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If everyone voted for the underdog, no one would win. o_O

I don't mind as much that Zelda lost to Samus Aran. Samus Aran is a bounty hunter and Zelda gets kidnapped by Ganondorf, so.... I can't say that this was surprising.

This topic is getting chitchatty again.

What age were you when you started playing Zelda? Not necessarily when you found out about it, but when you picked up a controller (or system) and played?

I was...12 when I started.

Samus is the greatest heroine ever. Play a Metroid game. She's great.

Started playing? 11-12. I can't remember if it was after my birthda -- Yes. It was. So I was 12 when I played my first Zelda game.

Now I heard about Zelda when I was probably 5. xD

Yes, brothers are most of the time amazing. x3
Welcome to the club! You are now a Ganondork. -lowersswordtoBubbi'sshoulder- Okay. Now you're official. xD

I need a Zelda ringtone... hmm.
Yesh. I totally understand. xD

Awesome, I'm a Ganondork! xD Yes, I'm getting Twilight Princess on Wednesday... probably. =3

I started when I was 9? Well, when my brother was 13. =)

When i first played zelda...

not that long ago actually, i think i was 13.

but im like completely obsessed with it now!

Hi So Random.x!

welcome :D

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The first time I heard of the series WAS the first time I picked up a controller. I started when i was about 6 with Wind Waker. My dad bought it for me and I had no clue what it was until I played it. I'm so grateful that my dad bought me that game!! x)

So Random.x; first of all, what should I call you? Your username's kind of a mouthful. xD And keep us posted on where you are in Twilight Princess, I actually just played it recently, too. I didn't get it until the beginning of this school year. Are you getting Wii or GC version??

Sorry for the double post, but no one's posted here for a few days. o: so i'm bumping it. C'mon ganondorks, don't let this topic die! D:

I reeeeealy wanna say Tingle, but he actually plays a role in the game with maps and charts and whatnot. Oh, in OoT that guy who buys stuff from you that you have in bottles. He's like "Sell me something with ©. Please...sell something...with ©...." It's so annoying. xP That same person is also in Majora's Mask, but is the banker so he's actually useful. OH, and the guy in Wind Waker who just tells you his sob story and hates mailmen. I'm sure there are so many more. I want to say Midna too, but she is actually of some help throughout the game, when she's not being insulting.

^ I took a liking to that guy that pats his thighs in OoT. xDDDDD He is useful in MM, though.

Midna's extremely useful. I don't dislike her as much as I used to though, haha.

Tons of the characters are useless, but they're very fun and add so much humor and.. variation, if you will, to the game. :3 One of my favorites is Sakon from MM. He's also the guy that runs around the OoT Castle Town saying, "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!" Alice in Wonderland, much? Lol, but I love Sakon. My brother drew him for me on my birthday last year. It was hilarious.

^Lol, yeah I remember that guy. Oh, I also didn't get why that old wizard-looking guy kept wandering around in Kakariko Village in OoT. He said something about a storm or something, I forget.

Yes, I will admit Midna's useful, but I still don't like her. And Navi was more useful because she actually told you how to beat the enemies. Tatl, too, but she's kind of mean compared to Navi. Navi was annoying at first, but I learned to really like her.

Yeah, those kinds of characters add humor to the story even if they're useless. I thought Beedle from Wind Waker was hilarious. If you buy enough stuff to get a complementary card, you know what he does? He compliments you, and that's IT. It was disappointing, but also reeealy hilarious. xD

True, she is... Never really thought of that before. And Kristin, were you being sarcastic or not? Lol.

I met a new Zelda fan today. 8D I was like, "FSJSAJEFI. SISTER!"

Oh and I was kissing up to my mom this afternoon. So I said, "Mom. You know who's a jewel in my life?" Referring to her. My brother interrupts and says, "Link?" I. Died. xDDDD

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You got him? Congrats, Kristin! 8DD I hate it when I'm stuck on a boss forEVER.

So woot. *parties*

My brother told me that I could play his Spirit Tracks game. I'm going to very soon, but I want to finish a different DS game first. x3

TK wrote me a story:

Once upon a time there was a princess named Krystal. She was held captive from the evil Anti-Fangirl dragons. Then, out of nowhere, the two goregous men known as Link and Howl came on Howl's castle, and Link saved Krystal on Epona. She lived happily ever after. The end.

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