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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
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realizing regret
This isn't actually emotionally related--shocker.

Actually, it's health, and I'm sacrificing sleep time to ask this!

So, I try to live a pretty healthful lifestyle, eating whole grains when we've got em, pretty much living off veggies, switched full fat milk to soy milk, you know. But lately my legs have really hurt and I've been insaney thirsty (though I'm not very thirsty anymore) and it's weirding me out because I know a lot of thirst is one of the main symptoms of type two diabetes, which I simply don't get, since I'm THE healthiest person in my family except my type two diabetic great aunt who is even healthier than me. I try to exercise alot, though I can't do it much now because my leg hurts so much. D:< On one leg its my knee, the other one, it's my shin. It feels sort of like someone is drilling a hole into my fricking leg.

So, if anybody has any clue what this is, advice would be so appreciated you wouldn't know.

[but seriously, I'm hoping it's not diabetes. there's no reason--I hardly ever eat cake and stuff, and eventualy, when you're a diabetic, don't you have to like, get both legs amputated? that's terrifying.]

Here is my generic response to ""I don't feel well... can you help diagnose my illness" topics: go see your doctor.

You don't have to be unhealthy to get diabetes, it could be genes as well or just an occurance. Diabetes can just, "happen".

And no, you don't get your legs cut off. Diabetes is just something wrong with the pancreas producing blood sugars, so daily insulin injections/pills [depending on the type] is usually what's neeed.

Like said, go to a doctor.

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I'm so overreactive when I'm tired. That's weird. Diabetes. o_O That is so overreactive, man.


I don't usually go the the doctor because even if I'm there for like, an ear infection, they're screaming "WTF, SHEZ 2 TALL, WUTEFEH, ITZ LEIK, GIANTISM, MANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". It's insane. If I was a boy, they wouldn't bat an eyelash.

If your legs are hurting, it means your growing taller.

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You don't have to be unhealthy to get diabetes, it could be genes as well or just an occurance. Diabetes can just, "happen".And no, you don't get your legs cut off. Diabetes is just something wrong with the pancreas producing blood sugars, so daily insulin injections/pills [depending on the type] is usually what's neeed.

Like said, go to a doctor.
Agreed...and only when you don't care for yourself when you could lose your sight or get your legs amputated if you have diabetes. Obviously the hurting legs and thirst isn't connected because I didn't have that problem. Otherwise you can live fine with it. I have type2 so I should know.

Most people who get diabetes don't even notice until they get checked themselves. I just went for my depo shot and gave my usual urine sample and they said something was up when there was sugar in my urine (which is a good indication you have it) so I got tested further and tada :blink: Accidental discovery!

Go see a doctor about the thirst thing and leg thing. Chances are it's just how you are with thirst sometimes because you could be lacking something in your diet...and the leg pains could be just pulled muscles or a growth spurt :)

[SIZE=7pt]Hmm, well, I could be way off but:[/SIZE]

Sometimes, you'll go through a patch where you are very thirsty, it happened to me for about... a week, but then it was gone. And you say you aren't thirsty anymore, I wouldn't pay TOO much attention to that.

Also.. This is kind of hard to explain but: I'm very tall, and I have sore legs. This could be just sore ligaments, OR, with your knee, I have a disease called "Osgood Schlatter". It's common, and its from growing too fast. Here:

So, this may be all wrong, this is just from my personal experiments.

If you are worrying though, you should see a doctor.


I say it's growing pains. Every few months I experience pain in my poor little legs, so that might what be wrong.

I also went through a patch were I was super-thirsty. That was because the seasons were changing. Summer makes alot of people thirsty, but you're probably just not used to the weather. Just try and stay inside, and that *may* cure it. I'm not a doctor. Sowwy. :c

And you do not get your legs cut off if you have type 2! But that's what I think. No, I'm still not a doctor.

And you do not get your legs cut off if you have type 2! But that's what I think. No, I'm still not a doctor.
That's also incorrect. If you DO NOT care for your diabetes, it can progress and get worse to either become type1 or it'll cause other issues and in some cases you lose stuff such as limbs if you're neglecting yourself extremely bad. Had someone living with us years ago who had type2 and he didn't care of himself or take his insulin right (yes some type2 people need insulin shots don't freak out) and years later he's lost his leg...I can't recall if he lost both or just the one. Doesn't matter.

Anyway I suggest if you're going to give statements like that, be sure what you're saying is fact. Just saying it's what you think doesn't make it fact and doesn't make it look like you at least looked into such a condition to understand better :furawatchi: Just sayin.

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