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Lost Girl

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
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Brisbane, Australia.
Okay, so what are your friends like? Where do you fit in? Is your circle of friends big or small with just a few besties?

Basically, I have my four best friends, Katie, Luke, Rachel and Daniel.

Katie's fantastic, she's kind of the cement in the foundations here, she keeps us all together, she's amazing. She's my Bill ^.^

Luke is... Insane. He's loud and if you didn't know him, you'd probably hate him. He's the type of person who can either make you really happy or infuriate you. He loves to joke and is so much fun :)

Rachel is an all rounder in ways. She's nice, kind, but then again sometimes [Jokingly (; ] if you ask her something she'll say "NO EW GO AWAY!" and stuff. She can be quiet and shy, but sometimes she'll be the loudest of us all. She's unpredictable, and very excellent.

Daniel... He's... Very tall, and he makes me feel very short, haha. But his heart is as big as his shoe size and he's one of the kindest, sweetest people you'll ever meet. He cares about every living creature, would never hurt a fly and is friends with everyone.

Then there's people who are friends but I only have classes with and stuff.

Tahlee.. She's an attention seeker, but she's really fun.

Emma, she's the new girl, and she's in my form class, so she's in most of my other classes. She's really cool and knows how to take what she serves out. It's great.

Joshy is impossible. He argues everything you say, and it sometimes end up in the most hilarious debates. He's good fun.

Then there's the twins aha. Melanie and Jacob. They're opposites. The only things they have in common are their skin colour, hair colour and eyes. Jacob is two inches taller than Mel. They argue ALL THE TIME. They're so funny together.

& I guess I fit in with them all because we're all pretty crazy, and we've all got so much in common. I love them all :) <3


I fit in with 4 groups of people: besties, other friends, weirdos, and populars.


Don't hang out with them that much anymore, because they seem to not like me as much now. Group = S, M, I, T. I knew S in preschool, met M and I in kindergarden, and met T last year.

Other friends:

Other gr 6ers + a super tall gr 5 who bothers me.


It's basically just a group where everyone can hang out. Theres showoffs, retards, social freaks, normal people and much more.


Well, self-explanitory. I only hangout with them if my friends are there.

My group at school consists of all the people that no-one else likes.... Since this year I'm a senior, the group split in two so the younger people are out the back while us seniors sit in the senior quad where it's quieter.


I've never had many real friends. I have Tess who sits out the back, (but I only really see her out of school) Destinee, Alicia and Tahlia. The rest are just people I force myself to get along with in order to make life easier.

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My "circle" of friends, mostly consists of me, Jamee, Ashley and Katie.

Jamee is really loud and gets what she wants. She's sneaky and can basically get you to fall for anything.

Although she appears to be outgoing and talkative, sometimes (especially around guys) she'll clam up and then act fairly rude.

She always has something to say, and sometimes that's not a good thing.

But I do love her.

Ashley is probably the one kind of "out of place". Me, Jamee and Katie all share a similar style and intrests, but her? No so much. But that's fine.

She is pretty crazy, but fun to be around. A little odd, but I guess you could say "special".

You can count on her for most things, and she'll help you to your senses.

Katie is the girl everyone loves. She is sweet, fun, bubbly, and loud. She'll make you laugh.

But most people don't know the true her.

She can become quite mean, and isn't afraid to get into a fist-fight.

If you're her friend though, she'll give you constant hugs and act quite innocent.

Katie is a huge flirt with all the guys, which gets many people mad (even myself),

and she's stolen many guys from me. I still love her, though.

Some of my other close friends are Alicia, Uroosha, Brittany, Chrystal, Andrew & Jordan .

Alicia is quite the amazing person. She is there for you, and knows how to make you laugh.

Me and her have become quite good friends this past year, and I can tell her my emotios and how I feel.

She understands, because she's gone through the same things.

She's fun to be around, and we can always have a crazy time!

Uroosha isn't one of my most crazy upbeat friends, but she's witty and fun with a laid-back personality.

She usually is there is to keep me on my feet when I'm attempting to sniff markers or something. xD

Uroosha sticks by me, and doesn't let me down. I know I can trust her.

Brittany is basically my sister. <3 I don't get to hang out with her much because we're in different classes,

but I still love her to bits! She's caring, fun, and super nice. I couldn't live without her. Sisters for life!

Chrystal is one of those girls who is friends with everyone, and for good reasons.

She's nice, sweet, funny, and just plain lovable. She can turn something depressing into something happy with just her smile.

She isn't afraid to try something new, and will encourage you to do the same.

I love her so much!

Andrew hasn't been my friend for very long, but we're fairly close.

He's there for me, and whenever we get to hang out or see eachother it's alot of fun!

I know he understands me in some way, and that's why we're friends.

Jordan is like, one of my best guy friends. xD

He's pretty perverted at times, but he always knows when something is wrong with me,

and he'll stop at nothing to figure it out.

One of his friends and I were pretty much dating not too long ago, but that's down the drain now...

And even though they have been friends longer then he's been friends with me,

he understands and cares that I'm hurting.


