Your Tamagotchi Wishlist (remake)


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Mar 22, 2017
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It’s about time a thread was started up again for what all you lovely tamaholics have on your wishlists! I’ve lately been fixating on this because dogsitting has given me quite the funds but then I want to ease off and not become too consumerist XD (especially since I’ve gotten some recent colour tamas) Anyway, tell us what’s on your Tamagotchi/virtual pet wishlist! Do share the reason you want that particular version/model as that makes sharing all the more relatable.

Let me start. Suffice to say, my wishlist has seriously grown since I got into Vpets back 2-3 years ago. I want ones from every era so I’ll start with the vintages:

*Morino - Preferably the splotched leaves design as its very summery and classic. This tama has recently captured my attention as back last summer when I’d do course work out in the backyard, I though how fitting it would be to have a little bug companion. Originally I didn’t like the idea of raising bugs but the whole seasonal routine aspect made me have second thoughts. Since most vintage tamas are themed, their novelty is akin to oddpets which is another point in their favour.

*Genjitchi - No shell choice here but whateva. The idea of raising a caveman is so funny and that characters available look pretty cute. I was hesitant to put this on my wishlist originally as listings for it on Ebay were pretty steep – at least back in that frame of mind as my concept of a “fair price” has significantly adjusted. Japan You Want and maybe, for once, trying to scout Ebay for longer than a day should probably turn up much more reasonable prices.

Now onto Connection models!

*Hanerutchi 2 - I really don’t know what shell I want this in as if I got red, it would definitely match with my long-living Hanerutchi 1, Sotilde. But if I got blue, it would be a visual separation from Sotilde’s role as my tama companion. In the end, I’ll probably get whatever shell colour is cheaper. As one might guess, I primarily want the Hanerutchi 2 to be able to see the other Hanerutchi characters that have been locked off from me due to taking the long-living oldie route with my Hanerutchi 1. Another bonus is unlike the previous version, the Hanerutchi 2 allows all characters to be achieved without a second device. Additionally, I haven’t experienced the Entama program so this will certainly be a new experience.

*V2 - No shell specification as connection shells are so vast and I’m more concerned about the price. The V2 has a good mix of vintage and modern characters as well as the shop function, which makes it a bit more entertaining. I have a V3 (my first tama!) so the V2 will no doubt become an alternative model.

*V1 - Once again, no specifications on shells for the exact same reason. The V1 seems to be in that loving midway between eras and is pretty much a vintage port. It doesn’t have a shop and the character pool seems to be as rigid as an original tamagotchi. This version primarily caught me eye because it has that borrowed nostalgia, historical quality of being the Tamagotchi early TamaTalkers were clamouring for. Back when TamaTalk was started, the V1 was the most recent Tamagotchi and the very model that was used for one of the first group hatches . My first tama was a V3 and thus connections have a special place in my heart. Thus, getting any connection is especially lovely.

Now onto colour models. These have somewhat low priority for me – perhaps going much lower as I have 4 colours now – since they are new and thus plentiful on the second-hand market.

*ID Station - This only came in one shell and is a spin-off device. It is somewhat obscure so I really have no idea what price it goes for. My ID was my first colour Tamagotchi because I found it so cheaply on Ebay. Most people pass it over for the IDL because the ID has less content. But, with the ID Station which can send content to the ID, I can make my ID even better. Additionally, the ID Station is pretty huge so it’ll have the same charm as owning a Deka Tama.

*IDL - Judging from my actual wishlist document, I orginally wanted any shell but pink or white. Now I’m a bit less picky and would go with whatever. As one might guess, I want to try the IDL because I hear it is a better version than the ID.

*4U+ - I was looking into getting the Sky Blue shell as blue is my favourite colour. It really stands out against the warmer colour options but both the Lime Green and Peach Orange shells look nice too. Similar to the case with the IDL, I got the less-content 4U because it was cheaper so now I’m interested in the better version. Additionally, the 4U is locked off from my other colours due to the connection medium so the 4U+ will allow me to see connections.

*P’s - Yellow is a nice shell colour for this version so that will be my preferred shell. I here it has allot of preloaded content and is one of the recommended versions. The “pierce” expansion packs are also interesting but the price is very halting for what they are. Really shouldn’t matter with the actual content of the device.

