xXStarlightXx's 'Rockin' v4.5 log


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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2008
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[SIZE=14pt]~*Day One*~[/SIZE]

Hi everyone welcome to my v4.5 log! My tama is blue with ura memetchi ura mametchi and ura kuchipatchi on it and is currently dead!


I am going to press A and C now to hatch my new egg! A spotty egg is currently bobbing up and down on my screen! I wonder what gender ill get? Hurry up! Its a boy! Ive named him Zac! Aww Zac needs my attention!

Zac will be talking in this color

Ill update soon!

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A not to all readers please do NOT reply to this log but i will be more that happy to recieve pms :p Thanks!


Zac is doing very well his weight is almost down to the minimum and he has done 2 poops! But when he got sick it took 2 doses of medicine to cure him. But he's all better now!

Goo-goo-gah-gah mowmmy

Aww Zac you are sooooo sweet!


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Brilliant news! Zac evolved into a cute little acorn (ive forgotten the name :unsure: )!! He also got a plane ticket from the king! Wow he must be in one of his generous moods! He's got accepted into pre-school too! He's a lucky thing!

Hi everyone im Zac (duh) it feels brillient to talk now!! All i could say when i was a baby was goo-goo-gah-gah! My pre-school teacher is sooooooo nice her name is Ms Frill and she says that i will really enjoy pre-school! Well mommy is going to send me now so bye!

Heres a little covo with me and Zac. Too keep you entertained! <_<


Zac stop eating all the chocs! You naughty boy!!

But they are sooooo yummy

I know Zac but if you dont stop you'll have to eat that horrible sour medicine you had when you were a baby *frowns*

Hmmmm maybe i could cut down on 1 or 2

*Keeps on frowning*

Okay okay ill half my intake

Thank you Zac! Then you'll grow up to be a big strong mametchi

Yeah they are really cool!

BOTH *Hugs*

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Zac has just got a fortune cookie!


2 money

1 Love

2 Health


Its not too bad but it could of been better <_<

Hello, everyone do you wanna see how im doing? I know you do!!!

Tadaa My STATS!!!


HAPPY ****


SKILLS 14/16/10

0 Years

15 LB




POINT 2360


So there you have it my stats. Yes i know im a bit podgey and my skills are low :huh:

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[SIZE=14pt]~*Day 2*~[/SIZE]

Hello guys well some pretty exciting stuff happend today Zac got 2 visits from the king!! He gave him 400gp and a pressent aswell!! Thanks king. I also had Zac on pause for quite a while because my cousins came over and i didnt want his hearts to go down :D My friend also played with Zac for a bit she played some games and bought an item by accident aswell ;)

THANK-YOU KING FOR BEING SO GENEROUS WITH ME YOU ARE THE BEST! I had someone different playing a some games with me today first i wasnt sure if she was friendly but she turned out nice :D I like that girl

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[SIZE=14pt]~*Day 3*~[/SIZE]

Hello guys of got alot to update today! First of all i forgot to pause Zac when i was at school :D And yes you guessed it sick hungry unhappy and he had done lots of poops! Poor guy! He also evolved into a teen yay!!! Im not sure what into so i need to check the charactor chart :hitodetchi:


Here are his skills:

41/40/36 That needs improving!


I also recieved a comment about my log from TamaTaz here is what s/he said:


hey there. I'm taz, and new to the community  I was reading your log just now, and just wanted to tell you that i loved it. i haven't gotten my tama yet (still anxiously waiting for it to be delivered) but your log was great, and convinced me to get another tama too lol. 

I replied:

Thank-you for commenting! :mametchi: Im glad that you like my log!
Another thing for you entertainment! Zac is in an itallian theme heres are little conversation! (Dont worry there will be translations :D )


Hello Zac!

Chaw! (hello)

Are you ok?

Cei i am magniffico! (yes i am magnifficent)

Good good Zac r ya a gud boy!

Excusa (exuse me)

Are you a good boy?

Cei cei! (yes yes)

Thank you Zac and goodbye


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Hello everyone im a teenager now!!!! Yay! Ive got Mrs Turtlepedia as my teacher he is quite nice but not as nice as miss frill *sighs* i miss her alot! I dont really like the game we play at school its hard :hitodetchi: I hope he changes it! hehe

Zac stop being silly! You know that cant happen!

Yeah i suppose! *sighs* Too good to be true :D

[SIZE=14pt]~*Day 4*~[/SIZE]

Hi everyone Zac is currently asleep! I paused him today during school but then i forgot to play with him for a bit so nearly all his hearts were empty and he had done 2 poops! Sheish im a bad carer... So i made him all better checked his mail and he had a sweet heart! Oooh secret admirer *hint hint*! Good job he aint up because he would kill me if he found out i said that! Hehe!

Zzzzz memetchi.... lovely.... ahhh zzzzzzzz mmmm memetchi....ooo

Yes good boy Zac you stay asleep lol!

Ive just checked the v4.5 growth chart to see what charactor Zac is but i still dont know! I hope he isnt a universal *insert tention music here!*Dun dun daaah!!!!

[SIZE=14pt]~*Day 1& 2*~[/SIZE]

Sorry i didnt actually update yesterday i was at my couins house because it was his birthday! (i had too much cake :p ) Anyway forgot to pause him again yes usual sanario sick poops unhappy hungry :huh: The good news is that Zac evolved into a ura kuchipatchi!! Oh man these guys are seriously cute!!


And he got another heart in the mail!! That memetchi she's in love with him!!!



Today i forgot to pause Zac AGAIN. Im a terrible carer :S He also got a job mail i clicked on it but then i forgot about it so it went off! I wonder if im loosing brain cells?! Lol :D

Ive got more news he got yet ANOTHER heart in the mail!! They must be officially dating now!


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