Your BEST days :D


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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2009
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Guatemala city-Guatemala
My best days were:

1 Today, when i went to a kart circuit, well, two kart circuits in one installation, i raced on it and i won on 2nd place :( !

2 When i went to a shopping (not SHOOP ing) almost spree at Toys R Us.

1.) There was one day, last October when my love and I worked together all evening to set up for a school Halloween festival.

2.)Earlier this June I got another day to spend with my love and our best friends.

When I went to Toronto.

When I was tall enough to go on "The Zipper" at the carnival.

When I go to Camp.

The best days are ALWAYS the days I'm at the beach. There's not much of a competition.

Ever since before I was born, my family had a tradition to go down to North Carolina with all the extended family. You looked forward to it every summer and knew it was coming.

We always rent a house right on the beach. My imediate family comes, along with my grandparents from my dad's side, my aunt Harriet, my aunt Sarah, my aunt Peggy, my uncle Fred, my cousin Nikki, and sometimes Uncle Ed, Aunt Arliene, and Christine. On average every year, we have between 12-14 in the house, but it never feels crowded. You're in good company.

My cousin Nikki is my age and lives over 1,000 miles away from me, so that's really the only time each year I get to see her. It's fantastic - staying up late, sleeping in, waking to my grandfather's breakfasts... then we go hang out on the beach all morning, have lunch, and then either relax inside or go shopping. Then we get cleaned up and go out for dinner. It is sooo much fun to go shopping with her at all the vintage beach shops.

At the beach we've seen baby sea turtles hatch... the beach we go to is a sea turtle sanctuary. Actually, I've seen two sea turtle nests hatch already in my life. It's one of the most incredible things I will ever be privliged to witness.

I just... I can't really describe it. I look forward to going to the beach every year, and usually the week we're there is one of the happiest times of my life.

We're leaving August 7th for the beach this year. I cannot wait <3

December 30th 2008 :)

Truly magical day, that was.

October 26th 2008.

Not actually my best day, but it was incredibly memorable. That was also the day I got my laptop. x3

The whole of 2004 was also absolutely fantabulous. It was so great. I was only about 7, I had the greatest teacher you could imagine, and I had gazzilions of friends.

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-My Birthday.

-Christmas 2007.

-The day My parents annouced I wad getting a new computer.



I was with him all day & he wouldn't leave me

wherever i went he went. 9 hours of pure fun!

Happens everyday but not for 9hours!! =]

June 9th-12th this year.

I went to a sports and arts camp for our grade eight year end trip. It was so much fun. Espcially meals and campfires.

If you put your elbows on the table, you'd have to do something stupid in front of the whole dining hall. Like propose to a councellor, or run a lap around the dining hall making rocket noises.

And there's a piano there, so people can play songs when they're done eating. Adam started playing Don't Stop Believing, and all the grade eights from our school ran to the piano and sang.

And campfires. Those were amazing. The councellors would do the weirdest, but funniest skits. Like, one was a guy walking up the stairs, and he stops and goes "Is that pigeon dooey?" In a thick French accent. Then this guy comes up, and he's like "Does it taste like pigeon dooey? Try it!" XDDD

And one councellor sang The Ants Go Marching. But he was all intense and screaming "HOORRRRAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Then at ten by ten, he took his shirt off and threw it at my friend. xDD

And we did this ropes course in the forest. Chad kept making his 'terradactyl (sp?) noises' And this one bird in one of the trees would make noises back at him.

And we went to Georgian Bay. The water there is so cold, that bacteria can't grow in it. So we were only allowed to jump in from a 1.5 foot tall ledge, and swim back. Like, my neck seized up in the water. Then everyone laughed at me for leaving my towel in the dining hall. D: On the bus ride back, everyone got three soda crackers, and we had to try to eat all of them in thirty seconds. Two people actually did it. xD Then we sang a campfire song, which literally took half an hour to sing. It was one of those ones where you build onto it, untill the chain was over. By the end, it was like "And the ameoba was on the speck of dust and the speck of dust was on the other wing and the other wing was on the mosquito and the mosquito was on the feather and the feather was on the wing and the wing was on the bird and the bird was on the egg and the egg was in the nest and the nest was on a leaf and the leaf was on a twig and the twig was on a limb and the limb was one the branch and the branch was on the tree and the tree was in a hole and the hole was in the ground."

When the director guy was announcing the results of 'cabin cleanup' the one councellor sitting at our table had a mini foam soccer ball. He was throwing it at the other councellors. He tried to get it to the one in front of me, but hit me in the back of the head instead. Then everyone cracked up laughing. Then we would burp and blame it on Sam.

On the bus ride there, people screamed louder for McDonald's than we did when we got to the camp. XDD

I did archery for one of my activities. There was a large foam square, then a smaller target in the foam. The only time I hit the foam was when my arrow crossed over and hit someone else's target.

There's so many more stories I could post. But I won't, for your sanity's sake.

April 20 somethingth 2008 -- The first day I watched The Lord of the Rings~

Sadly, I can't remember the date, but we went to some amazing play with all of my cousins and grandma and everyone. It was truly unforgetable.

Yeah. I have a pretty boring life. XD But if I do remember a good day, I'll share. (=

Every time I'm with my boyfriend is the best for me.


I won't ever forget that one time when I was home alone and he came over and spent the whole day with me <3

December 30th 2008.

Again. Fan bloody tastic.

And December 30th 2009 will be great too.

2009 has been fantastic for me so far. <33

And today I found out I am going to one of the state's top high schools. Miraculous.

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Any day I have a sleepover with my best friend. She's so much fun, and we always make each other laugh. Any day I spend time with my gerbils, particularly Hans. I think a sleepover my friend and I had in early June this year was our best to date. We had so much fun. My life is the best it's ever been right now, pretty much from June 2008-present.

July 26th 2007. <3

'Twas the day I saw The Simpsons movie, had the greatest of fun with my brother while at it, and this year I realised that it's Shaun Diviney's birthday, aha ~

July 4th 2008.

The day I left to Russia on the plane. The day I met all my relatives whom I haven't seen ever/in a loooong time. It was magical.

- YMCA overnight camp 2007

- The day we picked up Shiloh

- The day I was born

- The day our team won the semis

- Kelsey's birthday

- Pretty much every day :)

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