your class schedule


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First thing to know is that my school has a seven-day rotation thing so all seven classes get the same amount of time in them. If it's Day 7 one day, then it'll be Day 1 the next day school is in session, then Day 2, and so on and so forth. The fifth class of each day (e.g. In Day 1, it's E-Period) is long block, during which instead of the regular 44 minute class it is 66 minutes long with a 22 minute lunch. The numbers after the names of the class listed indicate whether it's 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th lunch. 1st lunch begins at 10:57 AM, 2nd at 11:19, 3rd at 11:44, and 4th at 12:09. Classes begin each day at 7:45 AM and the school day ends at 2:10 PM

Day 1 - ABCDEFG (Gym, Choir, Geometry, Earth Science, Literature2, Latin I, History)

Day 2 - BCDEFGA (Choir, Geometry, Earth Science, Literature, Latin I4, History, Freshman Seminar)

Day 3 - CDEFGAB (Geometry, Earth Science, Literature, Latin I, History3, Gym, Choir)

Day 4 - DEFGABC (Earth Science, Literature, Latin I, History, Study4, Choir, Geometry)

Day 5 - EFGABCD (Literature, Latin I, History, Gym, Choir4, Geometry, Earth Science)

Day 6 - FGABCDE (Latin I, History, Study, Choir, Geometry3, Earth Science, Literature)

Day 7 - GABCDEF (History, Gym, Choir, Geometry, Earth Science1, Literature, Latin I)

I bet these mean the same thing but...we go by hours, not periods??

1rst hour 7:58-8:58: Lang.Arts

2nd hour 9:02-10:02 Social Studies

3rd hour 10:06-11:06 Choir


4rth hour 11:38-12:38 Foreign Culture (french)

5th hour 12:42-1:42 Math

6th hour 1:46-2:46

And then i go home :]

im in 7th grade btw

7th grade scheduleee...

mine is..

1st period;Gym

2nd period;carrers

3rd period;science

4th period;reading

5th period;lunch

6th period;language arts

7th period;social studies

8th period;pre algrebra

9th period;study hall.

and thats about it;

it never changesss thoughhh;;

1st Period: Science (oh god)

2nd Period: Horizon Languge Arts (shoot ME!!! I don't want to be SMART!!!)

3rd Period: Gym (Mr. Velez can go jump in a hole)

4th Period: Horizon Social Studies (BOO Speeches... I don't have to write it!!!)

5th Period: French (We get a cookie and watch a movie for the last 20 minutes on Fridays. If get a bad score on your NJASKs, you get a study hall 9th period...lucky)

6th Period: Lunch A/Guide B (20 minutes of lunch, 20 minutes of study hall)

7th Period: Reading (the teacher talks to us like we're 2)

8th Period: Cycle- Music/Art/Current Events (we're "the bubble class" they ran out of ideas for /Computers/Health (with creeper gym teacher but I get studyhall instead of gym!!!) /Tech (each cycle is like...36 days)

9th Period: Accelerated Pre-Algebra (I LOVE THIS CLASS; math is my favorite subject)


The highschool at home has seven periods a day (or you could have another, if you came to school extremely early). The classes are about 50 minutes long and they have four minute passing periods. They also have a seven minute 'brunch' break in the morning and about forty minutes for lunch. My middle school was pretty similar too, but periods were only 45 minutes and we had a fifteen minute brunch and five minute passing periods.
My schedule at this school is really confusing. It rotates every day and stuff. Monday schedule: Bio, Bio (Mondays have double lab periods for science), assembly, free period, lunch, math, french, history, english. Tuesday schedule: Bio, free period, meetings (for clubs and stuff or advisory sometimes), history, lunch, math, french, english, free period. Wednesday: Free period (meaning I get to sleep in later :p ), history, advising, english, lunch, math, french, free, bio. Thursday: history, english, lunch, math, french, bio, free period. Friday: English, free period, assembly, bio, lunch, math, french, piano, history.

And later on in the year my free periods will be filled with public speaking and information technology.
That's how my friend's high school was in a sense. The messy-ish schedule. Their periods would switch off every day.

One day she'd have 1,3, and 5th periods, the next she'd have 2, 4, and 6th periods.

I guess when I asked that, I didn't think about every school having different start-end times.

My schools were 7:30am to 2pm, so having more than 6 45-50 minute classes seemed odd to me XD

Period 1:theatre

Period 2:Varsity choir

Period 3:Texas History

Period 4: Science

Period 5: Lunch

Period 6: Dance

Period 7: L.A. (language arts)

Period 8: Advanced math

I'm in 7th grade, btw.

Mine changes everyday/week.

Week one.

Day one. Day Two Day three

PE Geography Italian

PE Geography Italian

Recess Recess Recess

English Science Geography

English Science Maths

Lunch Lunch Lunch

Health Ed Health Sport

Italian English Sport

Day four Day five

Maths Maths

Maths Maths

Recess Recess

Ceramics Metal Works

Ceramics Metal Works

Lunch Lunch

Science English

Geography Geography

Week two.

Basically the same except different rooms.

I like my timetable, I'd hate to have to do the same thing at the same time everyday.

-Edit- Sorry about them being all mushed together. :\

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ima sevvie. :p )

period1] science

period2] math

period3] tech/p.e.

period4] language arts

period5] history

period6] homeroom, then lunch, then recess

period7] readinq

period8] study hall


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