You paid how much!?


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Well-known member
May 27, 2011
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Pensacola, FL
I'm on eBay at the moment and I'm watching this bidding war on "BLUE JAPANESE YASASHII TAMAGOTCHI" and it's currently reached over $108 with the reserve still NOT met and with 4 days left! Now that is out of my price range but it got me thinking about tama prices and such.

So far the most I've spent on a v-pet is a little over $40 for a Salem the Cat Giga Pet.

The best deal (in my opinion) I've got so far is about $10 for a Grey Graffiti V3.

What's your most expensive tama/v-pet?

What tama/v-pet did you get the best deal on?

The most expensive one I have is from one of my favorite websites,eBay.I got a blue iD-L for $70 total :eek: It was back when it came out in March though.I checked how much they were going for now today and they cost $60 and i'm like :eek: lol.The best deal i've had would be a TMGC nano for $25+EMS from Japan shipping from eBay.

most expensive, 69 dollars including shipping for an iD-l.

best deal: 24 dollars including shipping for a Japanese p2, NIP.

i got 2 tamagotchis for $1 on trademe! i also got a v1 for $1, but they ripped me off...

the most expensive was $15 for a v5 and v4. (the v4 broke!)

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I recently bought a Tamagotchi Angel (American) for like $19... Deal was though, it has a nice round crack in the screen. I'm pretty handy, so I plan to fix it. I'm not going to just change the screen with another p1/p2 screen though. I have a few ideas to try before I totally cheap out. Most of the ideas, I have the repair items for it. I know it works, so as long as it works... I might just live with the crack. But I guess I need to get a good look at it when it gets here to offically decide how I will fix it.

From Japan- Otherwise, I guess the best deal I got was my Japanese Angelgotch with free shipping. I think it was slightly more rare at the time, got it for $25 dollars I think... Not sure though. New in package, I think I got a freebie thing with it too. Stickers or something.

In the USA- .... I won 2 v1s for $4 in a small bidding war. I got those pretty quckly. Then another at the sametime, my p1 and a digital doggie giga pet, I think that was like $3... Also a bid-off. I don't know how I managed to get those at those prices...

I recently bought a Tamagotchi Angel (American) for like $19... Deal was though, it has a nice round crack in the screen. I'm pretty handy, so I plan to fix it. I'm not going to just change the screen with another p1/p2 screen though. I have a few ideas to try before I totally cheap out. Most of the ideas, I have the repair items for it. I know it works, so as long as it works... I might just live with the crack. But I guess I need to get a good look at it when it gets here to offically decide how I will fix it.

From Japan- Otherwise, I guess the best deal I got was my Japanese Angelgotch with free shipping. I think it was slightly more rare at the time, got it for $25 dollars I think... Not sure though. New in package, I think I got a freebie thing with it too. Stickers or something.

In the USA- .... I won 2 v1s for $4 in a small bidding war. I got those pretty quckly. Then another at the sametime, my p1 and a digital doggie giga pet, I think that was like $3... Also a bid-off. I don't know how I managed to get those at those prices...
That's so crazy, I was totally peeping that Angel Tam and was like "Oh that's a good deal!- Wait... is that a crack?" I gave up on that item immediately, but congrads on the find!

You have a keen eye for good deals on pets.

I figured tons of people didn't buy the Angel because that crack. I'm sure a few of them are here... I plan to take a before and after picture of how it comes out. I might not get the crack 100% out if I keep the clear screen in there but that will be okay with me. That has two cracks on it. One I wouldn't call major, but that one is.

Someone was telling me I could melt some plastic onto it carefully to fix it. I'm not sure if I really want to do that yet... I might actually use some foam (for raising the screen up) and some clear vinyl attached with some serious glue or sewn together. But thats one of the many ways I've come up to fix it. Maybe find some glass to place inside or a thin clear stamp peice....

And of corse... Fresh gold paint on the wings. Have that too...

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My most expensive VPet was probably my first Aibo at $800. I don't have my Aibos anymore. They, like the rest of my original VPet collections are gone. Sold off or given away long ago.

I don't really have any really good deals for any VPets. All the ones I've ever owned have been bought at retail. I don't do much secondhand VPet buying.

The most I've ever spent on a tamagotchi is £14.99, when they first came out in the UK, and that was pretty extravagant for a 9 year old. I saved my pocket money for weeks to buy one.

The cheapest one I've ever had! Its an orange translucent V2 and my cousin gave it to me for free. It's perfectly functioning, not a scratch on it (with the exception of the C button, that looks as though my cousin bit it :angry: )

Saving pocket change is a really good way to save money too. Eventually I take it back and have atleast $20 of change. There is a bit of a charge, but I'd rather not wrap them in the coin things.... Its like $1-2 depending on where I go. I did that and I think I got my Fish v5. I know it was one of my v5. Walking with that amount of change before you get to a store is kinda heavy... About a mile... Then another for the better stores. I walk a lot around town... saves gas, why not...

