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What do you think about the issue?!?

  • 1.) They should let women have the right to chose! If the kid is born and unwanted, it will have

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  • 2.) No! Stop abortion! How would you like it if that baby was you??!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3.) AAHH! To confusing! I have no idea!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4.) This is tough! I really don't know!

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Abortion is so sick and wrong! Why didn't they just use protection if they didn't want a kid????

Abortion is so sick and wrong! Why didn't they just use protection if they didn't want a kid????
Because protection fails.

I mean literally. It doesn't always work. Birth control doesn't always work either.

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Yeah. And we never know but it could've been that baby that when it's an adult find the cure for AIDS.
That is true. You never know what that baby could have done for the world to make it better, and yes, it IS sick AND wrong.

~ Xo.CeCe.oX

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I believe that it is the woman's decision on the abortion or not. A fetus does not 'feel', really. Abortion is painless, and is most cases best, for the baby. :D

Also, I do think the woman has total control on what she wants to do to herself, as far as her body. Some think it would be best for the baby because of too much finantial difficulty, some may not be wanted, the mother may be too young. But I definantly agree that the pregnant woman does have the choice herself because it is her own body that has to endure birth and pre-birth pains. :D

Don't get me wrong, I definantly understand everyone else's opinions and beliefs, but this was just mine. I respect what you say too. :D

I am pro-choice in most situations. Here are some facts:

Sons of teenage mothers are more likley to end up in jail.

Daughters of teen mothers are 22% more likley to become teen mothers them selfs.

Now would you want to put a child through that? I would not. And adoption is NOT good because

A: Most people adopt from china/africa. Nobudy wants to help any kid in america.

B: How long will it take to get adopted? Answer: A LONG time! they will spend most of their lives in the orphanage, nobudy to love or takecare of them.

that is my opinion


I Beleive you are killing your child. On purpose (unless its accidental miscarraige) killing some thing IS IN FACT MURDER.

Does not matter if it can feel it or not, or if it cares. It is murdering it.

When it is an angel/spirit in heaven it WILL in fact feel the hurt of not being wanted. Just remember that you ARE murdering a innocent child, painless or not.

Disagree if you want. You will meet that child someday and see what you missed.

and if you do not want to be a teenage parent, DO NOT DO you-know-what with a boy...

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I Beleive you are killing your child. On purpose (unless its accidental miscarraige) killing some thing IS IN FACT MURDER.Does not matter if it can feel it or not, or if it cares. It is murdering it.

When it is an angel/spirit in heaven it WILL in fact feel the hurt of not being wanted. Just remember that you ARE murdering a innocent child, painless or not.

Disagree if you want. You will meet that child someday and see what you missed.

and if you do not want to be a teenage parent, DO NOT DO you-know-what with a boy...
I agree.

~ Xo.CeCe.oX

I Beleive you are killing your child. On purpose (unless its accidental miscarraige) killing some thing IS IN FACT MURDER.Does not matter if it can feel it or not, or if it cares. It is murdering it.

When it is an angel/spirit in heaven it WILL in fact feel the hurt of not being wanted. Just remember that you ARE murdering a innocent child, painless or not.

Disagree if you want. You will meet that child someday and see what you missed.

and if you do not want to be a teenage parent, DO NOT DO you-know-what with a boy...
I agree 100%!

I Beleive you are killing your child. On purpose (unless its accidental miscarraige) killing some thing IS IN FACT MURDER.Does not matter if it can feel it or not, or if it cares. It is murdering it.

When it is an angel/spirit in heaven it WILL in fact feel the hurt of not being wanted. Just remember that you ARE murdering a innocent child, painless or not.

Disagree if you want. You will meet that child someday and see what you missed.

and if you do not want to be a teenage parent, DO NOT DO you-know-what with a boy...
i agree 'cept for the part of feeling unwanted in heaven.

i believe (if you do go to heaven) that you wont feel pain or hurt, or sadness.

but besides that, you got tamaw/pants thoughts exactly. :)

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A fetus is not alive yet, so killing it wouldn't mean anything. Plus, women who go through a monthly cycle every month are killing eggs, right? So how is that any different?

