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Sandshark 23

Well-known member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Australia, New South Wales
Just wondering...If you have seen any cool vids, post the link to the vid on here.

I have a few:

// Have a look at the most dangerous amusement park in the world!*
Bowling with people The name says it all! have a look at people getting run over by a roller coaster!*

*Link Removed. Thanks for suggesting to remove this link Sweet Kandi.*

What are your fave's?

*This is not real. It is made by a game called Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. No one dies.

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yay first to reply!

well have you watched naruto?

or princce of tennis?

and theres another website for animes ill tell you one!

my favortie its

While I find the videos amusing, you might want to take the last one off.

Even though you don't want people to get offended, they will. Not only because of what they're claiming, but because of the swearing. This is a PG site.

The roller coaster videos are funny though X3

That is so funny! :lol: but poor kitty, someone must've done something to make him angry.

if you type in lion attack there's a lion attacking hunters.

But it dies... I saw it at school.

I would post the link but it also has swearing in it

yay first to reply!well have you watched naruto?

or princce of tennis?

and theres another website for animes ill tell you one!

my favortie its
Yes I made some Naruto videos.

Omg! Type in Muffins!! HA! and shoes but that has swears so just type in muffins and my hands are bananas

I copied this off of my away message of of my email.

i didnt feel like read typing it! lol, lazyness is sad.

NOTE: if you dont like rock, you probably wont like these songs! lol

The Last Night:

its kinda fuzzy, but its still pretty good.

i love that song ^^


// its awsome there are girl drummer and girl guitar/piano/singer.


inspiration! great song too. and good music video


the music video is sad, the dad abuses the two boys so you probably dont want to watch it. just listen. it made me sad

neways its the song on my binder, one of my fav.! ^^

love it!

{those are by skillet. they=<3!}

Breathe Into Me:

i <3 this song to! ^^

you might not like the music video.

i highly doubt your a rocker (lol) so you might not like it, but still.

Red rox sox too!

{that one is by Red}

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