Your Dream World... What would it be like?


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Well-known member
May 31, 2007
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I have made this topic to see what people dream world would be like, and they can see what others are.

Describe your world though a post.

-Have Fun ^_^

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Everyone Would like everyone. Fat ppl, skinny ppl, normal ppl, goth ppl, any kind of ppl

and you could meet anyone you wanted to (such as bands)

and you could be free.

Hm. In my dream world, I could get rid of anyone I didn't like. (Hey, we've all wanted to do that sometime, right?)

And, I would work at an art store where I could get free stuff. Or I lived in an art store and got free stuff, that too. In my dream world, I would get paid money to draw people stuff *0* (That's my dream job)

Hm.. well, I would have things for other people too, end world hunger, stop global warming, bring the soldiers home and rid of all the terrorists, etc.


No small childs would die of hunger.

No one would starve.

Racism would stop.

No more wars...

No more money. We'd swap our goods for other goods and share in a community.

I'd live with my two sisters, since I'm only 10.

I'd do as I please.

And my life wouldn't be heck.

My sister said "Living in any video game except Resident Evil or Silent Hill". XD

I don't really know what my dream world would be.. I can't really think of anything right off hand. dream world would be so excellent.

There would be sandy beaches and beautiful sunsets. Me and my crush would be together, never to be sperated. The world would not suffer from starvation and global warming. Everybody would have food on their table and clothes on their skin. People would be who they are, no matter if they weren't perfect. We'd all be free, and everything would be peaceful. There would be no bad people in the world who were out to harm, and everybody was special.....nobody would stop smiling, because somebody else would be falling in love with it.

My dream world would be all natural. I would also love to have fantasy surround us in every moment. Green grass, lovely neighbors, wonderful houses for everyone to live in. Cute guys all the time. LOL. I would also love the days to be shorter and nights to be longer. I love the night. In my world it would always be cool. Days always sunny but sweet cool breezes that makes the days beautiful. I want the skies in nights in everyplace to be filled with darkness...stars sprinkled and the moon shining. I want everyone to help out, to be honest, perhaps too perfect. I want everyone to see that life can be happy. I would love my world. Its hard to explain it all. :p

There would be world peace, no war. People would be healthy, no one would get sick. No one would be self concious of themselves. It wouldn't matter how you looked. Also, there would be TONS OF SKATEBOARDING. Skateparks around every corner. Also, all arcades would have DDR. Everything you could buy would be less than $100. Ah, a perfect world. Too bad this one couldn't be like that. . . :angry: :|

My dream world would be nothing special. I'd just want my dad to be alive again.

In my Dream World, it would be illegel to cut down trees and steal habiats from animals. Cars would not run on oil but some other power. People would not judge anyone no matter what walk of life they came from. There would be no war, no such things as countries, and peace in the world. We'd all just be the same.

Peace Man... xD (jokes aside I really meant what I posted up above)

People in this world don't care about the trees or animals. They just keep on cutting them down, and for what, to build houses there. I hate NJ. Why did people have to become so distructive to our mother earth. Bring back the forrests and animals homes. The animals here have no where to go and get hit by cars. Sure that happens in rural areas too but at least the lived a normal life with enough space to roam.

Some may wonder why I wouldn't cure diseases. This is going to sound bad but if something wasn't killing us off then what would be other then old age? Think about it.

mine would be no people besides me and some other eople i know [[real life and on tt]]

and it wouldnt be taken over by buildings...there would be no sun and we'd be able to live without it...

that way you will always be able to sit by a waterfall and hear the water hitting the suface and the rocks and while doing so you can hear the crickets and feel the damp, cold night fresh air



lol, just kidding! :huh:


I don't know..I would have to say that no one judges eachother, and everyone is happy, and always has a smile on their face. And they look up to their dream, and once they work hard on their dream..It comes true! :eek:



mine would be no people besides me and some other eople i know [[real life and on tt]]and it wouldnt be taken over by buildings...there would be no sun and we'd be able to live without it...

that way you will always be able to sit by a waterfall and hear the water hitting the suface and the rocks and while doing so you can hear the crickets and feel the damp, cold night fresh air
that was awesome...i love it

My dream world? To marry my lovely boyfriend, Chris. Me and him got back together and I love him so much! In fact, I want you marry him. He's the best thing that ever happened to me.


No murders or robbers. No crime at all. Everyone had the same chance at life, no matter if they were normal or born with a defect. Everyone had food, and no kidnaped child went unfound. No, no children were kidnapped. Whatever you imagined, came to happen right in front of you. No person went unnoticed, everyone was a friend of everyone. And more Disney Worlds. The world needs more of Disney. xDNobody with a diesease went without being cured.

No murders or robbers. No crime at all. Everyone had the same chance at life, no matter if they were normal or born with a defect. Everyone had food, and no kidnaped child went unfound. No, no children were kidnapped. Whatever you imagined, came to happen right in front of you. No person went unnoticed, everyone was a friend of everyone. And more Disney Worlds. The world needs more of Disney. xDNobody with a diesease went without being cured.
If you want no crime, move to Iceland. There is, seriously NO CRIME there at all. I don't know how they do it but they do.


P.S. Iceland is not cold.

My world would include people being able to obtain the ability to fly.

There would be no rudeness, just kindness.

I would want the world to be ALOT smaller. I would also make it so all industry could be done without polluting the planet.

No crime.

Humans would not be able to judge people on their looks.

Um, I guess that's it... I'll add it if I think it.

No people tamagotchi's roaming the land but no wars but there would be the robber and tamatown. Yes.

my dream world my friends would be welcome my clay characters would come to life and be my friends i dont have many friends in school but i have alot on TT

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