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How many of you think there shoud be a hospital in tamgotchi world with real nurses?

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Active member
Jul 16, 2006
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If you have better ideas for to make tamagotchi world better please post them here and please someone send this to the company or whereever they make them.

I recon when you battle you should be able to go into each others shop so if you really want somthing badly and its in their shop all you have to do is battle and hey presto!!

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i know a battle arena on the tamagotchi v5's (when they make them)

On V4, if your tamagotchi has high skill points, mostly on intellegence, it will be able to get a job as a doctor. :D

And maybe, we never know, the hospital on tamatown might be open on V5! :D

-sk8er girl-

That would be awsome! it`d also be cool if they had a special thing where you can store your points and/or items online...that way your inventory dosn`t get cluttered 8D *or if little siblings babysit your tams cause your parents make you let them play with it they won`t lose too much data 8D

Thank you for posting your ideas you all have wonderful ideas and we can keep this up. Right now with theese ideas I can just imagine a better tamagotchi and we should have a bank to store your points and stuff and you should actually see yourself in your computer screen!

That would be cool, wouldn't it?

Real nurses would make the game much cooler, and it would give me an excuse for a checkup! :wacko:

That would be awsome! it`d also be cool if they had a special thing where you can store your points and/or items online...that way your inventory dosn`t get cluttered 8D *or if little siblings babysit your tams cause your parents make you let them play with it they won`t lose too much data 8D
That bit about storing items online would be pretty cool.

I think they should have more stores and things opened up. They have some buildings but you cant enter them and it kinda gets boring!

yeah! If you coukd walk into the little buildings it would be preety interesting! It would be even MORE awsome if they made a whole tama WORLD *instead of just a "town" Where you can intercact with other people on the site whom are online! Like a tamagotchi Chat!!!

And we could play as our tamas *wich we already do but in the tamagotchi wourd...*

If you need a better understanding of what i`m trying to say chack out gaia online`s "towns" *not advertising only trying to help myself explain my idea better!*

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