Like said before, adoption isn't a good thing either, it could be forever until the child is adopted, and those adoption clinics look pretty disgusting to live in..

Having the baby if the women isn't the greatest thing either, because if the women can't afford to keep the baby, what will she do? Trashing it will cause charges against the mother and put her in jail if she is caught, and she probably has no family to give the baby to, and even if she did who would really want to take care of another child?

If the mother is a teenager, having a baby would be sorta like throwing her life away, but that's my opinion, nothing against teen parenting.

Anyway, that's my opinion on abortion, so I think it should be allowed.

A fetus is not alive yet, so killing it wouldn't mean anything. Plus, women who go through a monthly cycle every month are killing eggs, right? So how is that any different?
Like said before, adoption isn't a good thing either, it could be forever until the child is adopted, and those adoption clinics look pretty disgusting to live in..

Having the baby if the women isn't the greatest thing either, because if the women can't afford to keep the baby, what will she do? Trashing it will cause charges against the mother and put her in jail if she is caught, and she probably has no family to give the baby to, and even if she did who would really want to take care of another child?

If the mother is a teenager, having a baby would be sorta like throwing her life away, but that's my opinion, nothing against teen parenting.

Anyway, that's my opinion on abortion, so I think it should be allowed.
how would we know it they aren't "alive"?

they are there arent they?

and no, the monthly cycle doesnt not 'kill' because its not fermented yet.

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Well, a few things that shouldn't have been said. Not everyone believes in heaven (And I told tamaw/pants this :) ). I'm not saying that believing in heaven is wrong, just not everyone believes it exists (Like me). So what if there is no heaven? Nothing would happen. The fetus could have been saved from a lot of suffering. And if there IS a heaven, then I agree with tamaw/pants. I doubt there would be any suffering in heaven!

I also agree with tamtamkitty07. When women go through their "monthly cycle", they're flushing out the eggs that weren't fertilized. So is that the same thing? And if she DOES have an abortion when the baby is simply egg and not a fetus, then it's almost the same exact thing. And when a woman has a miscarriage and has to take out the baby, it's called the same thing. It's aborting the baby. Would you rather 2 things die rather than 1 in that case? You can't keep once fertilized eggs that didn't make it inside of you!

Sometimes women HAVE to have abortions for their OWN health, too. My neighbor has 2 kids. One (he's at least a one-year-old) is in the hospital and has had over 11 blood transfusions. The other one, a four-year-old (whom is good friends with my little sister) has been throwing up blood because she has a nose problem that is having blood drip down her throat and she throws it up. Kinda gruesome. But she just found out she's pregnant, too! And whenever she's pregnant, it's an automatic health risk to her AND her baby. She could die during childbirth, which could also kill the baby if the doctors don't get the baby out of her quickly. She could also die while carrying the baby, too. That would kill her AND the baby. So if she got an abortion, she would be saving a life--Hers. So what's better? Killing one little fetus that doesn't feel anything, or killing a full grown woman who feels things AND a little fetus that doesn't feel anything?

There was a kid at my old school who was adopted. He said that he and his sister were miserable in the orphanage. There were rats, bugs, there was water everywhere, and the living conditions were horrible. He said it was the worst experience of his life. So if you DO have the baby and put it in an orphanage, it could be even more miserable than if it wasn't even there.

I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone, I'm just trying to show you that sometimes people HAVE to abort the baby.

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well, murder or no, i would also rather be dead then not grow up in a loving home. if i didnt, i would feel unwanted, and that is the worst feeling in the world! i would hate to feel that every waking moment of my life.

and, if the child aspired to something, and didnt, thats too bad. we wont know what were missing.

tamakitty, yeah i know that, i was just stating my opinion like everyone else. :rolleyes:

I am for both sides.

