALARM CLOCK! {sorry} to 5 to 7 and woke up blah blah blah

2 HOURS LATER~ I checked on the Moona's and i found that they like raiding the fridge for a morning snack! But its only the Ring leader!

I dread to know if they will follow! They now have 60% Bonding! I have the plans all set out! The main character {no name} Will be married as soon as possible and then i shall name the baby{s}

Also this log will now be turned into a Diary and if possible the name will change to; 'Moona Family Diaries!' So search for that ok!

By for now

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Hi guys! VOTES:

V5 + V4 - 1

V4 + V2 - 0

V2 + V4 + V5 - 0

Well the Moona Family are Ready for bed soon and Since its most likely to be just Moona's and Cinna i should update on Cinna~

I dropped her and had to replace battery so she lost ALL HER TRAINING POINTS :eek: and lost some age! :angry:

The Moona's are asleep now as its nine so i should have an early night well night!

Hello Well this is for bob:


No one else voted so its only the Moona's and Cinna

Well i went to school {Year 8 after 6 week holiday} but didnt take any tama's Im just scared i will get bullied and i am being teasead about my dad having long hair {they call me a : Hippie, Gypsy} Then i was told my dad was chineese {no offence to chineese people but he is CLEARY BRITISH LIKE MY WHOLE FAMILY} Any way i have made a great friend on here who unfortunataly most likely doesnt live near me :( But she has a log and im sure she would love you if you read it! Here is peanut's log

Any way Stats for the v5

BONDS: 60%

Happy: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hungry: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I will unpause Cinna tonight as i have some homework already!

Bye and dont forget to visit peanuts log!

Well i have some pictures but havent uploaded them sorry :mellow:

Everyone's asleep and i will start updating more!

I just dont have the time to keep updating so Watch this log and i'll update when i can!

I only got one piece of fan mail :(

But Night everyone!

Hi Well i recived a compliment / Fanmail :D

Yeah the reason i get called 'hippie' or 'gypsy' is because my dad has long hair ;/ Idiots! Any way!

I named the Moona's! :

Main son : Phil

Daughter: Moon

Son: Lightning

Heres their Diary

Dear Diary,

Today was AWFUL! a hole 6 hours travelling! so draining! I do wish {real name alert} Claudia would take us to secondary school!

Just keep up in the locker or something! but then if she kept us on we might get sick or taken off! Oh well bye! Moon wants to write now!

Hi!!!! My dearest Moon fans! Well today was Great! I went to the seaside then the city and then on a plane all in 6 hours! I wonder what Claudias school is like.... ANYYY WAYYYYY I love my bow! Its just so... ME! ME ME CUTE LITTLE ME! Oh well its Lightnings Turn now! PLEASE SEND ME FAN MAIL MOON FANS also do you like this pink gel pen i use?!

Hi People! 6 hours travelling <_< Try 6 hours with a girl who wants to check out every store! I can wait for Friday i love weekends! Well bye Lightning Fans!


Heres some pictures! Fish is called Sami!




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Well i had a convo and decided my so called best friend isnt much of a friend:

ME: hey ***** i got a famalitchi!

Her: OH NO! Thats sad! hey *********, ******* got a tamagotchi!

Other person who i havent really much liked{been taking ***** from me}: Thats so sad they're really old!

Me: they arent and anyway its like a nintedo or other game!

best friend: Yeah but you dont do much!

me: you play games its a virtual pet and i like it

other person: yeah but its for 8 year olds

{I turn around and get on with work saying to my other best friend : 'Its true! One conversation and you learn who your TRUE friends are!'

What should i do? Pm me


Dear diary:

Travelling again! So boring! ugh sis wants a go

MOON HERE!!!!!! I hope you all missed my beautifulness! Big bro doesnt know but i stuck in some pictures! have a look!

Me singing!


I caught bro raiding the fridge hehehehe i will use this picture wisely....


And my fabulous dance moves!


Lightnings asleep but i so want a shell necklace well gotta go before bro comes back from feeding sami!


Hi sorry about dissapeering for one day! home work :angry:

Here's Phil's Diary


This morning at exactly 7:00am Me lightning and moon evolved! Im now a mametchi, Lightnings a kuchipatchi and moon is a Chantotchi. Im really sad! Just a few human days left and i will be finding a wife! Here's some pictures!

Also i was caught raiding the fridge again.... Old habits Die Hard!





Moon happy because i got her a shell necklace


and Lightning


Claudia Took us to school! Yesterday and today! Man what an adventure!

First some darkness then being let out hearing teens and pens and then FOOTSTEPS! well Claudia was eager to show us the bathroom as she still hasnt so she risked us being locked up! We survivied though! We got quite hungry but boy i sure do love Shark Fin soup! Very filling! And to keep us happy we got to view some pottery! We had two snacks as a treat {Being friday and all!} Well i will spend my last human days with Moon and Lightning before searching for a lady! Bye guys and thanks for the 207 viewers!


The tamas turned to the large family! Luckily i was able to change them back using the mirror :)

Also i will update later :) thanks for the viewers!

Well Moon will be married Phil let her but no good chara's came :( Tommorow we will see unless you know how to be able to marry more than 3 times? pm me if you do!

Will add pictures soon but say hello to.......


Her parents are: Phil {mametchi} and Sunny {Suntchi} they are now a Papamametchi and planetchi.

She is a Iwatchi! She has just been fed crab and tropical fruits and done a poop in her potty :) So on a good start.

I was aiming for a pure family but i had never had the Suntchi as a parent so i decided she would do!

Her parents are of to buy her something...

She is so adorable! She will defintly be spoiled as she is an only child! Well see you in about an hours time!

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