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Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
Welp. Ghuys.

What on earth do I do now.

I started off with two tamas.

Making sure one was a male,

the other was a female,

and that they were born at the same time.

So on their second geration, they both came out a boys.

My friend then gave me his old tama, and it was in the middle or its life.

Its a ninja universal, a boy aswell.

So then I gotta V4.5, it's a female, but much younger than the rest.

[[Also, I dont think a V4.5 and V4 could mate anyways]]

But um..

I can't mate them!

And I've heard about the tama-match-makker

I know it exists.

But I dont know what it does.

So...when does the match-makker come, what does it do,

and will I be able to start a third [[and second with other two tamas]] generation!!

Please tell me and pot my worries at ease.

:) :eek: :huh:

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*Topic moved to 'Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners'*

Firstly, yes, you can mate a V4 with a V4.5.

Any tama with IR connection can mate with another IR - so that applies to V1s all the way through to the latest V4.5

The Matchmaker visits your tama if it hasn't found a partner and had babies by connecting. She visits a couple of days (approx. 72hrs) after your tama evolved into an adult character, if you haven't changed the time setting on your tamas internal clock.

She appears on your tamas screen three times a day - at 10.30am, 3pm and 7pm (again, based on your tamas internal clock setting). You'll hear the attention beep and she'll be there on screen.

Press any button when she's on screen and you'll see another tama appear on the screen. You get a message on screen: LOVE? and an option to choose YES or NO (use button A to scroll between them and button B to confirm your answer).

If you choose yes, your tama will mate with the one brought on screen by the Matchmaker and your tama will then have a baby to start the next generation.

One more thing - the V4 Matchmakers visits are very short (very) - about 10 seconds. So have your V4 handy and be ready to press the button. If you wait too long, she'll disappear and you have to wait for the next visit to find a mate.

Good Luck :)

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