Your Favorite v4.5 Color


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The Green Peacock is my favorite. My second favorite is the Red Butterflies - I lucked out and found it at my local Walmart. Didn't see any Green Peacock shells though. ^_^

I love that one too!(BLUE HAWAIIN) I may just wait to get a 4.5 until that one comes out... Although, the purple lava one is pretty cool!

I like the Red Butterflies design best - but I probably wont buy a v4.5.

I love the Red Butterfly design and the Purple Lava design. Those are the 2 designs I'm buying. :)


Wait - What are the one's you can buy?Can you buy the blue one?

That is the one I want!


The colors you can buy are:

Red Butterflies

Running Chetah


Purple Lava

Green and Yellow Stripes

Yellow Mood

I like the second wave of colors much better, but I don't kow when they come out!!!

NOOOOO!!!! For all of you (Including me) That really wanted a Tama from the net wave (Blue Hawaiin, Puzzles, Peacock...) We'll have to wait until the fall... But, I guess that's only 3 or 4 months away...

I sent Bandai an E-mail...


The next Tamagotchi V4.5 styles should be out in our Fall 2007 line.

Keep checking our Tamagotchi website or our website.


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