I have people keep an eye for them at garage sales. They don't see them and if they do, they look like crap to them... I always tell them to get them anyway considering I can fix them.

I figured tons of people didn't buy the Angel because that crack. I'm sure a few of them are here... I plan to take a before and after picture of how it comes out. I might not get the crack 100% out if I keep the clear screen in there but that will be okay with me. That has two cracks on it. One I wouldn't call major, but that one is.

Someone was telling me I could melt some plastic onto it carefully to fix it. I'm not sure if I really want to do that yet... I might actually use some foam (for raising the screen up) and some clear vinyl attached with some serious glue or sewn together. But thats one of the many ways I've come up to fix it. Maybe find some glass to place inside or a thin clear stamp peice....

And of corse... Fresh gold paint on the wings. Have that too...
I can't wait to see that transformation.

most spent = $75-$80 for an iD.

Best deal = $5 each for 2 V5s and a Music star.

OH Yes! I got it today. Looked at the tama a little closer to see that crack... It was on the Shiny background PAPER! HOMG. Now the next thing wasn't as cool... I had to clean the inside a little bit to get it to work 100%. It had some stuff in it I had to scrape off. Once I got it all off, It works perfect. Then I put a Sailormoon background in it to cover the one background. I should have choose a different SM image considering its right in the middle, but I can see my tama in all its glory. The purchase was really a steal. I knew I would probably have to clean the inside a bit, simple, and thought a crack was on the clear screen, wasn't... So I'm extremly happy. Now I need to paint the gold wings on it when I get back from super happy land....... Dentist.... Hehee, If I feel like it at that point. But so far, I am definatly getting what I paid for. $19 was totally worth it.

A couple days ago, I scored an Odenkun for $33.50. And Jason was having a sale on Tamagotchi Nano. I got one for $21.

The most I ever paid was probably around $65 for a Colour.

(Great job! You got a really good deal on that Tama!) The best deal I've ever gotten was last year in August, a few weeks before school started. I went on Amazon, and I bought a Chocolate Argyle Tamagotchi, v4.5! I had been longing for one for quite a while. I got a steal! It was only 15$ including shipping, and now on Amazon, a Chocolate Argyle v4.5 is about 30$ without shipping! Also- I expected it to come in the mail in 5 days... I got it in 2 days! It was in the box, and in perfect condition!

I bought 2 V4.5's for 8 bucks together one New in package the other opened but never used (still had pull tag in the back).

I also bought a tama`go of ebay for 20

OH Yes! I got it today. Looked at the tama a little closer to see that crack... It was on the Shiny background PAPER! HOMG. Now the next thing wasn't as cool... I had to clean the inside a little bit to get it to work 100%. It had some stuff in it I had to scrape off. Once I got it all off, It works perfect. Then I put a Sailormoon background in it to cover the one background. I should have choose a different SM image considering its right in the middle, but I can see my tama in all its glory. The purchase was really a steal. I knew I would probably have to clean the inside a bit, simple, and thought a crack was on the clear screen, wasn't... So I'm extremly happy. Now I need to paint the gold wings on it when I get back from super happy land....... Dentist.... Hehee, If I feel like it at that point. But so far, I am definatly getting what I paid for. $19 was totally worth it.
Take pictures! I wanna see!

(Great job! You got a really good deal on that Tama!) The best deal I've ever gotten was last year in August, a few weeks before school started. I went on Amazon, and I bought a Chocolate Argyle Tamagotchi, v4.5! I had been longing for one for quite a while. I got a steal! It was only 15$ including shipping, and now on Amazon, a Chocolate Argyle v4.5 is about 30$ without shipping! Also- I expected it to come in the mail in 5 days... I got it in 2 days! It was in the box, and in perfect condition!

I got that same v4.5 a few years ago from either Kmart or Walmart. I was surprised to see it on eBay for about $50.

I'm working on it. I have an image of it before I turned it on offically. I haven't painted the wings yet, but I love it. Its sleeping right now. I need to mix the wing colors just right, not just gold or copper. Its a bit of both to me...

Before (Used smaller detail image from seller)


Mine after I fixed it, just before I started it offically.


I still need to paint the wings... Got lucky with the paper in the back, its in the tama too, just behind the SM image.

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I'm working on it. I have an image of it before I turned it on offically. I haven't painted the wings yet, but I love it. Its sleeping right now. I need to mix the wing colors just right, not just gold or copper. Its a bit of both to me...

Before (Used smaller detail image from seller)


Mine after I fixed it, just before I started it offically.


I still need to paint the wings... Got lucky with the paper in the back, its in the tama too, just behind the SM image.
Where do you even get background papers from?

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