Yooouuuu aarrrreee a TAMAGOTCHI...


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I can't even remember what character I was before, so can I re-join?

Tamagotchi: Dazzminatchi

Looks like: A DOLPHIN (no not really...check the Tama Art topic in What's On Your Mind, it has two accurate pictures of Dazzminatchi although they're not drawn by me)

Personality: Obsessed with dolphins and hates hating on stuff (if that makes sense)

Other: Dolphins?

Tamagotchi: me

Looks like: me

Personality: me

Other: me

Tamagotchi: masktchi

Looks like: <<<my avvie

Personality: yeah

Other: no

masktchi walked along the beach

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me was swimming in ocean but then started drowning because tamagotchis can't swim.

masktchi saw me drowning and bought an ice-cream but it melted so masktchi cried and its tears flooded the ocean more and masktchi started drowning too

me learned how to swim so me saved masktchi and got masktchi some ice cream so he'd stop crying.

"omg yay" masktchi said and masktchi and me became best friends

"what's the weather like"

"SAME maybe it's because we're in the same place"

masktchi dropped his ice-cream

"Oh yeah true.." Me picked up masktchis ice cream and started eating it

"that's gross ew" but masktchi didn't walk away because me is his best firend

"There's a 5 second rule. Lets go do something together like BESTIESSS"

"There's a 5 second rule. Lets go do something together like BESTIESSS"

"let's make a friend called nikki" masktchi suggested SMARtly

Me and masktchi ran into a girl named Nikki. "Hi I'm Nikki SPAMSPAMSPAMAHAJAKEJJOENFIWKEIFJWKLSFJ"

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