Yo Tamas! I SHIPPYA together


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2015
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idk probably somewhere in the UK

I guess I'll start a log because why not yknow. I doubt I will get far though, I mean I don't have the patience and consistency to log stuff. Right now I am running my 4U with a female character that I have creatively named...Bob


so yeah say hi to bob

Bob:Hey Guys Its nice to meet you owo

No we are not doing that scrap that nope.

Bob:Yeah ok

She is with the babysitter because I am a busy and lazy person

Thats all


Comment your thoughts!

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Hey Yall! So today nothing really happened except the fact I left it at home without the babysitter so it was a kind of rush home (well ok walked home) kind of situation. I was wondering why Bob hasn't evolved and realised oh yeah its the 4U no teens and 2 day toddlers

*sniffs*they grow up so SLOW


Yay Something actually happened!!! Bob evolved!!!

*dramatic reveal* DRUMROLL PLEASE


Yay rolatchi!!! (or whatever she is called) is she still gonna be called Bob tho? Of course she is.

Hmm I think I might run another tama maybe ill put bob away... who knows. I should run a tama p's and an idl to make things more spicy

I am gonna get a plus color in March *whoop whoop*


im getting this colour! why? because its the only one i can find on amazon because I love the colour of it...DUH!

Guys im rly thirsty and comment below if you think i should continue this

-See Ya chums


Ok small update before I go for today...bob is gone (i took the batteries out) so what is her replacement? Well yknow how I said I might add an id L or a p's....

*drumroll* i added a m!x

meet my tama hybrid between mametchi and memetchi


which i creatively called... tyrone....tchi

more updates on tyronetchi coming soon


I am trying to get tyronetchi to start dating this tama from rainbow hills whose name I have forgot

Anyway here he is showing off his skating skillz






well done

I hope tyronetchi marries her imagine the children they would make!

Well thats all for today :D


Hey guys!

My lil guy evolved today! He is now an adult! Here is what he looks like:


So he inherited floating from his mother but he does not have wings so he just levitates like a ghost.

Spooky right?

Anyway he is still my lil marshmallow fluff

See yall later

-Shippya (DaniTamaStar)

Actually no scrap that I DO have something to show you guys!


I got my lil guy a rad lil spaceship background! Look at it! Look at how happy my lil marshmallow is!!

K thats all for today


I think I might start my running my iD today and put my m!x away. I have been making some new custom backgrounds in my freetime.



(If you save them, you can send the images straight to your tama, they only work on the iD however)

I have been wanting to see what they look like.

They are not all entirely custom, I have stolen the sofa and the computer from the TMGC+C default background, I am not taking credit for those, I DID make everything else however( I am proud of the stairs)

Aaaaanyway, I loaded my iD to see I had Kuromametchi...ok.


I think my basement background looks nice, it's secret underground look fits the character like a secret superhero base.


I REALLY LOVE THE BLUE OUTLINED CLOSE UPS!!! It is a shame they got rid of them.

So he has 2 of his 4 tamatomos. The food one and the 72 hour one. I know that he needs headphones for one of them but I am not sure for his last one.

I want to start up a new generation so I am going to marry him off as soon as I get the last of his tamatomos.

The iD is less complex than the m!x but the sprites are now tiny to me!

So lets get his tamatomos!!

First of all lets get the accessory one! So we went to the store and of course they were expensive


Needless to say, I bought them anyway.

We went home and he tried them on and loved em


We got another TamaTomo!


Carrying on, I looked up the last one I need and its the popcorn snack. So we went to the cafe and I bought him some!


Then we got the tamatomo!


So now we have all the tamatomos for kuromametchi! Yay!


Another tamatomo stamp, I have 3 now! I will marry him off later today, I wonder if i'll get a boy or a girl!!



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Hey Guys long time no talk! Sorry that I have not been keeping up with this log so I'll give you a quick update! I have put my iD away and I am now running my 4U!


I have Pianitchi right now! She is currently wearing her hat happy item I downloaded from the app.

I should hopefully be able to marry her off tomorrow.

See you guys soon


Hey Guys! Today is my birthday and I got 2 new tamas! :D

One was a white 4U and the other was a navy blue plus color! I am so excited to run it!

I managed to take lots of pictures unboxing it so here are the most painful 15 mins of my life.


first of all can I say that I really love this box, its so simplistic and i really like the colour of it.


so here was what you get when you open it up the instructions and that paper packaging from hell

It was so difficult to get the tama out without the whole thing falling apart and since I would like to keep the box so the tama has a place to stay in when im not running it, that would be annoying.

Anyway after a full 15 mins of precise cutting with a knife to get the tape off, I got the tama out and the packaging was not damaged at all! I am so glad!


The plastic packaging has some weird vacuum packed seal on the back, It was really satisfying to take off though. I REALLY love the colour of this tamagotchi, it is such a nice shade of blue.


So I then put batteries in it and set the time and all that stuff


Clock set screen


username set screen


and i was given an egg and patiently waited for it to hatch.


and i got a girl!

I am really enjoying this tamagotchi so far. There is absolutely no downloads except for codes so that means no ezgotchi meaning i have to earn money myself with games. Connecting with my idL also gives money. I saved up to buy the popsicle so my tama could get a happy symbol. I really like that it is unlimited so you dont have to buy it again. I am saving up to buy the yellow pass so i have more places to go to!

Thats all for now


TMGC+C Update!

My tama evolved into chamametchi today! :D


Her close up is really cute!

I have also managed to collect all her happy symbols!


So I have been playing the gotchi king minigame and now I have lots of money! :D

Im rich and its only the first generation!

Thats all for now!




Nothing really happened much today I did take out my iD and connect it, I managed to get some pictures but they are really low quality.


I am thinking of opening my white 4U and running that along with my blue one, but that will mean I have to run 3 tamas! I don't know if i can handle that

Thats all for now



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Hey Guys, So i have some news to tell you. I have put my plus color back in it's box. I have decided that I should run something else. I do plan to do a longer run maybe in the summer though so I'll log about that if I still do it.

Instead I have decided to run my blue 4U and my new white 4U. The white one is one day older than the blue one.

Here we go!

Blue 4U

So far I have a female toddler. I am aiming for lovelitchi so i am giving perfect care.


White 4U

On this tama I have a male toddler, He should grow up into maisutatchi as I downloaded the character and fed him the snack more than 3 times just to make sure that it works. I really love that character he is one of my favourite male tamagotchis.


I have given him the plus color background so I have a little reminder of my memetchi who has been put on hold for the time being. I just really love the default background.

I am hoping to marry these two characters together when they grow up.

Also, I have an updated picture of my collection.


I keep all my tamas in a drawer (which i took out to take this picture) right now I have 10 tamas!

Thanks for reading this update




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