Young Mimitchi and love


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Aug 14, 2006
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plz help me get a Young Mimitchi, i want him so could someone plz help me.

And also how old do your tamas have to be to start geting hearts instead of smilies?

plz help... thanks :hitodetchi:

You can get a Young Mimitchi by taking good care of your Tamagotchi on an even Generation.

About the Hearts rather than smilies, just keep connecting your adult Tamagotchis.

usually theres no telling which character your going to get. but when I got a young mimitchi i had to treat my tama really well. i checked on it almost every five minutes and if it even had one heart that wasn't filled i would fill it up. i also connected it a lot with my other tamas and other peoples tamas too. that way it had a lot of good friends. you've got to play with a lot. and you have to keep it clean. that means don't let it get more than one poop without cleaning up. and if its got to go to the bathroom take care of it right away. like i said. play with it alot. and give a treat once a long as you do that. you should probably get a young mimitchi. :wacko: good luck!

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