yay i saved my tama


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
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I just saved my tama from the death, he was ill and i didn´t know that after a while i heard that terrible sound tututuru the sound of tamas dying ^_^ ^_^

so i did quickly grab a pencil and pressed the rest button and then download. And there he was safe and sound ^_^

i can´t belive he was alive :p :p :D

Wow! You are so lucky that you saved your tama from death! I didnt even know you could do that!

Aw, you lucky thing. ^_^

That was quick thinking there, well done. But also, thanks for the tip, i'll try that next time i hear that horrible noise. (DUN DUN DUN!). :D

That is cool but, if it is doing it agen give it metasen  ^_^
[SIZE=8pt]-.-' If it's dying, you can't move the buttons to the medicine. Sorry for bursting your bubble.[/SIZE]

I already knew this, but this could be very helpful to people new to Tamagotchis. GREAT JOB!!!

:wacko: that is great that u saved your tama from dying but i would hate to tell u this i already know that trick it is actually very useful cos my tama was about to die and i pushed a pencil into the little hole at the back and downloaded it & voila!! my was back alive i a glad i know that trick cos i had a maskatchi & the maskatchi had a baby so i am verrrrrrryyyy glad i know that trick!! :lol: :lol: ;) :ph34r:

:) memetchi7 :) :)

I tried that once

lol, the first time I noticed, I got ready to mourn

then, 2 months later, again, I slammed the reset and saved it.

lol, thanks 4 the tip, could help other ppls :)

Wow! You got lucky this time! Make sure you look after your tamagotchi better now though, because you might not always be that lucky! Cool trick though.

~Tama Mama

What a great trick! I'll be sure to use that next time! The only problem is, I tend to leave my tamagotchi's lying around the house. When I find them later on, they're already dead. :)