Because sometimes if the baby is born on an "accident"and the mother and father are very young, inexperienced about how to raise a child, and don't have enough finnancial support, I think the baby would be better off with someone else.

Although, I do think it is wrong if they can get help from their parents to raise the child and have enough money. If they have both of those things, I think they just want to do that to make their life better, not for the child. To me that is selfish. Also, if they keep having abortions, then that is wrong.

To me, there are two reasonable sides for this,

depending on your situation.


A fetus is not alive yet, so killing it wouldn't mean anything. Plus, women who go through a monthly cycle every month are killing eggs, right? So how is that any different?
Like said before, adoption isn't a good thing either, it could be forever until the child is adopted, and those adoption clinics look pretty disgusting to live in..

Having the baby if the women isn't the greatest thing either, because if the women can't afford to keep the baby, what will she do? Trashing it will cause charges against the mother and put her in jail if she is caught, and she probably has no family to give the baby to, and even if she did who would really want to take care of another child?

If the mother is a teenager, having a baby would be sorta like throwing her life away, but that's my opinion, nothing against teen parenting.

Anyway, that's my opinion on abortion, so I think it should be allowed.
I agree a monthly cycle killing them too. and if you are aganst abortion, you should be against people making fetuses in a petre dish and trying to make them live. I will explain:

Some people who can't have kids decide to talk another way to have them and take the sperm and egg cell, put them together outside of the body in a lab, and put the feti back into the mother. Now if you are aganst abortion you should be aganst this too because most of the time the babys don't live and they die in the mother so that is like killing. i don't know what this is called but people do it.


I agree a monthly cycle killing them too. and if you are aganst abortion, you should be against people making fetuses in a petre dish and trying to make them live. I will explain:
Some people who can't have kids decide to talk another way to have them and take the sperm and egg cell, put them together outside of the body in a lab, and put the feti back into the mother. Now if you are aganst abortion you should be aganst this too because most of the time the babys don't live and they die in the mother so that is like killing. i don't know what this is called but people do it.

I am against that too. It's not fair to the child that COULD of made a difference in the world. You never would've known.

~ Xo.CeCe.oX

I am for both sides.Because sometimes if the baby is born on an "accident"and the mother and father are very young, inexperienced about how to raise a child, and don't have enough finnancial support, I think the baby would be better off with someone else.

Although, I do think it is wrong if they can get help from their parents to raise the child and have enough money. If they have both of those things, I think they just want to do that to make their life better, not for the child. To me that is selfish. Also, if they keep having abortions, then that is wrong.

To me, there are two reasonable sides for this,

depending on your situation.

Very interesting points :p

I also want to remind people, the body can also naturally abort a baby if something is wrong in the pregnancy. Friend of mine over a year or so ago slightly past the 3 month mark lost her baby, which sucked because she did want to bring it full term. That kind I rarely see people getting nasty about. It's basically the same thing. So reason's to abort for a woman are so far that I see in this topic...

-poor conditions to bring a child into the world and raise it effectively

-if mother is in danger physically with having this child (it can happen, some women have to give their unborn child up because they could die)

-body detects a problem in the body and naturally aborts it

-unable to do adoption

Up to the woman, at her discretion of course. No one can say with 100% accuracy or approval that a fertilized egg is alive or not.

Everyone has very valid points. But "What if it could make a difference in the world?" That sort of depends on the parents.

Intelligence is based on the parents' intelligence. If the parents are smart, the child will most likely be smart, too. If the parents are of average intelligence, the child will most likely be of average intelligence. People who work in labs trying to find cures for cancer are usually very intelligent. I'm not saying that people of average intelligence can't make a difference in the world, but the concept of certain things are harder for some people to grasp than others.

It also depends on the kid. What if the child dropped out of school? It would be pretty hard for them to find a cure for AIDs. And medical science can only go so far. What if it's impossible for there to be a cure when the child grows up? What if there can never be a cure? We never know. But not getting abortions won't help that problem. Not everyone will grow up to do something great, you know.

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