Your room


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I have to share a room with my little brother.

Its really messy and it isn't that big. Its so annoying.

I feel bad for who has to share a room. I had to, but my sister moved into her playroom in the basement. (yes, we both have a bedroom AND a playroom. Even my dad does, but not my mom. XD And yes, our basement is finished and awesome) I didn't really mind sharing a room. She was barely in the room anyway. She was always out with her boyfriend, in the kitchen, in the tv room (sometimes), or mostly in her playroom. (which is now her bedroom)

My room isn't THAT messy. It's just messy cuz I have SO many stuffed animals, that it isn't even funny. I love each and everyone, but they make my room kind of messy. I don't know if I'm gonna take a pic.

Last year I spongepainted my room. It's all blue, with butterflies and stars. It's kind of odd, but I like it. :p

My room?

It's light pink, messy, and has a drawer as well as a dresser. There's not really a place where you can't be sighted thanks to many windows, and it's pretty messy. ;)

I want to paint it orange when I'm older.

Cecib :)

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My room is supposed to be Asian themed. It's asian themed with a touch of morden style.

Its a mess though...


Carpet=Gray. xP

Me and my sister share a room. It's not that bad. But it's hard sometimes. x3

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I'm really pleased with my room! I moved here to the U.S. about 3 months ago so I had a chance to make the room I wanted! The theme is dark pink + white and there are lots of fluffy cushions and my fluffy cream rug and chair and a big multicoloured stripy lamp!!! There's a walk-in wardrobe where all your clothes light up and it's so cute! Yup, It's cool. x3

my room..

is small

and is littered with notebooks and clothes

I don't usually go in there

unless I'm going to sleep.. x3

My room is... well, see for yourself. :3

Well, I wanna type up the description anyway. x33

The walls are what I call periwinkle. Blueish purple.

The carpet is... pink. DD:

I have a desk. A dresser. A vanity-type thing with a mirror.

A night stand.

Oh, and a bed. x3

I have white closet doors where I usually hang my posters. Only right now it's bare.

I really need to get out to F.Y.E./Hot Topic and pick some up. When I do, I'll take pictures of my posters. :(

The floor is usually a mess with my clothes that I never feel like putting away.

From the doorway.

Night stand. :3

Coat rack I made last year. Never thought it'd be this handy. :(

Clothes on the floor. You can see part of my guitar case. :blink:

Desk (a bit blurry).


I have a tiny apartment. the one wall is completely covered with collage, and the other long wall with shelves, ferns and oil paintings. i love it!!! I have bought all m furniture in thrift stores, exept from my pillows and mattress :D

My bed is really an ugly pine cot, but covered with pillows and blankets, and i sleep under a poster that's followed me since i was 14 :D

There's a large shelf full of weird books, and instead of curtains there are indoor vines.

the kitchen is little, but cozy. i wish for a bigger fridge though, one with a freezer so i can store my ice cream at home and not at my friends'. :)

And i have cable tv!!! what do you think of THAT!

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What a nice room. Like your laptop and bed.

My room is a mess, and I am soo glad I don't have to share a room anymore.

My room is in the middle of being painted. It's half white and half purple right now.

All of my belongings have been moved to the middle so it looks messy.

We're redoing my room, so when we're done painting and my walls are going to be devoured by band posters. :3

The "theme" is going to be music and photography. I want to take a bunch of pictures and put them everywhere.

My room is purple and has two of almost everything.

I don't share a bedroom but I have two beds.

I have two house phones..two TVs, two dressers, two closets and two desks.

My family always gets new furniture for their room and they leave all the unused junk in my room. =.=

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