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Travelling around the world to different countries is great. You learn so much and experience different ways of life, different opinions and see different cultures. It's fun :D

Many people visit the UK because of it's history.

We also have beautiful country side and coastlines, but not everyone would rate them above other countries' coastlines and countryside :D


London is really awesome though. Especially the British Museum and the Underground.

Well, I live in Kansas, U.S.A. and I absolutely love it. We have a lot of very modern things here, and we have open prarie and cattle farms as well. People are generally very friendly in this part of the country. There are also some historic old cowtowns here, such as Dodge City, and we have a HUGE Rennaisance Festival every year.

Ok, so I talked about my state rather than the entire country, but I've spent a LOT of time in the Midwest and I think it's a great place to be, sooo there you have it. :D

Well, in Scotland(that's in the UK) it's lovely because of its vast countryside, its cool fresh air and its tendancy to have weather, well, a little out of season. Anywway, it has beautiful beaches, rocky cliffs and even lovely animals! It has Squirrels, Otters, Puffins, Pelicans, Sheep, Wolves, Foxes, Cows, Dogs, Pigs, Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Swans ect. Scotland is awesome. I love living here.

Australia, the land down under.

The mainland is the largest island and the smallest, flattest continent on Earth, with a population of more than 20 million. It is also the driest continent on earth, but that doesn't stop us from much. The Australian federation consists of six States and two Territories. Most inland borders follow lines of longitude and latitude. The largest State, Western Australia, is about the same size as Western Europe.

We have sunny, golden beaches, good for swimming, surfing, and playing beach cricket, soccer, footy and everything else.

Wanna see more --->

I sound like one of them guides at the tourist information centres. XD

Well, in Scotland(that's in the UK) it's lovely because of its vast countryside, its cool fresh air and its tendancy to have weather, well, a little out of season. Anywway, it has beautiful beaches, rocky cliffs and even lovely animals! It has Squirrels, Otters, Puffins, Pelicans, Sheep, Wolves, Foxes, Cows, Dogs, Pigs, Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Swans ect. Scotland is awesome. I love living here.
Um I don't think there's wolves in Scotland, they were cleared out, weren't they?

Yeah Scotland is a great country because the airs really clear and nice and there's great beaches with tons of rocks to climb and hardly any litter, and they're so big as well! And there's a lot of dolphins and seals around, living freely and not getting hunted because hunting wild animals is illegal.

And also, it has such an amazing history! Not as amazing as Egypt and stuff but we beat the Romans and Mary Queen of Scots was born here (duh) and well, way too much to tell you in one post.

Oh yeah and we're nice to most of the tourists and stuff unless they happen to be terrorists. There's not much racism and those who are racist have to pay.

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Yeah, there is, I've been on holiday, well, day trips and saw them before, my dad has even pointed them out.

Yeah, Missbehave is right. it is fabulous, if you ever wanted to go on holiday, then Scotland is the place to be! <(^o^)>

well, YOU guys live up north in us, but i live in florida. but i want to go to europe. well, i like my town. we have a wide array of weathers. two days ago, it was 43 degrees. today it was 79. but i have been all the way up the east coast, and i love it. but NOT nyc. the traashbin of america, sorry if i'm offending anyone. at least the parts that i've been to are. illinois is great too.

I'm originally from Brooklyn, New York. I still live in New York, just not in Brooklyn. :angry:

New York is known as the Empire State. New York City is where the action is, though. :( Its nickname is the Big Apple. There you can see the Empire State Building, visit China Town, and go to an American Girl Place store. There are also many different shopping areas that people like to check out.

Yah, that's basically it.

Well, I live in Kansas, U.S.A. and I absolutely love it. We have a lot of very modern things here, and we have open prarie and cattle farms as well. People are generally very friendly in this part of the country. There are also some historic old cowtowns here, such as Dodge City, and we have a HUGE Rennaisance Festival every year.
Ok, so I talked about my state rather than the entire country, but I've spent a LOT of time in the Midwest and I think it's a great place to be, sooo there you have it. :(
I live in Kansas too. Very flat and windy. ^.^

It is very true. We are in more of the western area of tornado alley.. (I think it was 1998, not sure, that the F4-F5 tornado came through Andover, and just a while back we had the GreenValley tornado.) I don't mind much, because we very rarely see any rotation at all.

Kansas is an interesting state. I'd like to go see other places as well, though.

Washington, USA is boring, cold, and wet. Don't come here.
Lol I am going there this summer! :blink:

I live in Saskatchewan. Very flat, very boring, but I am proud of living here! :p Right now it is almost -50C so it is pretty darn cold. It gets cold here around late August but for some reason it only started snowing in late September... Oh well I'm not complaining. If you plan on comming to Saskatchewan (which I hope you don't cuz it's not too exciting) come during the summer; it can get up to +35C. ;D


My town is pretty hill-billy and all males talk about is some form of hunting everyday. There are clashes on favorite hockey teams, and good and bad marks being passed out everyday. I question how the School Board hires certain teachers, and a recent rule is no more cameras which is devistating to a camera fancier like myself.

Anyways in Canada in general it's cold in the winter, hot in the summer and there's lots of farming in certain places. There's free space everywhere, and Canadians can be heard saying 'eh' after every sentance. As well as that kids NEVER take off their hats in any situation [and I'm one of them] but unfortunately we can't wear them in class

There's way more than that, so PM me for questions.

Yup, but i live in New Jersey still cold and wet. I agree wtih Sweet Kandi. Dont come to USA
quit saying that usa is a great place 2 be well at least california is there is sooooooo much 2do and california has a reputation of being the best partiers :blink: :p :huh:

quit saying that usa is a great place 2 be well at least california is there is sooooooo much 2do and california has a reputation of being the best partiers :furawatchi: :gozarutchi: :nazotchi:
Quit saying that the US is a great place to be? :/

I think you mean quit saying that is ISN'T.

I wasn't saying to not come to the US in general. Just don't bother coming to Washington.

The US has amazing sites to see depending on where you go. Each state holds something special to see. Washington's site is the Space Needle, which isn't that amazing :|

Calm down. Just because someone says they don't like something doesn't mean a temper tantrum is required.

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