Now onto uncharted territory: Oddpets! I keep buying cheap oddpets off Japan You Want so I really wonder when I will actually clear out this list XD

*Super Gyaoppi - I have little shell preferences for oddpets as they are often not that common, so it’s a “whatever you get” situation. I was recommended this version by Penguin-keeper (she’s also logged it, too!) as a decent multipet. I’m most excited for the cat growth line as I have yet to get a decent kitty Vpet.

*Digimon - I wanted this one more for its historical significance of being a contemporary to the original Tamagotchi. It can run for high prices except on Japan You Want, which persuaded me to add it to my wishlist. It appears to be genuinely well received and since I watched the first anime as a kid, some of the characters are familiar. One drawback to the Digimon is that the connection battle feature is needed to achieve some evolutions. However, that is only three post-adult evolutions which isn’t much compared to all the others. There seem to be a couple versions of the original but any version like it is fine with me.

*Yuki Penguin - In the same family as the Dinkie Dino and is known for being a quality version. In general, Dinkie pets are known to have great programming and since this one is less duplicated than its cousin, I have a greater chance in getting a real one. Also, penguins are cute.

*Dinkie Dino - I wanted this for the same reasons as the Yuki Penguin. Also, from what I’ve seen, it is quite cute.

Whoo, that’s all for now. Eventually I probably go after a V6/Music Star, an On, and maybe a Tama-go and Umino. Oddpets, of course, are always appealing to me and bit by bit my collection is shaping up into one owned by those incredible enthusiasts. Now I want to know, what do the rest of you have on your wishlists?

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Interesting seeing your wishlist, hopfully you can get your P’s soon because I’m sure you will enjoy it.  ;)

The only version that is on my wishlist at the moment is the Tamagotchi Devil, I love the idea that you should take care of a small devil, and the fact that it interacts with the players and playing pranks on them is fascinating to me!  :D

I’ve been hesitant of getting one, we all know how expensive it is, and aslo of the very popular issue that it’s known for, which is the broken screws!

If the right time comes, I will consider looking for the half-purple half-white shell, second option will be the black shell. 

That’s all for my wishlist.  ^_^

My wishlist doesn't actually have any Tamagotchis on it right now!

All that I'm currently waiting for is the GigaPetsAR penguin that was teased back when the Giga Pets line was revived. Assuming that it will actually see release, it'll be the first dedicated penguin virtual pet in decades, as far as I know.

And, sure, I could go for any of the currently-available GigaPetsAR offerings in order to add one to my collection right now, but for as hilarious as a smug dabbing unicorn is, what caught my interest in the first place was the penguin, so I'd rather wait for that. :p

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I only have one tama right now, but I really hope my mom will let me get the My Tamagotchi Forever app on her phone.

Another tama I want is a color tama. They are pretty expensive, but I have a tama from when my mom was a kid (she's 47) so I want to get one of the newer ones.

Aww, a tama from your mom? That's so cute and I'm sure some of us tama-fans wish we could pass our tamas down to our kids (or maybe we're too greedy :nazotchi: ). Japan You Want is a reputable Tamagotchi store which often sells used colour tamas at reasonable prices of around $25-$35 USD. Shipping is $8 USD and things usually come pretty fast. The ID/IDL are great introductory colour models and especially since the programming of the vintage versions really differs from the newer models (if you had a connection, it would be less of a jump).

A red super gyaoppi, since I had one as a kid, but stupidly threw it out because the batteries leaked and didn't know you could fix it at the time.

*Digimon - I wanted this one more for its historical significance of being a contemporary to the original Tamagotchi. It can run for high prices except on Japan You Want, which persuaded me to add it to my wishlist. It appears to be genuinely well received and since I watched the first anime as a kid, some of the characters are familiar. One drawback to the Digimon is that the connection battle feature is needed to achieve some evolutions. However, that is only three post-adult evolutions which isn’t much compared to all the others. There seem to be a couple versions of the original but any version like it is fine with me.
If you're also interested in the gameplay, the anniversary releases are quite similar and the added mechanics make it more enjoyable to run that the original.

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