Your almost at death stories.


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Mar 13, 2012
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Ok,so I was wondering how many of you have almost been close to here are mine.

When I was 2 I drunk some nail Polish remover

When I was 2 or 3 I went into the bathroom and my parents was sleeping I climbed on to a towel rack and almost fell to my death!!!!!! Soon after that my mom had poison control on speed dial!!!!!

When I was 3 ran out in the road and a van

most hit me!!!the person stopped just in time!!!!!

When I was 6 my dad bought me a fourweeler and I flipped it without any injurys though.....

Recently.....I was almost in a car crash:/

Sooooooo....I think that's all!

If I think of anymore I will post them! :)

When I was 6 I got a dises that usually kills people but survived

Once I was trying to put up a shed door and it started falling but my uncle caught it (my life saver)

On the weekend I was trying to climb a hill without a harness and slipped but quickly grabbed a tree trunk

Um... when I was 11, I think, I slipped in the bathtub and chipped one of my teeth and bashed the front two teeth back and the shards of my chipped tooth cut into my mouth and I managed to get it out, but who knows, maybe pieces of my teeth are still inside me... Ever since then, I have been afraid of showers... o.o

Also... I tripped down the stairs and fell onto the concrete when I was holding my iD L. My only thought was to save my iD L, even if it meant bashing my head on the concrete.

Another time I was almost squished by a car when I was daydreaming, but luckily my brother told me and alas, I'm still alive!

That's just the beginning... O_____________O

Maybe you don't know this, but Beados (dunno if you heard of them) used to be called Bindeez and actually contained a very poisonous ingredient. Children who swallowed them got sent to hospital and some even died. I accidentally chewed on one and got really ill for the next two days... but I LIVED!

I just remembered another one...

When I was 4 I stayed at my Aunties place and her Husky ran inside and I was going down the stairs and her dog ran past me and if I hadn't been holding on to the rails I would've fell never liked stairs since.

Another time (with my aunties dog again) my Aunties dog ran inside (she loves trying to hurt me) and tried to attack me luckily my life saver (uncle) fought her off me

I was playing Jump out of the window game...

And Glass gt into me.

I swallowed one. O_O

Luckily, my bro called 911.

Not sure if this counts but..

When I was five years old, I caught pneumonia. Luckily, I survived after being in the hospital for about 3 weeks?

In 7th grade, the doctors found cancer in my eye. I had to have surgery before the tumor grew. I'm quite lucky.

Twice with tornadoes. I was 11 the first time, and 13 the next. Took the roof off of the house both times. I was in the basement, scared to death. However, I find tornadoes fascinating.

When I was three, my face was basically bit off by a dog :D It had to be stitched from the beginning of the bridge of my nose to just half of my upper lip, because it was almost split in half basically. Luckily, the big scar is gone, but you can still see a little scar from a stitch right beneath my nose. :)

When I was 3, I snuck out of the house and almost got run over by a car.

Oh yeah, and I ate like half a tube of toothpaste. LIKE A BOSS

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I was at a waterpark in their wave pool when:

At the time they allowed people to bring rental tubes in the pool. I was jumping the waves and dived under, a tube floated over top of me. It was so crowded(lots of people with rental tubes) and I couldn't get above water. I started pushing and kicking to get the person in the tube to move.

Thats all I've got.

Oh man, what


So, I was born two months early alongside my twin sister - who unfortunately passed away the day after being birthed by c-section (also, she died on the same day of ANZAC day which is a holiday in NZ and Australia to mourn the loss of the men who died in the war in Gallipoli asdfjkl; )

Anyways, I was on emergency life support and my parents never saw me - I almost died 3 times because I was so sickly, I am lucky to have pulled through - I was born sick too

Once when I was 3, I cut my wrist with a tomato sauce can - I could have cut my arteries and bled to death, which sucks - I have the scar too.

I also got found by my Aunty, drowning in a toilet - that makes me giggle for no reason

i'm off to go stare at patrick lambie's face now ok bye

When I was only three, I was chewing on some poisonous berries on a bush outside of our house. My mother caught me, and she took me to the hospital. They said the berries had only been in my mouth, and that I hadn't swallowed them. I don't actually remember that, but my mom told me about it.

Another time, I had a really bad flu. Mom was extremely worried about me. She said my fever was way too high.

I've been in plenty of situations where a car is recklessly speeding down the road while I'm on my bike and I have to speed to to the sidewalk. I haven't ever been hit (thank god).

once I was siting in a tree about 18 feet high and the branch broke and I fell and and broke several more branches and hit the ground hard but all I got was the wind nocked out of me

I had pneumonia, or however you spell it. Yep... it was more boring in the hospital than it was painful, for some reason. Also, they had a glitch in the system or something because when you took these sticky things with wires off your chest to use the bathroom, the hospital alarm would go off. So basically, the whole level could know when I was using the toilet. AND THE HOSPITAL HAD HORRIBLE ICE CREAM! I have seriosuly never met a horrible ice cream besides then... I mean, better and worse ice creams than each other, but they're all good!

Let me see..... I can't think of any others right now but I'll probably update soon.

I have an extremely poor immune system. I had the swine flu (nearly died), and a ton of other flus. If there's a flu, I've had it!

Last year I got shingles, which is basically Chicken Pox recurring again but in a very severe case. Basically one side of your body gets this enormous, blistering rash that keeps oozing. I had it BAD for 2 weeks. And shingles is normally for people over the age of 60. I was 13 at the time. I don't know if it could kill you, but the way my immune system acts up, it could have killed me.

When I was 8 I ate an apple. I had started to develop severe allergic reactions to different foods, and my throat swelled up so tight I remember I thought someone was choking me. I started seeing stars and I had to go to the hospital :/ The foods I know I'm allergic to NOW are apples, pears, peaches, celery, honeydew, plum, cherry, kiwi, dates, plantain, peanut, carrot, cucumber, and I'm allergic to every single pollen, mold, mildew, and dust in the world.

Ummm let's see this isn't really near death but it could have been eventually. When I was 3 I had a giant cancerous tumor on my foot and it was 1 day before the cancer spread, trying to kill me, when I got surgery to remove it.

When I was 2 I fell down 3 flights of (concrete) stairs, hitting my head all the way down.

Not near-death but at age 2 I fell through a glass coffee table and had giant splinters of wood sticking out of my lips/gums/tongue from a picture frame

At age 1 I fell out of a crib that gave me such a bad scar that there is now a big bald patch on my head (not visible normally).

Also, 2 weeks ago I was eating cookies with milk (how innocent) and my throat got really dry, so I started gulping milk and I choked on it. I stood up and if you can't talk, then you need the Heimlich. So I tried to talk and I couldn't so for 30 seconds I was running around finding a good place for the maneuver, then my throat cleared up. Immediately after I cleared my throat, then I started coughing (NOT on purpose; instinct) and EVERYTHING came back up again, choking me all over again. I couldn't talk so I ran to my dad to help me, but he couldn't figure out what I was trying to tell him (he was showering) and after 45 seconds I got really dizzy and everything cleared up again.


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