Me? Where do I fit in?

Right in the middle of it all, holding us all together. :)

I have a very large group of close friends. And, about half of them hate each other. So I usually have to choose one friend-group-clique thing for each event. I can't really combine the friend groups or severe drama will arise.

Another thing is, I don't really have a best friend. Because I can't really trust anyone these days. However, one boy named Sean has come very close.

[ He's gay, so no boyfriend for Phoebe ]

Well, my circle of friends consists of about 10 people. My BEST friends consists of me, Jen and Sarah.

Jen: She's the most normal and popular-ish one of us. She gets along with pretty much everyone. She's very bubbly, happy and loves her family more than anything in the world. We're both Short Stack obsessed, and she's the only one I have in my class. She's the only one the teachers put in my class and that has made our friendship even closer. I met Jen in 3rd grade. And of course, she's my Andy, my amazing step brother <3.

Sarah: Man, I've known this girl since 1st grade. We met over a stamp. Great thing to meet over, eh? This girl is amazing. She's the crazy, wacky one of us. She cheers us up. I love Sarah to bits. She's also the music-know-it-all out of us. And supposedly the ''emo'' and ''goth''. Eh, if she even is, she's pretty darn happy! Twilight freak too.... I'll love this girl for life. Definately a best friend.

Then there's the people who hang out with us, yet aren't best friends. This group consists of Kathy, Keesha, Akuch, Amber, Jessica, Kylie and many others.

Kathy: Kathy's the girly one. The one you'd call normaly weird. I met her in 2006, and thought she was okay. We only really became friends last year though. She's pretty cool, yet can occasionally get annoying.

Amber: Amber is amazing. She's the calm one of us. The one who'll watch, but won't do. Yet I still love her. She's the type of person you could just sit down with and tell her exactly how you feel, and know she won't tell anyone. I met Amber in kindy <3.

Jessica: Jessica is Jessica. She's cool. The really normal one us, I suppose. She makes you feel happy, cheers you on and makes you feel great. :]

Kylie: I only really became friends with Kylie in the last two weeks. She already considers me a ''best friend'', haha. She's cool, yet doesn't completely understand my way of living.

Then there's Keesha, Akuch, and so many others. I won't go through all of them seeings as this post is already huge. But I love all my friends to bits <3.

Where do I fit in? Everywhere. I suppose I'm the all-rounder. I have so many personalities. I can be the one holding up the whole conversation, crying, not saying a word or running around like a maniac. Yet, don't we all?

My group of friends are a pretty crazy bunch ;) Some Most of the people that hang around us I can't really relate to, but they're like in the background most of the time anyway.

So.. Here's a list of my best friends ;)

Katina - She's been pretty down lately, but normally she'd be the person to cheer everyone up. She's really awesome and is the first person I go to when I want to talk to someone about the things that are bothering me. She gives really good advice. She will do anything for other people, but sometimes people take advantage of that. Ohh, and she's like obsessed with the Fray ;)

Jaz - She's a very crazy girl. She's in my Science class and she's usually mixing stuff together that probably shouldn't be ;) I convinced her to play cricket last season, hopefully she'll get into the Cap team so I won't be that much of a loner. I sometimes tell her stuff, but she's the kind of person to blurt things out at the top of her lungs. She's still pretty cool though.

Zhayd (pronounced Jade) - He moved here from South Australia at the beginning of the year. He's like, my greatest best guy friend in the whole world at the moment. Okay, perhaps I wish it was more than that, but he's still a great friend. We instantly clicked when I first talked to him. We have this thing of betting against eachother. At the moment I owe him $150 bucks. Yesterday we made a deal that if the Wests Tigers (my favourite team in the NRL) beat the Brisbane Broncos (his favourite), then we'd be even. If they lost, I owe him 300 bucks. Tigers better win that, lol.

Shai and Louise are pretty good friends too, but I'm too lazy to type stuff for them and I'm really hungry and I have to get off the computer ;)

I don't really have a group of friends. I'm everywhere. ;D My very best friend ever doesn't even go to my school. D:

The advantage of being an "outsider" is you see the separate groups much better. I have friends in different ones. :]

I have way too many friends. O:

When I first moved to Texas last year, I met Nicole, Sofie, Khamile, and Brenda. And we were all like super close.

I love Sofie, but I barely see her during school. We talk during one passing period and only hang out after school, so we're not that close anymore, but we still do a lot of stuff together.

Brenda. I don't talk to her anymore. She's in my French class but she kind of shoved me aside and I figured "Fine. If you wanna ditch me for all your new friends, go right ahead, because I am done caring."

Khamile is still awesome. We got closer, since we're in the same theatre and geography class. We hang out a lot too and she's awesome.

Nicole. She's the toughest. She used to be my best friend but now she isn't, though she still is one of my close friends. The thing is--she says I'm her best friend, etc. but it doesn't even seem that way. She and Brenda got closer at one point, and almost kind of lost contact with me for a month. Some days she doesn't even talk to me--like today--and somedays we talk nonstop. And it's a freaking rollercoaster with her. I can't tell if she'll like me today or not. And it's awkward. And it's not like she won't talk to anyone-just me. I feel like I know so much about her and at the same time I know nothing.

