Yes I got the job!


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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
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Holy Cazzoli! I emailed BANDI and I met her in person! It was super exciting! I showed her tamatalk and she loved it! I also now get to help her with tamagotchis! I got to help make a character for the next version! It was so super fun!




I can't really tell you where I met her because she lives sorta near me and I don't want to give where I live. it was so cool because one of my best friends from pre school's older sibling is BANDI. So thats how I met her. We are all gorwn up now [of course] but it was so cool that I knew her before she became creator of tamagotchis!

I can't really tell you where I met her because she lives sorta near me and I don't want to give where I live. it was so cool because one of my best friends from pre school's older sibling is BANDI. So thats how I met her. We are all gorwn up now [of course] but it was so cool that I knew her before she became creator of tamagotchis!
That's funny, because it's not BANDI, it's Bandai. There's a slim chance you're telling the truth... :wacko:

Oh, her? Well, Bandai is totally different, it owns the right to Tamas. The woman who created them isnt the head of Bandai, is she?

Your right but since the Company is Bandai and she created them me and my friend call her BANDI for fun.

I knew that lots woulnd't believe but it really is my friend. I believe it and my friend belives it. [cause there sisters.LOL] You don't have to believe it if you don't want to.

Its okay really! It doesn't really matter. You can even ask someone to close the topic if you'd like.

Seeing as the creator of tamagotchies doesn't have any association with Bandai's production of tamagotchi, except for the fact, of course, she created them, you wouldn't be able to meet up with her and have her give you the final say in the production of tamagotchi characters. She isn't the head of Bandai, either, the CEO is (which is somebody else [i'm not in the mood to do any research on who]). It would take more than a simple meeting to instantly get a job creating tamagotchies, especially with only one person who has nothing to do with the production of them.

However, I can only give you the benefit of the doubt because I have no proof that you didn't meet the creator of tamagotchi.

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