And then there's everyone in theatre. And they are the most amazing people I have ever met.

Erin, is the sweetest person I know. I love her.

Katelyn is hilarious. Zoe is amazing. Colleen and the twins are just so sweet (even though I can't tell the twins apart). Lauren and Emily make my day. Wes is just so strange. Nick is so nice and has soft hair. That's not even all of them, but they're amazing people.

I have so many close besties; both guys and girls. Recently I've become particularly close to Aida, Dylan and Linds, but in all honesty, pretty much the entire population of my school knows me, and most I'll talk with often.

I just seem to get along with everyone. Sure, having such a lot of people who I value as friends means there will always be some occasional drama stirring up, that I may well be dragged into, but I'm good at dealing with social stuff. A true people person. :]

My friends and I are the type of girls who live to love and laugh. I'll hug them and declare how much I love them in the middle of the hallway, not caring which random bypasser thinks I'm lesbian or not. I'll buy stuff for them if I see something that reminds me of them, and likewise, I am often showered with little tokens of friendship as well. I have pictures of me and my girls everywhere. I even sometimes share my morning coffee with them. That's big.

But worth it. Because there is nothing in the world I love so much as my friends.

I only have a few friends, and they are all my besties as well.

There's Kat, she's a bit of everything, she holds us together.

Piper is super loyal, but she gets REALLY angry if you cross her. I've learned, I have. xD

Daisy is super hyper, scary to be around if you don't know her.

Dana is always singing, always~ She's a downer to be around if you're friends with her, but for a good price.

And Rachael. She's a depressed girl who always NEEDS a boy with her. She dresses punk/goth and is bipolar, so it's hard for me to be around her. We're too alike.

Eaaahh, I have a LOT of friends x] both girls and guys. Mostly dudes though since i get along with guys more. But my BEST BEST BEST CLOSEST friend is Araceli<3 been with me since 7th grade. i love herrrr

I have a lot of friends. Most of them are really crazy and hyper.. xD I'll just write a few paragraphs about them for you guys..

Daniel Daniel is probably one of my best friend's.. He is completely hyper and awkward like me. He's on of those people who you can just get along with and relate to automatically. Probably the least judemental and mean person of our little "clique".

Riley Riley is funny, awkward and perverted.. She can get violent at times but more of the time, she's pretty cool.

Tyler Tyler is my best friend of all time probably. He's nice, cool and somebody you can always rely(Sp) on and relate to. He can be either upset or in a really good mood. It's either one of those all the time.

Kayla Kayla is sooo funny to be perverted and weird around. She's always over dramatic (In a good way) or is spazzing out about some random things..

Farren Farren is a really cool person to be around. She's either really happy or hyper, or really quiet and in a "reserved" kind of mood.. She always laughs at everything you say's even if it's not funny just so she can kinda release a happy kinda vibe into the air..

Azam Azam is really cool. He's one of my best friends also. We met through my sister's horses. We put our horses in their barn and so far, it's been working out really well.

I have alot more but I'm to lazy to type them all down on the spot.. Ahaa

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Seeing as I'm Not exactly a social butterfly, [The Opposite. I'm one of those normal girls No one really wants to be friends with. The only other friends I have are the ones here on Tamatalk <3]

So, The only True friend I have [in real life], Is Ashley

I've known her since I was a Year old. We are exactly a year and eight days apart [Her birthday is September 8th 1994, mine is September 16th 1993]

She's hard to explain. But She's basically my twin <3. Except with way longer hair, and a Dog the bounty hunter obsession, and She's a Christan [i'm Athiest]

I had another friend a couple years ago, We met when I was in Kindergarden [she was in Grade 1, Failed it twice. So She's about two years older than me]

Anyways, Her name is Katie. We used to be Best friends during School [From around grade 1 - 7]

Every day at recess we would swing on the swings. Thats basically all we do. Then We'd jump off, taking a risk to break a few bones Then we'd swing some more.

I haven't talked to her in like, Forever. [Well, Since January] We aren't really that close anymore.

Now Its like, I'd say "Hi, how are you" and she'd say the same thing, but we don't hang out or anything.

2 of my friends hate eachother..

Charlotte S-Crazy Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, Demi Lovato, All things disney basically fan. But shes fun. (also one of the people that hate the other)

Natalie-Bestfriend for ever shes fun a hypocondriac, spazzy and fun to annoy ;)

Charlotte A- Voilent, rude to everyone, but gives us sweets !, and I hate all of her friends xD. (and she hates all of mine.)

Dilara Hates Charlotte S and A, Fun annoying killjoy xD Goes on about how she scored so much in her "emo" test..

Julie-Shhwwweeett shes awsome been my friend scince nursery (3 yso) when I was high in pe from my asthma pump she rescued me! She likes Badminton!

Danique-Shes cool shes funny but shes bad like rude to teachers.. But shes autistick (sp?)

I can't do anymore sorry about grammer w/e have to go to schoooooooool!

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